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Member Since: 17 Mar 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Buckingham Blue
Congratulations! Hope you’ve enjoyed celebrating Thumbs Up
Post #713309 19th Jun 2018 8:43pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
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shropshiredefender wrote:

I'm only 64 how much more grumpy do I have to get over the next 10 months to reach proper grumpy old got status?

You will have to get grumpier then me to become a proper honorary G O G Rolling with laughter Now get down and start training to become a rear grumpy old git!

Now what will Gilarion do to fill his time now he has reached this milestone. Will the ivory towers of academia still beckon him?

Post #713311 19th Jun 2018 8:50pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
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Happy birthday and congrats Thumbs Up Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #713319 19th Jun 2018 9:02pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
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Happy birthday! Two lads I used to work with have just hit 60 years old. Are you planning on retiring? Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #713374 20th Jun 2018 7:06am
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Thanks, guys for your kind wishes you have made an old man very happy Smile

I am not quite ready to retire as I do enjoy my profession, however, as I only teach two days a week it is not really what you could call hard work and the students keep me informed as to what is current and popular in the young age spectrum.
If I was to give up UNI work I would probably not just be an old git but a miserable one as well. Laughing For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #713419 20th Jun 2018 10:26am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Without being nosey (and do tell me to bu**er off if you'd prefer not to say) what's your Uni subject Gilarion? Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #713459 20th Jun 2018 3:32pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
The English language its customs, its methods and development.
It is more interesting than it sounds. Smile For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #713480 20th Jun 2018 5:06pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
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United Kingdom 
gilarion wrote:
Thanks, guys for your kind wishes you have made an old man very happy Smile

I am not quite ready to retire as I do enjoy my profession, however, as I only teach two days a week it is not really what you could call hard work and the students keep me informed as to what is current and popular in the young age spectrum.
If I was to give up UNI work I would probably not just be an old git but a miserable one as well. Laughing

As long as you enjoy it, then why not keep going. I have had a work mate come out of retirement and continued for a good number of years, he said he was bored so it was something for him to do. Topped his pension up too, Ended up having a nice jag. He used to tell them when he was going home, not the other way around. Laughing One of the most strongest men I have ever met, I do miss him Sad Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

Success is 90% Inspiration and 4 minutes Preparation # you can make it!
Post #713504 20th Jun 2018 6:17pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
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England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
75 is much grumpier. Twisted Evil 
Post #713585 21st Jun 2018 1:19am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
gilarion wrote:
The English language its customs, its methods and development.
It is more interesting than it sounds. Smile

I would entirely agree, a fascinating subject and far more worthwile than many available at Unis today. I wonder how you feel about the recent changes seen amongst our youth, (driven by music, the US version of English and texting), of which I am not a fan. Less a case of an organic language evolving, more a case of dumbing down. I don't expect us (or want us) to all speak the 'Queen's English', I love the variety of dialects and accents on our tiny isle, but the influence exerted by social and traditional media is frankly awful. The worst being the recent, London-born (language/accent, not person) proununciation of the letter 'I' which in words such as 'Like'. Pseudo rap-speak with the 'I' now pronounced 'ayye', whether you're white or black, rich or poor, London or not London, ghetto or suburban. Awful and so on-trend that it's appearing on BBC trailers for the World Cup because it's more 'street'. Give me a Ray Winston cockney any day. Rant over. Big Cry Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #713610 21st Jun 2018 8:09am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008
Location: Sussex, England
Posts: 2897

England 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
It's the 'Americanisms' that really get me...
Snuck instead of sneaked, dove instead of dived, learnt instead of learned, etc., etc.. 
Post #713636 21st Jun 2018 9:32am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
Wait until the British media start saying 'burglarized' rather than burgled. Whilst attached to the USMC in Iraq during briefings they talked of 'Canalizing' the enemy into kill zones, ambushes etc. I kept on asking 'Don't you mean channel, channelled or channeling?' Whistle Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #713670 21st Jun 2018 1:23pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Grenadier wrote:

I wonder how you feel about the recent changes seen amongst our youth, (driven by music, the US version of English and texting), of which I am not a fan. Less a case of an organic language evolving, more a case of dumbing down. I don't expect us (or want us) to all speak the 'Queen's English', I love the variety of dialects and accents on our tiny isle, but the influence exerted by social and traditional media is frankly awful. The worst being the recent, London-born (language/accent, not person) proununciation of the letter 'I' which in words such as 'Like'. Pseudo rap-speak with the 'I' now pronounced 'ayye', whether you're white or black, rich or poor, London or not London, ghetto or suburban. Awful and so on-trend that it's appearing on BBC trailers for the World Cup because it's more 'street'. Give me a Ray Winston cockney any day. Rant over. Big Cry

Grenadier you are of course right English is an evolving language. Our Language is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the needs of its users, words are constantly added to our everyday language and the change is so slow that from year to year we hardly notice it, except to grumble every so often about the ‘poor English’ being used by the younger generation! But remember we were young once and used words that grated on our parents such as ‘bad scene man or what a drag'..

However, many of the changes that occur in language begin with young adults. As young people interact with others their own age, their language grows to include words, phrases, and constructions that are different from those of the older generation. Some have a short lifespan such as groovy (when was the last time you heard that word spoken). However, many new words stick as new technologies, new products, and new experiences require new words to refer to them clearly and efficiently and many of us use these new words without thinking, they just become part of our vocabulary.

Then, of course, we adopt words in to English from many other languages these are known as a loanword, such as Sushi, Ballet, Croissant, Delicatessen, Patio and of course the ever popular new pastime of Karaoke, I bet when young you never used that word while now it is used in everyday English. We also constantly shorten words to make new ones, gym from gymnasium Delicatessen to Deli. You mention the Queens English or its proper title ‘Standard English’ used by our government, education, and other formal contexts. The Standard English, when spoken, is considered proper English by the world especially America but is just one dialect of many that the English language has.

The fact that young people are changing our language does not mean it is getting worse; it is just becoming different. You are also right Grenadier about the speech patterns of young people tend to grate on the ears of adults because they are unfamiliar and different to us. In addition, new words and phrases you hear teenagers speak you may think would not be appropriate for business letters. Nevertheless, that does not mean they are worse - just newer and it will not be long before those words and speech patterns will be adopted into our language. For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #713676 21st Jun 2018 2:26pm
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2014
Location: The foot of Mont Blanc...
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France 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Corris Grey
A good and entirely valid arguement Gilarion, bar one glaring anomaly. I use 'Groovy' frequently and like it very much. And funky, splendiferous, ginourmous, cheerio, cheery-bye and toodle pip. I'm only 45. But otherwise your thoughts were bang on.

However 'Layyke' (as opposed to like) still sounds awful/painful, so I'm lucky that my time with HM Forces means I'm a little 'mutt'. Thumbs Up

Rhyming-slang something you cover in your tutorials? I love a bit of rhyming slang, even though as a born-and-raised Londoner I hail from the wrong part !! Monsieur Le Grenadier

I've not been everywhere, but it's on my list.....

2011 Puma 110DC - Corris Grey
Post #713691 21st Jun 2018 3:02pm
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Member Since: 10 Jul 2012
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United Kingdom 2004 Defender 90 Td5 HT Tonga Green

... if you study really hard, you might yet attain the status of a GoB 😂

 "Ease your worries, Clear-up your woes,
Go into your garage & put stuff into rows."
Post #713873 22nd Jun 2018 2:21pm
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