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Member Since: 30 Jun 2020
Location: Elche
Posts: 68

First Post: I am an ex Defender 90&110 TD5's owner and due to working in Mexico for the past 6 years have not been able to own one for several reasons. Being completed underwhelmed by the New Defender on its reveal I had lost all interest, but the teaser picture of the Grenadier has excited me, and if the rest of the vehicle looks as good then I will order one when they are available in Spain. I am praying it is everything the the Defender replacement should have been and I hope Gerry chokes on his morning cuppa on Wednesday and is sacked in the afternoon.
Post #840584 30th Jun 2020 2:09am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
Pacha wrote:
EV infrastructure is pretty much non-existent currently which is not likely to be any better for a while yet (years).

Not accordingly to any numbers of sources:

"UK has more EV charging stations than petrol stations" ~ from August 2019.

I can remember reading about this at the time it made the press and I thought like you as I'd never really seen any on my local jaunts. I consulted one of the maps and found 15 within a few miles. I even drove to my closest one to check it out. I'd been driving past it a few times a week and never seen it. Most just don't have the visual impact a petrol station does.

Now I know what to look for, I see them everywhere.
Post #840599 30th Jun 2020 7:12am
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Member Since: 16 Nov 2015
Location: Highlands
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United Kingdom 
Most petrol stations can refuel eight or more cars every few minutes, each charging station takes at least half an hour to charge one. Not only that, but then it needs recharging before the traditional car needs refuelling. We still have a VERY long way to go. 80" 1948
Lightweight V8
Bowler Tomcat
130 Station wagon
90 300tdi
(Santana PS10 pick up)
Range Rover L322 (Ful fat)
Post #840602 30th Jun 2020 7:17am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
90 Dreamer wrote:
EV (and Hybrid EV in particular) is simply another 'diesel gate' whilst they kick the can further down the road in the name of the "environment"........

Back to the butcher's bike then...

Unless them tyres are made of rubber from the Firestone plantation in Liberia...
Post #840603 30th Jun 2020 7:18am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
Pilgrimmick wrote:
Most petrol stations can refuel eight or more cars every few minutes, each charging station takes at least half an hour to charge one. Not only that, but then it needs recharging before the traditional car needs refuelling. We still have a VERY long way to go.

How many people have a refuelling station at home for a petrol car?
How many people have a refuelling station at home for an electric car?

How many people have a refuelling station at work for a petrol car?
How many people have a refuelling station at work for an electric car?

Better still how many people have a oil well/refinery in their back garden?
Better still how many people have solar power on their roof?

The way people are using electric vehicles, the true average daily drive stats, means that 300 mile plus range is actually not required for the norm. For those that sit in those non~normative clusters, there are higher range vehicles or petrol/diesel.
Post #840607 30th Jun 2020 7:31am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
I hope that the Grenadier team have made the wing-top from a material which is more dent-resistant than the later Defender wing. It's very disappointing just how easily the wing-tops dent, Series wings didn't!
Post #840624 30th Jun 2020 8:11am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
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Post #840634 30th Jun 2020 8:40am
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Member Since: 24 Jul 2016
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
Supacat wrote:
Pilgrimmick wrote:
Most petrol stations can refuel eight or more cars every few minutes, each charging station takes at least half an hour to charge one. Not only that, but then it needs recharging before the traditional car needs refuelling. We still have a VERY long way to go.

How many people have a refuelling station at home for a petrol car?
How many people have a refuelling station at home for an electric car?

How many people have a refuelling station at work for a petrol car?
How many people have a refuelling station at work for an electric car?

Better still how many people have a oil well/refinery in their back garden?
Better still how many people have solar power on their roof?

The way people are using electric vehicles, the true average daily drive stats, means that 300 mile plus range is actually not required for the norm. For those that sit in those non~normative clusters, there are higher range vehicles or petrol/diesel.

I agree. My wife does a 30 mile round trip for work. Electric would be ideal. However, 3 or 4 times a year we need the car to do a 600 mile round trip in something a bit other than the Defender. That's the problem bit. That said, by the time our two diesel vehicles are ready to be scrapped, electric should have advanced further and the infrastructure improve.
Post #840640 30th Jun 2020 9:09am
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
Location: Lancashire
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
I think that is the issue with the way EV are being pushed. 100 miles a day is probably fine for the average person, but people aren't average all the time. Most of the the time an EV would be ideal for us, but in normal times we go and visit our in-laws in France at least twice a year for example. At the minute we can do that 650-ish mile trip in a day. But, if I had something like a Nissan Leaf how would I make that journey? Would probably have to rent a different car or make it a 2 day journey. 2007 110 TDCi Station Wagon XS
Post #840643 30th Jun 2020 9:26am
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
Location: Surrey
Posts: 11324

United Kingdom 
It's an issue of mindset. The idea of renting a bigger car for the odd excursion is eminently practical but we've got used to being 'self-sufficient' in having a vehicle that does everything that we might ever need. Partly, I think, it's down to the idea of your car being your personal space. I suspect that this attitude may be different amongst younger people in future. There's a lot of talk of people starting to think of cars as white goods with no great attachment to them. Add to that the appeal of services like Uber and I suspect that future generations will think nothing of just renting a car to do a particular job. Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #840645 30th Jun 2020 9:33am
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Member Since: 22 May 2010
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 HT Epsom Green
Back to vital wing use

This brings back some good memories when the neighbours could not get off their own drives, so he left them and headed off the Salisbury Plan.

Click image to enlarge
Post #840646 30th Jun 2020 9:35am
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Black Puma

Member Since: 31 Jan 2015
Location: Sydney
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Sumatra Black
It appears that INEOS are taking great pride in this vehicle. That one images shows great consideration even down to the embossed emblem. Just looks stunning, fit for purpose. They care about this project like a baby.

One main downfall of my Defender, it just was not built right. It's as if the whole vehicle needed to be reassembled from how I received it new, to make it right from new. I am sure it would have been soul destroying to work on that plant assembly line knowing the upper management had distaine for the Defender's lack of luxury appeal.

There would have been so much input from the crews building Defenders on how to improve them. How to build it so it didn't leak or corrode. Frustrating no one cared enough to listen up at the top. I mean, 70 years in production in that form and it was far from perfect at the end, and probably less considered than early Series Land Rovers.

This is what's impressive about INEOS, they care about this, have pride in it, are excited about this part of the market. It's brilliant.
Post #840654 30th Jun 2020 10:07am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2020
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 772

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 HT Stornoway Grey
Supacat wrote:
Pacha wrote:
EV infrastructure is pretty much non-existent currently which is not likely to be any better for a while yet (years).

Not accordingly to any numbers of sources:

"UK has more EV charging stations than petrol stations" ~ from August 2019.

I can remember reading about this at the time it made the press and I thought like you as I'd never really seen any on my local jaunts. I consulted one of the maps and found 15 within a few miles. I even drove to my closest one to check it out. I'd been driving past it a few times a week and never seen it. Most just don't have the visual impact a petrol station does.

Now I know what to look for, I see them everywhere.

The issue is not the number of charging stations, it's the fact that it currently takes 5 minutes to fuel up including paying for it. With EV it takes hours to get a meaningful charge. Until the infrastructure is awash with high power fast charging then it is not viable for a lot of people. Rgds.

Post #840666 30th Jun 2020 10:51am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
Supacat wrote:
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My apologies ~ I had thought fully clothed would be acceptable.
Post #840677 30th Jun 2020 11:50am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2012
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 11018

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS DCPU Keswick Green
Black Puma wrote:
It appears that INEOS are taking great pride in this vehicle. That one images shows great consideration even down to the embossed emblem. Just looks stunning, fit for purpose. They care about this project like a baby.

I'm almost certain there's a good story behind their trademarking the phrase "Built on Purpose". Thumbs Up
Post #840681 30th Jun 2020 12:03pm
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