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Member Since: 18 Jul 2017
Location: Norfolk, UK
Posts: 46

United Kingdom 
@lambert.the.farmer - I'm very much an environmentalist, and agree completely with what you post. Over the next 50 years I think we're going to see an increasing movement of people from countries which have an extremely hot climate, to countries which are more temperate, as global warming makes the temperatures in their own countries almost unbearable (or at least prohibitively expensive to live in).

Then we have the march of automation, resulting in the rich getting richer, and the loss of many jobs. This is going to mean that the government need to take control in a big way. Universal basic income is an absolute minimum requirement in my opinion.

I'm reluctantly in favour of Brexit due to the ability it'll give us to control our population numbers. I'm nervous about environmental protection being eroded, but I think there's enough public demand to see these protections retained. We'll see though.
Post #665466 19th Nov 2017 10:01am
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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Glad I'm not alone on the need for human population reduction.

Many years ago, David Attenborough said "the human species is the first species in the history of the planet to know it is heading for extinction - whilst it is actually happening."

But we describe ourselves as "intelligent".

If the other species on the planet could talk, how would they describe us?

So, how many people would vote for a Party whose Manifesto included:

Legalising euthanasia.

Liberalising abortion.

Absolute stop on immigration.

No child "benefits" after 2nd child.

Swingeing taxes on 3rd and subsequent children.

Compulsory sterilisation of certain individuals to stop multiple irresponsible baby production. (Speak to your local Social Worker!)

Enough to form a Government?

I don't think so....
Post #665562 19th Nov 2017 6:29pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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jimmythomson wrote:

I'm reluctantly in favour of Brexit due to the ability it'll give us to control our population numbers. I'm nervous about environmental protection being eroded, but I think there's enough public demand to see these protections retained. We'll see though.

I wouldn't worry, we are one of the leaders in the field anyway.

Farmers mainly do the best job, so long as they aren't pushed over the edge by the gov. Rolling Eyes

It's normal people, farmers, you and I that make the difference not people with Eco degrees in studying whether a bumble bee flies upside down or not.

Things just like feeding the birds etc make a real difference, many farmers voluntarily sow field margins for wildlife, insects birds etc too.

I think population expansion is out of control too, and I am not a cynical older man...

But I think you'll find the population explosion is mainly immigration based 80% I'd guesstimate it at.

"Immigration" won't be long before the word in its self will be classified as racist by certain groups.

I could go on, but I don't want to get into really deep convosation on here.

Keep it light hearted, and Defender related.

Mr. Green TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸

Last edited by custom90 on 19th Nov 2017 10:55pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #665628 19th Nov 2017 10:21pm
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
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Population growth has been a fear of mine for some time - when I once did the maths. However, it isn't world population that bothers me too much, as there are still vast amounts of land in Canada, Asia, and Australia that could be made habitable. What REALLY worries me is UK population growth. And what worries me most about it is that hardly anyone seems to understand that we're heading for disaster - most certainly great social change, huge, even. Hence my reason for voting Brexit.
"The legacy of former prime minister Tony Blair’s immigration policies and EU expansion as sources for the rapid growth of the UK’s population since the mid-1990s. Until 1995, two elements contributed to a slow rise in population growth over the preceding 30 years: a falling British fertility rate and low net immigration. These trends were changed by two factors. The first was the decision by the Labour Government after coming to power in 1997 to encourage large-scale immigration from the Commonwealth – particularly the new Commonwealth countries of India and Pakistan. The second was the enlargement of the EU with the admission of the countries of Eastern Europe."

The birth rate among white (British-born couples) is 1.7 children, and falling. The birth rate for foreign-born couples is 2.0 children. Almost one third of children born in the UK now are born to foreign-born couples. Remember, we can do nothing about the fact we're living longer. All we can do is discourage births and halt immigration literally to zero. We should be building a major city EVERY YEAR! Our infrastructure cannot cope now, so just imagine what it will be like in 10 years when UK population would have risen by 7 million people. Now imagine what it would have been if we had stayed in the EU, with its open borders policy. If you have little children, or grandchildren, or great nieces and nephews, think of the UK they will inherit at your age. Lots of green spaces gone to housing, massive homelessness, cars everywhere, public transport massively overcrowded, GP surgeries unable to cope, A&E unable to cope, huge classroom sizes, and utilities reporting they are at maximum peak. But when was the last time you heard that on the BBC news? Grim, isn't it? Now left.

Last edited by What puddle? on 19th Nov 2017 10:55pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #665640 19th Nov 2017 10:51pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
Posts: 20634

United Kingdom 
^^^^ Well said. TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #665641 19th Nov 2017 10:54pm
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