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Member Since: 20 Nov 2018
Location: Western Highlands
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Defender Newbie First Impressions.. Do I like it??
Should you believe the motoring mag "expert" reviews? Spoiler alert! NO!!

Hi. Brand new Deaf Ender owner here, and it’s quite a change from a Freelander 2 and Skoda Yeti which were the everyday cars up until last Friday. The closest I ever came before was a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport – which was supposedly a “proper” 4WD but would have disintegrated if subject to the sort of punishment a Def can take. And I drove it 99% on tarmac.

I lurked on this and other forums and scoured reviews for weeks after the Defender urge was rekindled into flame a month or so back. I had come back to the wild west of Scotland to live - for a second time - from Oz last year. And not a Toyota Landcruiser to be seen, unlike back in Oz. Just Deffies everywhere.

The motoring “expert” reviews were mostly not very encouraging; noisy, uncomfortable, slow, noisy, unreliable, primitive, noisy, no right elbow/arm space, strange people drive them, lousy onroad (but great offroad, though they never seemed to actually go offroad), noisy, agricultural, not really suited to daily driving, expensive to buy and run, and did I say noisy? …… and the negatives rolled on and on.

Hidden in amongst the condescending comments were a few concessions to the fact that despite all the punishment, the owners seemed to actually like them. Very odd behaviour, apparently.

I wanted to go via a Landy expert to try to find one, being a total greenhorn.

So of course I didn’t do that, and grabbed a late 2011 , 2.2 (must be one of the first with this engine?), 33,000 miles on the clock, 90 pickup, in what seemed to be pretty mint condition. 2 owners, including the “Royal Household” for the first 2 years, (I think I can envisage her Majesty’s bottom imprint on the driver’s seat, but I may be mistaken) then a private owner who had done the princely sum of 10,000 miles over the next 5 years. And kept his beloved in a garage when it rained.

And I drove it 100 yds and bought it.

Then drove it across Scotland. Having not driven a manual car for many years. To later discover that the insurance broker had misheard the licence plate info I gave him over the phone, and had insured a lovely ……Peugot, for me. So I hadn’t been insured at all!

Not amused, I wasn’t.

So what are my impressions a week later?

Noisy??; what the hell were they talking about? OK it has a small (pretty tiny actually, but I once had a Morris Minor pickup. THAT was tiny) cabin, which helps keep the noise down, but apart from interesting sounds that remind me of faint distant sirens or church bells (please don’t tell me that they signal pending disasters), I could listen to music perfectly happily. Not an issue.

Uncomfortable??; well, I have long legs and a shorter torso, but with the seat as far back as I can push it without bending the cabin wall, and setting the seat far more upright than I’m used to just to get maximum legroom, we got by. And after driving a few miles, it ceased to be an issue. I got across Scotland without a twinge on arrival. I suspect that a hardtop or station wagon would give some extra space to tilt the seat back more?

No room for the right elbow? Didn’t even notice. Why did so many of them say this?

Heavy steering? Rubbish!.

Slow? Sat on 60 on the straight bits like a dream, and was only starting to get a bit questionable at 75 when I tried it for a short stretch. 60 is more than enough for me on Scottish roads.

Lousy roadholding? Not a Porsche perhaps, but it feels fine. Even on pretty basic and narrow rubber.

Vague steering? More Porsche-like than the 30 (now 50) year old Merc I once owned. Loved it but it was like handling an aircraft carrier. IMHO the Def's steering is damned good.

Strange people driving them? They actually seem really friendly and extremely normal to me. Haven’t seen a single one with two heads yet.

Expensive to buy? Yes…..well, for what you get, I’d agree to that, but what the hell. It’s a bit of history.

Expensive to run? Doubtful that it’s any worse than most, and I can do basic work myself.

Primitive? I have heated seats and window, AC, a reasonable sound from a radio/CD player that also has an mp3 input, electric windows, immobiliser and door locks. What more can a boy ask for? Yes, I do know that the immobiliser and door locks are a joke to naughty people who lust after undefended Defenders, but it’s a start, and I now have added a Disklok, and if necessary will remove all four wheels and encase them in concrete if that’s what it takes to deter the local lads.

But they seem to be pretty well behaved over in this neck of the woods anyway.

So, am I happy? Yes. Though when I really get the hang of it I’ll be even happier. And then maybe hit some country tracks to see if it really is good off road. (I suspect it might be?)

And this will be my daily driver. One of our “normal” cars will pick the short straw and be asked to leave, as we can’t really justify 3 cars and not enough space to put them.

Plans? First, to try to figure why the glowplug lamp doesn’t come on, though it did for my first couple of days. I just wait a while till I hear a faint whine that I suspect is a relay shut off, then fire up.

Second, to think about some "better" wheels and rubber, though mainly for cosmetic purposes.

Third, new battery. This one seems to be OK, but it’s the original one, and I don’t want a midwinter misunderstanding on a very cold morning. It’s had a good innings.

Fourth, get it through an MOT in about 6 weeks. Hopefully with flying colours.

Fifth, do some homework on a rear view camera. Driving with the canvas canopy on across Scotland was a nightmare. Couldn’t see a thing behind me. I much prefer the tonneau cover.

And back to First, actually…………….. to get some miles up and be able to find the right gear every time, instead of most of the time.

And that’s it for now. I’m a happy chappie. I’d add a few pikkies but it’s been blowing a gale and providing horizontal rain all day, so maybe at a later date. In the interim here's a screen shot of a screen shot of the main ad pikkie that took me across the country.

Post #744393 6th Dec 2018 8:45pm
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
Location: bickenhill
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
welcome looks ACE , I love my 11 and have never regretted buying it, driving between 1500 and 1750 revs I achieve some surprising MPG but mines a 2.4. DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #744431 7th Dec 2018 6:30am
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2016
Location: Midlands
Posts: 238

United Kingdom 
Welcome, Very nice Thumbs Up

Agree with much of above, my other half however has a different opinion Rolling with laughter
Post #744437 7th Dec 2018 7:24am
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Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: In the woods
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United Kingdom 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Welcome. Nice truck.
Post #744439 7th Dec 2018 7:41am
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Member Since: 14 Jul 2018
Location: Essex
Posts: 825

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Oslo Blue
Hey Leroy , welcome to the forum,

I had a similar itch, test drove and found all the reviews to be wrong...

Aside from noise, I’m sure my hearing loss is worse from motorway speeds... mind you I have a td5... I'm on IG: https://www.instagram.com/osloblue42/
Current: TD5 '110 "Lucinda" Thread here: https://www.defender2.net/forum/topic62562.html
Post #744442 7th Dec 2018 8:02am
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Member Since: 29 Dec 2012
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2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 PU Tamar Blue
Can't beat a nice 90 pick up Whistle
Post #744449 7th Dec 2018 8:36am
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Member Since: 04 May 2015
Location: Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
Looks great, enjoy!! My 2012 2.2 has a 2.4 fuel cooler, just so you know a 2.2 fuel cooler guard won't fit.

More photos when you can Thumbs Up James
MY2012 110 2.2TDCi XS SW Orkney Grey - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic43410.html
MY1990 110 200TDi SW beautifully faded Portofino Red - https://www.defender2.net/forum/post743641.html#743641
MY1984 90 V8 Slate Grey - https://www.defender2.net/forum/post744557.html#744557
Instagram @suffolk_rovers
Post #744458 7th Dec 2018 9:40am
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Mike c

Member Since: 11 Aug 2017
Location: Maldon, Essex
Posts: 932

England 2004 Defender 90 Td5 CSW Belize Green
Welcome and nice little pickup 😎

Regarding the press reviews, you would think they were absolutely awful to drive etc etc Laughing but they are not, and I have an older TD5 model. Glad you went for it and bought one!

Post #744466 7th Dec 2018 11:01am
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Wild Card 90

Member Since: 03 Dec 2014
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England 2012 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 SW Indus Silver
Well done Leroy on the most interesting, amusing and eloquent first post I´ve seen on a forum in ages. Bow down

Thoroughly enjoyed reading the first impressions of your lovely 90 pickup! Congratulations.

Another Defender finds the right owner. One who understands what the vehicle is about. You either get it, or you don´t.

Keep the story going. It will be interesting to hear about your experiences.
Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up 1998 Tdi 90 SW,
2008 Td4 90 SW,
2012 2.2 90 SW,
2" raised Trailmaster/Terrafirma
Heavy Track Raids, 255 MT�s,
Recaro CS�s, anorak, wellingtons
Post #744482 7th Dec 2018 1:15pm
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Member Since: 10 Dec 2017
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Posts: 190

^^^ what he said.
Thumbs Up Time is precious, waste it wisely...

Defender 90 D200
Post #744483 7th Dec 2018 1:34pm
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2015
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United Kingdom 1996 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Bronze Green
As all of the above!

You can solve the wavy gearstick with the Slick-shift equivalent for Tdci. Jeff
Ex 1968 Series 2A
Ex 90 TD5
Ex D3
Ex D4
Post #744487 7th Dec 2018 2:10pm
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Member Since: 15 May 2018
Location: Within Bedfordshire
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Java Black
Re: Defender Newbie First Impressions.. Do I like it??
Leroy wrote:
Should you believe the motoring mag "expert" reviews? Spoiler alert! NO!!

Hi. Brand new Deaf Ender owner here, and it’s quite a change from a Freelander 2 and Skoda Yeti which were the everyday cars up until last Friday. The closest I ever came before was a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport – which was supposedly a “proper” 4WD but would have disintegrated if subject to the sort of punishment a Def can take. And I drove it 99% on tarmac.

What a fantastic introduction read!!!

I know of a fellow chap - Edward who lives in Scotland - great writer and doing a blog himself
( https://www.moxymilsom.co.uk/ ), he is also on Facebook, he has done lots of modding to his defender.. And plenty of great knowledgeable people on here.
He also inspired me to start my Defender Journey Blog.

Anyways, I look forward to hearing from you and your truck. Keep adding picture each step of your journey. Regards

Loving The Duchess
The Defender 110 TD5 XS

My Defender story - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic64005.html
Post #744495 7th Dec 2018 3:22pm
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Member Since: 28 Feb 2014
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Scotland 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Orkney Grey
Suggest you check it has had all the recalls done particularly the oil pump.

Looks very nice!
Post #744568 7th Dec 2018 8:19pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2017
Location: Aberdeen
Posts: 110

United Kingdom 
Nice write-up!

Have fun Very Happy
Post #744580 7th Dec 2018 9:08pm
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Member Since: 19 Aug 2018
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 3701

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Loire Blue
Looks great, I like the wheels, wouldn’t change them at all!
Post #744737 8th Dec 2018 9:32pm
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