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Member Since: 08 Jul 2014
Location: Wales
Posts: 1234

Wales 1994 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Alpine White
I should probably clarify my post somewhat. I am running standard intercooler, radiator and oil-cooler (engine not gearbox). But after snapping two crankshafts (hadn't noticed but the rubber in the crank pulley had failed and that got transferred between engines) I then came across a bottom end (including timing housing setup with fuel pump) for £50 on a forum.

I popped the injectors around to a friends place where we pressure tested them (and gives them a good clean out, it's amazing how much more fuel can flow through things). I had the built up head from my original engine but cleaned up the block and head and built up a third engine. Setup the timing and valve clearances correctly, by the book.

When I dropped it in and took it for a blast around the fields at my parents it was smoking quite heavily (over-fuelling and hadn't been run for a bit) but as it got warmer and run around more it cleaned up. The following day I took it for its MOT which failed on smoke the first time around but the oil temp was a bit low and after running at full throttle for a bit it went through.

I have been running for the last 9 years a 1.2 transfer box and was contemplating a VNT to help out at the bottom end. First is quite tall but apart from that I find the 1.2 on UK roads a much better fit - even when towing because 4th is perfectly comfortable at 60mph now and 5th was previously more of an overdrive ratio for cruising and I'd change down for hills. Since the latest engine where everything was given a good clean and the FIP has obviously been fiddled with in the past (not even opened it up to have a look yet) it pulls extremely well.

The hill I mentioned previously I'd have been in 4th and slowing down coming up over the top - usually doing about 50. Now I can be sat at 50mph half way up the hill in 5th and still comfortably accelerate all the way up to the top. Towing a medium sized trailer she'll hold 60 in 5th going up that but I normally change down to 4th to work the engine less and produce less smoke. In 4th she'll still accelerate up the hill with a trailer behind.

And I've been moving down to Wales - the last few trips have had a couple of tonnes behind me as I move the tools from the workshop. Ed
82 Hotspur Sandringham 6x6
95 Defender 110 300Tdi
Post #774190 21st May 2019 9:20am
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