Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17475
ericvv wrote:Tks for that suggestion, tried it, but it is not like that. I can without a problem pry off the front part of the switch, the part which you push in/out. But then behind it is the actual switch housing with on the left side in the back the mini light bulb visible. To replace it you have to access the rear part of the housing though.
And even if there is a part which gives a good grip for a pair of plyers to try to pull the damn thing out, it won't budge at all.... So seems access via the rear is the only option.
I'm sorry (and surprised) that my suggestions didn't work for you - it works on mine! Prehaps my switch is a looser fit in the dash than yours.
28th Jun 2012 3:28pm |
Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20487
blackwolf wrote:You certainly don't have to remove the dash, and you may not even have to remove the radio.
You can probably very carefully pop the switch forwards out of its aperture in the panel using a small screwdriver, or better still a pair of paperclips bent into hooks. If it won't come out this way (and it woudl be surprising if it didn't), then pull the radio out so that you can stick your hand in the radio slot and push the switch out from behind. It shouldn't be necessary to disconnect the radio unless you aftermarket unit has resulted in the harness becoming shortened.
I aggree that would work. When I took mine out I found it easy enough to push them out accidentally never mind taking them out. Saying that now I have a little dim spot lift in the dash in the dark 99% sure it's a radio cable in the way. Mine has loads of them No Guts, No Glory.
28th Jun 2012 5:47pm |