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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4742

A strange occurance on the hills
This occured a few years ago. I was out on the hills. I'd come over two heights and was sitting down on my third having some tea and sandwiches before turning and hitting the homeward leg. It was a bright sunny day (yep we do get them occasionally) but there was a bitterly cold north wind blowing. I was just finishing the victuals when I noticed a couple, who were a few years older than me, come up over the brow and onto the summit. They had come up to this height from below which was a fairly steep pull. Clearly it was a one peak job. They headed to my left to the trig pillar and passed out of my vision and out of my mind. I finished packing and turned to head back with the heartening thought that the wind would be at my back unlike earlier when I was hacking in to it.
I had to pass the trig station on my way and there were the couple...naked. Yep absolutely starkers. Don't forget the aforementioned strong north wind. I had my hood up and a wooly hat on. Needless to say I was intrigued by the spectacle. From what I could gather they were going to photograph each other at the trig station, in the nude. Intrigued as I was I left them to it and was continuing on my way when the woman noticed me and called me over making hand signals. So over I went.
Seems from an early age they climbed local heights when on holiday and celebrated by taking a nude photograph of themselves at the highest point. Anyway the woman asked me if I would do the honours and take one of the two of them together at the trig station. Naturally enough I agreed. I did my duty then headed on my merry way.
Now all I will say about this incident is that the cold north wind was not doing the husband any favours ( Whistle ).The woman on the other hand, well if she had been a Land Rover I'd be eulogising over the great condition of the chassis, bodywork and suspension .
Anytime I am up there on a bright sunny day and I pass the trig station the incident always springs to mind. Funnily enough if I am up on a wet day it never occurs to me. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #901901 7th May 2021 1:58pm
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Member Since: 19 Aug 2018
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 3698

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Loire Blue
Should have asked if she’d mind you taking a pic for yourself as well!
Post #901903 7th May 2021 2:21pm
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Member Since: 22 May 2010
Location: Guildford
Posts: 2655

England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 HT Epsom Green
During the lockdown of last year I was watching this live cam as it was somewhere I had been in the past.

The chair lift was not working as the resort had closed, however some intrepid skiers had walked up to then skied back down.

Well, as I was watching this bloke arrived, he got his kit off, boots and skies on then skied away………..being in the Tetons the weather is bleeding cold….crazy…. Shocked

Post #901914 7th May 2021 4:45pm
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