It was a service fitment, what is missing is the 'dexion' racking behind which separates the front and back and used to hold radio kit SLR gun rack etc etc.
Like this:
Well done to those that had it right, new to me ~ my schoolday lesson for today. Went for a quick browse and found this. If I was worried before...a can full of PETROL
Click image to enlarge
Look at all that kit. Used to confuse the hell out of me back in the day. The BATCO especially. Writing messages when knackered, cold, wet, hungry.....just to tell someone higher up, in SECRET, that you were attacking an enemy position, which the enemy knew anyway because they could hear and see it. Nonsense. Glad I was never signals. No doubt they’re still using the same stuff whilst the Americans are sending messages by secure hologram or something? Monsieur Le Grenadier
I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....
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