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Member Since: 14 Sep 2014
Location: Skipton
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Santorini Black
need4speed wrote:
“some of the the better systems now fitted can tell when they have been jammed. not sure how but ours used to send us a warning that it had been tampered with.”
This is what I’m concerned about.

Also. I read a comment on Internet “......No, nearly all gps trackers use cell phone towers (LTS) either primarily or as a fall back when the GPS antenna can't connect....”

But I don’t understand how that would work if the vehicle doesn’t have factory fit phone?

All the trackers I have used, ranging from an expensive Tracker Locate system, to a cheap & cheerful eBay TK102 have had their own sim card fitted. So no need for factory fit phones in the vehicle. That's how they provide location/movement/speed data/etc to the monitoring platform. And yes, most do use the cell tower info to calculate an approximate location if they can't lock on to sufficient satellites to get a GPS fix.

My view is that you might get away with using a jammer once as it could be put down to a one off unexplained failure. But if you used one on a regular basis, it is bound to cause further investigation.

And you would need to be confident that the jamming device was 100% reliable across both the mobile phone frequency and GPS spectrums. Most trackers keep a log internally of locations at regular time intervals. So there is a danger that if the GPS signal did get past the jammer at some point, the location would be logged and transmitted to the monitoring platform, once you switch off the jammer.

Is it really worth the risk of possible disciplinary action/dismissal? Another form of transport seems a much better idea to me.
Post #738712 5th Nov 2018 8:42am
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2012
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Posts: 746

Looking into things a bit further it seems I be better parking up the vehicle and using other transport.

What I have discovered though is that there seems to be a bit of disinformation/false advertising going on with some tracking products.

For example, a few of the high-end products use VHF as well as GPS/GSM technology. They claim that this is because VHF cannot be jammed like GPS/GSM. But if you look at the jamming products available it’s clear that VHF jammers are just as easily available. A little pricier though.

Maybe something to do with exact frequency used? 4.6 RV8 110HT
Post #738715 5th Nov 2018 9:10am
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