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Member Since: 16 Oct 2019
Location: Bloemfontein
Posts: 3

South Africa 
Electrical issue
Hi all. New to the group, i bought a 2013 Defender 90 2.2 puma in march, 82000km on clock. Love it.
First issue happend during the winter. Car slept outside. Got in the next morning. Started first time ( -3’C outside temp. ) left it to idle for a while, so i engine can get some heat.
The got in put in gear and as soon as i let the clutch out and start to accelerate it wen fine to 1900rpm then died. Tried to start it again, nothing. Second try, it started, idles for a few seconds than died as if smothered. . Engine light came on. Switch off tried 3 or 4 times did the same. Switched off. Left for 10 mins. Got back in started as if nothing was wrong. Got out of the drive way. 50 m. Died again. Same story. Push back to drive way. Locked it. Got into my disco 3 went to town. Came back 3 hours later. Temp outside 5C
Got into defender. Started and drove as nothing was wrong.
2weeks later, exact same thing. No faults on diagnostics.
Waited for the morning to warm up good to go.
Since then left it in the garage. Without hassle. So put it down to fuel starvation as a result of cold weather,,, ( just a thought) correct me if im wrong.

The last weekend we had 37’C . Drove to work and back A/C on 37kms no problems.

Then picked wife and drop my daughter off at a party. Another 26 km no problems.
When i had to go fetch my girl again. Drove 3km still AC on as its hot as hell. No problems until i stopped at the traffic lights. Suddenly everything died. Like one moment idling, next moment no engine, or radio. No dash lights. As if the battery was disconnected.
Turned ignition off and on, it started like there was no promblems. Drove anothe 2km, as i slowed dowb to turn it happened again. Evereying died. All lights on dash dead.

Turn off the AC . Started again. Drove slower . No issues. 6km problem free. However driving slower snd with AC off.

Stopped at a mates house, checked battery connections, turned out negative pole was loose enough so i can just pull it off.
Thought it was the easy And plausible cause of the problem. So took off the connection, cleaned it an refit. Tightly. Both poles.
Drove home 35 km no problem. As i did started to decelerate from 90km/h to take a right hand turn onto the grave farm road, the lights started to dim as if i lost engine power or engine is dying.
I manage to prevent stall by letting the clutch out snd almost bump-start it on the move again.

It left me confused as i thought it was caused by the battery connection.
The fact for a few seconds all electrics vanishes confuses me.

Any one with ideas or had similar experiences please assist. Will go in on friday to indy.
Post #798420 16th Oct 2019 6:10pm
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Member Since: 03 Mar 2013
Location: Manila
Posts: 751

Philippines 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
Maybe your battery has not had time to recover / charge up sufficiently? If you have a battery charger, charge up the battery as the trips you are doing may not be long enough to fully charge the battery back to optimal operating levels.

You mentioned a loose earth connection at the battery, the post tends to deform. What I do is to put a copper sleeve around the post before putting the clamp on to ensure proper and snug contact. For the positive post, I get a strip of lead, pound it flat and make a sleeve for the positive post as insurance. Don't forget about the sleeves as you can re-use them when you replace batteries in the future.

If problems persist after the battery has been restored to optimal operating levels, maybe it's time for a new ignition switch.

Let us know what you find out.
Post #798458 17th Oct 2019 1:32am
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2019
Location: Bloemfontein
Posts: 3

South Africa 
Thanx. Will get it checked out today. Do battery test. Charge, and get ignition switch checked. Keep you posted
Post #798459 17th Oct 2019 2:39am
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Member Since: 25 Feb 2009
Location: Wales
Posts: 282

Wales 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Bonatti Grey
First and most important thing to check is the loom running across the engine bay, it has been known to rub on the engine in various places and cause issues eventually shorting out.

Also check earth straps underneath aren't loose (i.e. other end of negative battery cable) as this could have the same result.

I'd also be checking all relays under driver seat and if you can check alternator connections. Now: 2010 2.4 TDCi 110 Utility Wagon
Then: 2004 2.5 TD5 90 Hard Top (X-Tech Edition)
Post #798539 17th Oct 2019 5:53pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2019
Location: Bloemfontein
Posts: 3

South Africa 
I had it checked today by the indy. Couldnt find anything apart from a doggy relay under driver seat. I took it an drove a few place before heading home. 45 mins later i had it again. This time it had same symptoms but took a goo 5 mins before i was able to get power on by multiple attempts to start with no power coming on when key is turned in ignition. This happened only when i had the aircon on. I turn the aircon off and drove 13 km. The took my phone when i was near my home, and switched the aircon on. Few seconds later its same occurrence. Its as if you turn off the ignition completely whilst driving, but without locking the steering.
I waited for almost 30 mins . Truing to get power to the ignitio to stsrt. Headlihts hazards everything works. As if you the ignition is turn off.

I towed her home. And still unable to get live On the dash with the ignition turuning. Nothing. Seems like the ignition has no contact. Do my verdict is the the ignition switch has gone
Post #798547 17th Oct 2019 6:28pm
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
Location: Surrey
Posts: 11324

United Kingdom 
That sounds very much like failure of the switch on the end of the ignition barrel. There's been a few reports on here of failures resulting intermittent starting exactly as you describe. There are several threads on the subject but this one is probably one of the most detailed:

https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic51335...ion+switch Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #798568 17th Oct 2019 8:17pm
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