Go Beyond
Member Since: 30 Jan 2012
Location: Headcorn, Kent
Posts: 6678

Me neither 
18th Feb 2013 1:42pm |
Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
Location: High Wycombe
Posts: 941

GUM97 wrote:Go Beyond wrote:
PS isn't Lish young 
And I'm even younger Spotted him on the way out actually
I was with my Dad, and after you'd talked to him about dash options, he said to me "Have you bought my birthday present yet?"
Stand was great by the way 
haha, great to shake a hand Matt. Unfortunately at work i'm known as the baby faced assassin .
Great show and nice to speak to quite a few of the sponsors. Got a lot of prep work to think of for the Overland conversion, pity there weren't as many roof tents on show as I would have liked. Some interesting companies that I had not heard of before and also some that were completely useless when I mentioned I owned a Land Rover, mainly catering for Mitsubishi's and Nissan's. Suppose it was a 4x4 show and not a Land Rover show.
Will definately do the 2 hour each way trip next year. ===================================
90 xs sw in Stonoway Grey - Sold
18th Feb 2013 3:10pm |
Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

Nobody mentioned the car parks - some interesting vehicles and bits of kit 
18th Feb 2013 11:31pm |