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Member Since: 14 Sep 2019
Location: Stavanger
Posts: 79

Norway 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
2.2 EGR Cooler leak
Car: 110, 2013, 2.2TDCi, millage 120kkm.

Background story:
EGR valve replaces, as producing check engine regularly, it was done by previous owner just before I bough it. First replacement from new, around 100kkm millage. I used car few months, about 10kkm. After long ride from Norway to Poland (1300km), 120-130 on the highway I started to have the same issue. UG connected, reported P0405 error, no check engine, cleaning from 'Pending' list by itself. Quite regular, then stays as permanent error and check engine appears. Finally EGR valve tested and decided to replace it. New EGR valve has different part nr than one already installed, service explained there were 3 versions, last one recommended as most reliable.

When they mounted it, one of gasket starts to make some additional 'bzzzzz' noise with higher torque, so new one has been ordered. I was told I can use the car, simply ignoring the sound. In the meantime ordered gasket was incorrect, so another waiting (parts ordered from UK to Norway, some days or weeks unfortunately). Car used few weeks with like that, in the meantime -10-15 Celsius overnight for few days (not sure if that could have any influence). Last days I had longer trip for winterbreak, again some -10-15C in mountains. Travelling back, after around 250km I start observing that coolant temperature raise. Slowly, just from 90C to 92-93C, but was pretty stable before, so I start worry. Temperature goes down when give more relax to the engine, however mountain condition doesn't help. When it gets to 95-96 I stopped,having 100C highest for some seconds. I found there is missing coolant , and I had to add more than 1,5L to the mark. Couldn't see any leak clearly. After that drove without the issue next 60-70km home. Next morning I found some small water marks under the car, back of engine. Level was a little bit lower than before, means there is definitely a leak. No oil in water, no water in oil. No smoke from exhaust, no bubbles in coolant. There is a hope I didn't burn the head gasket, although no easy way to check it.

As I had appointment to replace mentioned gasket I bring car into the service. They told the leak is from EGR Cooler, and they had to remove it to check with pressure, as a leak is somewhere inside, not easy to verify. Currently I have bypass installed instead and no leak (I hope). Tried to ask about any correlation between the fact EGR valve has been replaced, everything around touched to remove/check the gasket, so potentially another issue with the same area can be caused because of previous service. But they refused, telling that is it just coincident. They also mentioned it is quite rare the EGR Cooler leaks, but also in case of smal leaks cannot be easy detectable, because it will immediately evaporate.

Now questions
- Can I drive with EGR Cooler bypass without any issue? That means for me I'm not cooling something which by design should be. Service told it is "only" about more dirty gases, but will not break anything. As I was naive enough before with the gasket, and now have $$ to pay for another broken part, I'm not really sure....
- Could EGR valve replacement and service around it (as I understand not easy access etc) cause the EGR Cooler starts leak inside?
- Or other way around - could EGR cooler leak before already causing EGR Valve failure?
- Should I still be afraid about head gasket, as EGR Cooler leak can mean the water breaks into the engine? How to check it?

Previously the temperatures (read from UG) were about 89C, then 90-92 when engine was loaded (higher gear, up to the hill etc). I would say UG save me anyway, as build in temp meter didn't react at all, although temperatures varied between 90-100.

I'm not happy as EGR Cooler is priced even higher than EGR Valve. And overall prices in Norway are not very friendly Wink

Any commends/suggestion are welcome. I read some other topics about EGR Cooler, looks like it could leak, no info about correlation with valve failure/replacement.
Post #890505 10th Mar 2021 5:36pm
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Member Since: 28 Feb 2014
Location: Aberdeenshire
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Scotland 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Orkney Grey
I wouldn't worry about those temperaturers. Mine in the summer months runs between 94 and 97 and occasionally hits 100 on a hill.
Post #890511 10th Mar 2021 5:51pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2019
Location: Stavanger
Posts: 79

Norway 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
Newer had such high temperature with normal driving, even on German highway last summer with about 30C outside and relatively high speed. But I assume up to 100-105, if not very long time, engine should survive without the issues.
Post #890541 10th Mar 2021 7:11pm
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Member Since: 04 Sep 2015
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Scotland 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Corris Grey
I've had it bypassed on transits with no issues same 2.2 engine
Post #890802 11th Mar 2021 6:47pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2019
Location: Stavanger
Posts: 79

Norway 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
Just to close the topic. EGR cooler has been replaces. Went into small battle with my dealer, as they try to sell part with some crazy price. Finally was much closer to the "ok". And as I expected, although LR box, new part (and old as well) was just regular FoMoCo part.

Conclusion - when replacing the EGR, it is probably worth to replace the EGR Cooler, to avoid dual work.
Post #909053 23rd Jun 2021 8:35am
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2018
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United Kingdom 
I’ve changed the EGR on my 2.2 with no subsequent issues or need to change the cooler, so I don’t think it’s something that should / needs be done at the same time. Noting the cooler does not need to be removed to replace the EGR.

Oldyellar. I thought removing the egr and blanking on a 2.2 was problematic as it works in conjunction with the DPF via the ECU.. So what was the process used on the 2.2 transits?
Post #909094 23rd Jun 2021 12:28pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2019
Location: Stavanger
Posts: 79

Norway 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Keswick Green
The only I know there are some companies which has replacement of EGR Cooler together with EGR valve with their standard EGR replacement procedure. I can only assume that because EGR Valve has been replaced twice, and service has to wait for some gasket/sealing between EGR valve and cooler, while they allowed me to drive the car and I was at that time in mointains, reaching real winter, maybe I 'helped' to finish the EGR cooler.

I believe the "bypassing" we discussed here was about the EGR Cooler, not necessary about EGR itself. Then it is easy to do - just shortage of coolant pipies, to avoid them going thru the EGR cooler.

I would assume these to parts are separated and their failure shouldn't corelate, but in my case it does and it's pity service didn't find it immediately, so I could avoid dubble work/cost.

And EGR Valve story not finished. After 3kkm of replacement, and after few hundred km on the highway with high speed, I have again P0405 pending error and from time to time check engine. Exactly the same habbit like before. More funny - after long drive and ferry trip (I assume very wet environment ) I got P0404 error this time, but after clearing him few times it never pops up again. P0405 cames regularly, almost at any ride. I starting to think it could be an electrical issue rather than EGR valve itself, but not sure what should I check first...
Post #914587 29th Jul 2021 10:10am
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