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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
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Cyper attack and it's consequences.
My daughter who has special needs developed an absess in her mouth on her gum. Dentist could not tackle the tooth until the absess had gone so a course of antibiotics was prescribed. In the meantime a cyberware attack had been launched on our healthcare computer system . Things were grinding to a halt. My daughter's abcess had gone but the dentist needed an xray but could not get one as the cyberware attack had messed our health system up. The abcess returned so another course of antibiotics was prescribed for my daughter.
We were told to take her to the dentist when the swelling went down, which it did. The dentist could see a tooth that needed removed so so tackled it. My wife was with my daughter and said it was a difficult job. When I am at the dentist, I can't wait to get out. When the dentist had finished extracting my daughter's tooth, even though my daughter had tears in her eyes she hugged the dentist and her assistant.
The dentist said more work needs done but she will try to get it done in a hospital (80 mile round trip) under anaesthetic. This cannot be done until our health care computer system is back to normal and that could take a long time....
Yep it is always the weak who suffer in these things. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
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Post #906120 2nd Jun 2021 9:40am
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
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United Kingdom 
one lad at college was kicked off the course for computer hacking, We were doing the comptia A+ which is computer tech course, worth the square root of bot all. I later found out, Anyway people like that really need to step away from computers as like you say its others that suffer badly. We all ended up been tarred with the same brush, until one of the lads said, why should we all suffer cause of his arsehole, pratting about. ( he was my age at the time 35) He used Ebay as source of income at the time too, and he was later targeted by the same arsehole, just for his number. He gave the lad one hell of a warning, he would come around his place with a bus of lads, which would take pleasure on smashing his PCs to pieces and hold him while his fingers got broken one by one.
The lad was 17 at the time, so i suspect its some kid around that age or maybe younger playing about. They are learning programming at school now. Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

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Post #906237 2nd Jun 2021 11:20pm
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Member Since: 21 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I hope your daughter gets her treatment soon, Spudfan. The idiots who do this kind of thing thinks it is clever but they don't realise the human cost at the sharp end Sad

As our world becomes more and more reliant on 'the internet of things' we will all be fair game to these people.

There are stories all the time about security floors in very mundane products. If your internet controlled fridge shuts down after it is hacked, this will be an expensive inconvenience to most. For me it would be a disaster as I store temperature controlled medication in my fridge (I don't have an internet controlled fridge by the way!)

Ransomware seems to be the big problem at present. Russia seems to be blamed. I'm not so sure it is always Russia. As Procta says, I am sure there are plenty of people around the world, not just Russia who have the knowledge to extract money out of companies.

Imagine how many people would go cold if something like a Hive system got hacked and stopped central heating systems working in the middle of the winter?
Post #906238 2nd Jun 2021 11:39pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Sadly they’re not idiots. They’re intelligent individuals, whose inherent skills lie in tech rather than cutting coke or smuggling humans. Some are clearly on a spectrum (asperger’s commonly) but most are normal and prefer to use their abilities in crime rather than for good deeds, because the money is quicker/easier. No different to a recently graduated scientist cooking up meth rather than doing research. And then of course their are the state actors (Russia, China, N Korea, Iran) behind them who give them the tech and funds to do what they want. Healthcare will always be a target because it is so emotive, it hits people’s lives very, very personally. In very simplified terms, and not to dismiss the seriousness of the situation for Spudfan and his daughter, but it’s the same as unions choosing to strike on the underground at Christmas; it gets a reaction, quickly. Same in this instance. No one cares if the local concrete suppliers have their supply mix messed up, or a factory stops making chicken nuggets for a day or two, but they do care, immediately, when health, family and loved ones are involved, personally.

Anyway, hope she’s well SpudFan and continuing to enjoy her Def. Thumbs Up Monsieur Le Grenadier

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2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #906250 3rd Jun 2021 5:30am
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Member Since: 10 Mar 2013
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Posts: 172

Sadly they’re not idiots. They’re intelligent individuals

Unfortunately, they aren't individuals - they are fairly well organised criminal gangs who are doing this 'for a living'. A lot of the organised crime gangs have realised that the risk vs. reward in cyber attacks is much better than the things you would traditionally associate with them like people trafficking, drugs, bank robberies etc. With minimum outlay you can send a million spam emails, phish someones bank account and steal all their money or hold an organisation to ransom, from anywhere in the world with little chance of being traced or arrested.
Post #906276 3rd Jun 2021 7:56am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4739

Grenadier wrote:
Sadly they’re not idiots. They’re intelligent individuals, whose inherent skills lie in tech rather than cutting coke or smuggling humans. Some are clearly on a spectrum (asperger’s commonly) but most are normal and prefer to use their abilities in crime rather than for good deeds, because the money is quicker/easier. No different to a recently graduated scientist cooking up meth rather than doing research. And then of course their are the state actors (Russia, China, N Korea, Iran) behind them who give them the tech and funds to do what they want. Healthcare will always be a target because it is so emotive, it hits people’s lives very, very personally. In very simplified terms, and not to dismiss the seriousness of the situation for Spudfan and his daughter, but it’s the same as unions choosing to strike on the underground at Christmas; it gets a reaction, quickly. Same in this instance. No one cares if the local concrete suppliers have their supply mix messed up, or a factory stops making chicken nuggets for a day or two, but they do care, immediately, when health, family and loved ones are involved, personally.

Anyway, hope she’s well SpudFan and continuing to enjoy her Def. Thumbs Up

There are patients who have had treatment for cancer etc cancelled. Files cannot be accessed as everything is on computer. Medical histories cannot be accesed to ascertain what medication people have been on etc. It seems trying to go back to using the paper files is proving time consuming and using up lots of time. My case is only a small issue but it just shows how dependent society has become on computers and electronic storage. Years ago we were told computers would do away with paperwork. Now over here they are trying to reactivate the paperwork system but it is verytime consuming and hitting people badly.
Anyway my older daughter is the one with the Defender and she lives away from home. It is our younger daughter with the special who lives with us who is affected but things seem to be going not too badly. I am just about to put up a post regarding my daughter with the Defender, which I hope will be of interest. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #906310 3rd Jun 2021 12:12pm
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