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Member Since: 16 Jan 2009
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TD5 uncomfortable?
Not an owner myself, yet, but speculating for some sunny day in the future. I really like the vents and the old dash on the TD5, and the fact it's a Landy engine. Based on articles here it seems the TD5 could also be more reliable. However I've read in many places about how much more manageable a TDCi is. I test drove one for a day. Based on reviews I was expecting to be uncomfortable, noisy, but to love it. I found it was quite comfortable, not particularly noisy and I still loved it. Drove around all day in it, and was later very impressed off road.

I've never been in a TD5 so I'm curious to know how it compares in reality. Someone even said that there's less shoulder/elbow room in a TDCi, but with the dimensions being the same, I don't know how that could be possible.
Post #6347 16th Jan 2009 7:52pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
I would say the TDCi is aboutt 100% better (from my experience) 50% probably by everyone else.

The TDCI was redesigned for Land Rover and is very different to the Transit version so is as much an LR engine as the rest, albeit made by ford.
Dash is better, comfort better, drive better...TD5 was a touch long in the tooth (design wise) and technically a BMW derived engine. Mike
Post #6349 16th Jan 2009 8:36pm
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Member Since: 22 Dec 2008
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England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Alveston Red
Td5 all the way.
Drove my td5 to Morocco and back pretty much non stop with no complaints. Sometimes going full tanks without stopping. Always thought about upgrading seats but the beauty is, you get in and it feels mildly rough but will always be the same. Never any worse.
I have also used the puma as a work vehicle in Romania doing quite some distance. While the changes seem better they are really just for show (internal) and like alot of modern cars, feel good until you use them to the extreme. I found it more comfortable at first but only managed two hour stints between rests.
Thats just me, Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself


2002 Defender Td5 110 CSW Overland

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Post #6350 16th Jan 2009 8:46pm
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Montalcino Red
Td5 isn't BMW derived, it's actually related in part to the L-series Rover diesel engine.

See: http://www.web-rover.co.uk/nav.php?p=td5kb/intro
Post #6352 16th Jan 2009 10:08pm
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2009
Location: Helsinki
Posts: 422

But what are the actual differences? Is the TD5 a lot louder (considering I didn't find the TDCi loud in the slightest, but then I drive a Caterham 7)? Seating position worse? Heater is apparently worse, but I wonder by how much as it seems it's often just badly adjusted or clogged up?

What about longevity? Once I get a Landy, I'm planning to keep it a long time and travel in it.

I guess I'll eventually just have to find a TD5 from somewhere to try it out. Luckily I'm not currently able to get one so I can wait and read a lot. Just a really annoying itch!
Post #6353 16th Jan 2009 11:18pm
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
After TDI 200,300,TD5 and now a TDCI, I must say the TDCI is the best yet. 2.4 90 XS
1968 1/32 scale Britains 109 Pick up.
Post #6361 17th Jan 2009 10:44am
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2008
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England 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Santorini Black
Td5 or Puma?. Had both and Puma everytime, I did feel slightly less elbow room in puma at first but AndrewS did a quick compare and thought no difference, I then tried two at a dealer and went for puma as much warmer, less misting and more comfort. No regrects as to my purchase
Post #6366 17th Jan 2009 4:59pm
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Member Since: 31 Jul 2008
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Australia 2004 Defender 110 Td5 SW Bonatti Grey
real differences?

Tdci is quiter.
Tdci dash board is way different. Better if it suits your tastes.
Air con is more efficient and doesn't intrude into passenger footwell the way the td5 did.
Heater is better in tdci.
Tdci has six speed box. 1st is lower, but because of the anti stall on the tdci the drive speed on tickover in first is the same for both vehicles. I know this because I tested it!!
The Tdci clutch is carlike compaired to the td5 clutch.
Bonnet is way uglier on the tdci. It is wider at the front and doesn't line up with the wings anymore. Also the extra width means the wing top guards are different and td5 ones don't fit the tdci very well at all.
The CD in the tdci is rubbish and will stop working if it gets hot. It evens says this in the manual!!!

That said I found the tdci a very nice vehicle to drive. Too many faults though in areas that shouldn't have faults. No exuses LR, the engine may be heavily modified, but the fuel system shouldn't suck water and the oil system should be oiling the pistons at all times! Land Rovers are an addiction. Toyotas are for quitters.

Post #6403 19th Jan 2009 12:27am
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
You see this is were life is rich Very Happy

All points taken

I think the bonnet is infinately nicer than the TD5 - i also have the full length chequer plating on mine with no problem - which granted is much nicer.

I love the CD player...and my sony has the this will stop if too hot warning, so does our new ford unit and pioneer hear unit in another LR we had - dont know if it does or the level as its never got that hot.

Saying that i think the CD did stop once on the disco due to heat - rest worked though Mike
Post #6406 19th Jan 2009 10:55am
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2009
Location: Helsinki
Posts: 422

OK... but how much quieter is the TDCi? As mentioned I found it to be, well, not noisy at all. Anyone who says it is is a wimp! Is the TD5 manageable at motorway speeds or is it like the port to hell has been opened?

How much colder is the TD5? Considering I live in Finland and fancy doing trips to Lapland in snow and the winter, I wouldn't really like freezing to death. I don't mind if it takes a bit longer to heat up, as long as it's warm enough when it does. Some people say that if the heater cable is properly adjusted in a TD5 it blows surprisingly hot air.

Not really fussed about CDs. Would just want to stick in an iPod, which works better in rough places anyway. I guess one downside is with the TDCi it's more difficult to just buy any car stereo and stick it in, as the dash is all fancy and moulded Sad
Post #6409 19th Jan 2009 12:11pm
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
There's 30% less noise compared to the TD5.and the heating system is also considerably better. 2.4 90 XS
1968 1/32 scale Britains 109 Pick up.
Post #6412 19th Jan 2009 12:41pm
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
The stereo slot is a std size,so no problems really 2.4 90 XS
1968 1/32 scale Britains 109 Pick up.
Post #6413 19th Jan 2009 12:45pm
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Member Since: 21 Apr 2008
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Norway 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
Setok wrote:
...Considering I live in Finland and fancy doing trips to Lapland in snow and the winter, I wouldn't really like freezing to death...

No problem with the TDCi in Norway!

Setok wrote:
...I guess one downside is with the TDCi it's more difficult to just buy any car stereo and stick it in, as the dash is all fancy and moulded Sad...

I have switched my original radio for an Alpine head unit. You can put in any 1 DIN unit in the dash. 08MY Defender 2.4 SE
Post #6415 19th Jan 2009 12:49pm
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Member Since: 14 Jan 2008
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 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Stornoway Grey
tdci 30% quieter

i had my td5 for 105k miles and loved it, had the tdci for 1.5k mile and love it.

for comfort i would compare the two the same but only becasue my td5 had an overdrive and a webasto.

the tdci is std - it warms up quicker than the td5 with webasto thats the engine and interior and the tdci is a 110 compared to the 90 i had. IIRC tdci goes 7 deg colder 40% faster and 12 deg warmer 50% quicker than the td5

tdci has better gear range and is much more comfortable on motorways runs with 6th gear and less engine noise.
1st is lower than td5 and 6th 20% higher than 5th. dont forget tdci puts out 360Nm torque which is the same as most remapped td5s (20% extra) clutch effort is 20% less than td5 too. Cheers

110 2010 XS Utility
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Post #7012 8th Feb 2009 12:25pm
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2009
Location: Helsinki
Posts: 422

jst wrote:
tdci 30% quieter
for comfort i would compare the two the same but only becasue my td5 had an overdrive and a webasto.

Should I take that to mean that a TD5 is unbearably noisy and cold? Especially for cold climates?
Post #7014 8th Feb 2009 1:37pm
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