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Member Since: 22 May 2016
Location: Near Bristol
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United Kingdom 2001 Defender 90 Td5 HT Chawton White
TD5 Nanocom injector question
Hi, I have recently renewed my injector seals and washers. I know I have refitted the injectors in the same order they were removed so I thought I'd fire up the Nanocom to see if it would identify the injectors.

Within TD5 Engine settings I seem to have 3 different sets of listings for the injectors, none of which tie up with the ones fitted.

The question is where is the Nanocom picking these up 3 sets of data from and can I confidently delete them and input the correct injector coding. I have the non-mapable ECU.

I just don't want to mess things up!!

Its been like this since I have had the Truck, over a year ago.

These are mine, the ones below are given by the Nanocom



NANOCOM - TD5ENG.APP - TD5 ENGINE settings file

Injector 1;NHBEM
Injector 2;NFBDM
Injector 3;NDNNM
Injector 4;NLNGM
Injector 5;NDBCM
Accelerator;3 WAY

NANOCOM - TD5ENG.APP - TD5 ENGINE settings file

Injector 1;NHBEC
Injector 2;NFBDC
Injector 3;NDNNC
Injector 4;NLNGC
Injector 5;NDBCC
Accelerator;3 WAY

NANOCOM - TD5ENG.APP - TD5 ENGINE settings file

Injector 1;NHBE0
Injector 2;NFBD0
Injector 3;NDNN0
Injector 4;NLNG0
Injector 5;NDBC0
Accelerator;3 WAY

Thanks in advance Thumbs Up Mike

Hard Top 90 TD5 2001
Ford 100e 1959
Post #629640 7th Jun 2017 11:38am
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will engine start and run Question
Post #629697 7th Jun 2017 4:53pm
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I'm pretty sure the last letter (5th) isn't important on Td5 codes.

In your 3 sets of codes all the first 4 letters are the same for each injector.  1988 90 Td5 NAS soft top
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Post #629699 7th Jun 2017 4:57pm
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i will check my 03 plate ones tomorrow as i have the codes on paper havering replaced seal
Post #629730 7th Jun 2017 6:41pm
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Probably worth reading/using some of the BBS info.
This little box will get you into strife if you dont do some reading first. BBS have many pages of info and downloads for you to read and a some you tube vids.

INJECTORS – THROTTLES· Injector Grades 1 to 5:
This is a 5 digit value which tells the TD5 ECU what grades have beenassigned to each injector when it was tested at the factory after manufacture.The TD5 ECU then uses these values to compensate the fuelling in direct relation to thetolerances of the injectors fitted to each cylinder.

The first two digits are an offset for theLUCAS TD5 (LAND ROVER)-Diagnostic Capabilities (Clear Fault Codes)LUCAS TD5 (LAND ROVER)-Diagnostic Capabilities (Settings)start of injection from nominal within the range of plus or minus .000127 seconds, thesecond two digits are the same as the first but for the end of injection and the last digit is ameasured variance in idle performance.

If the Injector grades are lost or unknown it is possible to read them directly from theinjectors themselves as the letters are stamped on the top face of their aluminium cover.
However, to access the injectors, it is required to first remove the cam cover. When a codeis read from an injector it is actually 5 letters you will get, but due to a change in the letterscheme used on later vehicles, for the last letter which actually has overlapping numericalvalues, we have chosen to show the real numerical value stored in the TD5 ECU to give our users the ability to program correctly in both schemes.
The valid values for the first digit are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M and N.
The valid values for the second digit are: B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, M and N.The valid values for the third digit are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M and N.

The valid values for the fourth digit are: B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, M and N.Please be aware that the value you read with the Vehicle Server and then display is the actual numerical value which is stored in the ECU.
To translate the Alpha code value into the correct numerical value the following conversioncan be used:For scheme 1 (earlier-the early ECU would not store a value higher then 3)A = 0 or 3B = 1C = 2It should be noted that with our system it is possible to enter a value of 3 in the fifthposition. Whilst this is possible other test equipment will not be able to accept this and inthis case the character A will be displayed.For scheme 2 (later)E = 1F = 2G = 3H = 4J = 5K = 6L = 7M = 8 or 0Anything greater than 8 is not a valid value.Again it is possible to have a value, this time of 0, which other test equipment will not beable to accept. In this instance the character M will be displayed.

Nanocom1 MSB ECU
5.2.8 WRITE SETTING FUNCTIONThis function allow to write the setting in the ECUs.The only setting that can be written in a ECU are the injectors code and the number of accelerator tracks.To activate this function you have to click the button “Read setting”.

In the input-output area are showed the availablesettings.You can edit them manually, load them from a file stored in the computer or from a file stored in the NANOCOM.In the first case you have just to click on the injector code that you want edit, and a small window will appear on thescreen.To edit the code you have to enter the data on the edit boxes and then close the wondow.
The new value will be loadedon the injector code that you clicked before. To set the number of accelerator potentiometer traks you have just to clickon the check box.If you want load the settings from a file stored on the computer you have to click the “Get setting file from PC” button,choose the file from the brouser and open it. The settings will be loaded and showed on the screen.

You can also load the setting from a file stored in the NANOCOM. Clicking on the button “Get setting file fromNANOCOM”, will appear a window that shows the available file,You have to select a file from the list, then close the wondow with the “OK” button. The value contained in the file willbe loaded and showed on the screen.Once you edit or load the values that you want, you can activate the writing function by clicking the “Write setting onthe ECU” button. If the communication starts the LED flashs as described in the section 4.1.2, and if the function workproperly a message box will indicate the good result of the function. 80" 80" 86" 88" 90"

Wanted, Forward Control Anything considered.
Post #629738 7th Jun 2017 7:09pm
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Member Since: 22 May 2016
Location: Near Bristol
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United Kingdom 2001 Defender 90 Td5 HT Chawton White
Thanks for the quick reply's Guys. The Truck runs as well as it did when I had it, it's only since I read the numbers back from the Nanocom did the questions start!!

I will look at the info I've been told about on line in a while. I understand there is an idling tolerance which seems to be about plus or minus 3/4 across the range. Does this seem about right? Why do I have 3 different sets of values from the Nanocom? Thought I would only have one. Mike

Hard Top 90 TD5 2001
Ford 100e 1959
Post #629745 7th Jun 2017 7:23pm
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