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Member Since: 24 Jul 2016
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
At some point, we are all going to have to reach a point where we can discuss this in a civilised manner! A friend's father has completely opposite political views to myself. We respect one another and can have great discussions about current and past politics. However, I know he also strongly disagrees with my (unknown to him) views on Brexit. Right now, I daren't broach the subject as feeling have been so extreme.

Beyond that, my wife had a patient who claimed that old people and those without children shouldn't have a vote!

I know of a woman who is refusing to talk to a friend of 20+ years as he voted differently to her.

Hopefully, by the time we do leave everyone will have simmered down a bit.
Post #595561 23rd Jan 2017 11:51am
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Mr Fox

Member Since: 10 Sep 2011
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Keswick Green
To my mind, being unable to converse intelligently, respectfully and politely with people who have differing opinions to your own says more about the individuals than it does about the topic.

The above is not aimed at one individual but rather the thought that some topics should be banned from a discussion forum.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall summed it up nicely. Thumbs Up
Post #595564 23rd Jan 2017 12:09pm
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Member Since: 29 Aug 2007
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Where I work as a H&S consultant, I sit opposite the MD. We are both very open with which way we voted. But the best bit, because I only work there a few days a month, everytime I go in something new has happened or the £ has dropped or rallied, or a new order for UK goods etc.
Always gives us something to spar about to remove the tediousness of work. He pays the bills so I'm more than happy to sit and argue politics with him on his dime.
And strangely enough, we still get on after the politics conversation has stopped.

I can think of only 1 person who has stopped talking to me since the referendum and I'm assuming it's because of the way I voted and my thoughts on the US voting. We haven't discussed anything else indepth enough to illicit the response I've had. Hey ho, nevermind. Plenty of other friends to chat to. 110 D250 SE HT
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Post #595587 23rd Jan 2017 1:21pm
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Member Since: 09 Feb 2015
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Guernsey 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Nato Green
Politics and the referendum is like our defenders, some will agree and some will not, some like them traditional and some like to re-work them to extreme machines. The point is everyone can enjoy each others work and will support each other's choices on here so why do people feel the need to argue over this? I made my choice on what I believed at the time and I wouldn't change it, but if my mate voted differently I would accept and respect his choice.

So let's not get too bogged down on the rights and wrongs of the way we voted, let's talk and discuss as civilised people and all agree we have a screw loose for our choice in Land Rover ownership Thumbs Up 90 wolf - Jasmin http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic39408.html
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Think I might have a problem............
Post #595599 23rd Jan 2017 1:52pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2011
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mk1collector wrote:
I need to stay away from this thread as all the remain "we are much more clever than anyone else" clan have jumped on it. And who says America are in a mess?

I don't take offence at the politics. I'm a big boy and can debate without it bothering my friendship with people. Walfy for one. We disagree, but I still invited him round for a brew - although he didn't accept Whistle

Anyway, the reason for my quoting this reply is I am not "jumping" on anything. It's here for me to comment on. Or would you like all remain people to be banned from commenting on anything to do with Brexit because 'you won'?
Secondly I am not much more clever than anyone else. I indicated the fact that seemingly no one knows how to deal with it, what the plan is, or where it's going. THAT's my problem.

Finally, I said they were in a mess but with the comedy sarcastic humour whistle emoji after it in an effort to remain light hearted. But if you want me to spell it out for you - take a look at what happened over a 24 hr period surrounding Trumps inauguration.
Mass demonstrations and violence began in Washington.
Attempts to remove the peaceful protestors at Standing Rock resumed with force.
A whole gender came out and protested.
Tax rise for middle class home owners on day one
Removal of web pages for climate change & LGBT on white house site
The whole fact gate incident.

Never mind. Let's talk about Land Rovers. Take our minds off it all. Thumbs Up New project and it's green: www.projectoverland.info
Post #595670 23rd Jan 2017 6:43pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
I was commenting on the last thread that got removed as several members( some of whom had already posted on this thread) just kept telling people who voted leave that they didn't understand what they had voted for and if they did understand they wouldn't have voted that way etc etc. Well I knew exactly what I voted for and don't need telling I'm wrong for doing it or being called thick, hence the reason for my original comment. Saying this I'm not going to fall out with anyone for which way they voted or for disagreeing with any of my views, I just don't like people saying I didn't understand what I was doing so I must have got it wrong Thumbs Up Ray
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Post #595711 23rd Jan 2017 8:26pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
I have strong "Political Views", but not so much on this Forum, because obviously I'm not familiar with the issues.
However, because I have strong views, obviously not everybody is going to agree with me,....AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT,....I don't mind if someone disagrees with me,....but the problem is, some people can't handle that, particularly on an internet forum, so they start making personal remarks,...which is simply not on.
But when they do,(make personal remarks) rather than close the thread, those people need to be banned for a while,...no point in spoiling a good discussion,..IMHO of course.
Post #595730 23rd Jan 2017 9:06pm
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Member Since: 05 Jan 2016
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United States 
We made an excellent choice in electing trump over Hillary "legend in her own mind" Clinton.

I can't imagine losing sovereignty to become part of a North American union where our Constitution was streamlined or replaced by something globalist progressives saw fit. I don't know what these progressives are trying to do around the world but it's not working and they need to be voted out.

As for Great Britain and US relations, I hope we continue to have a great relationship with them and other countries in Europe. I hope Germans send Merkel packing and they elect someone who better represents them. Nothing builds hatred and resentment like what European leaders are doing in regards to immigration. It defies all logic.

I would encourage civil discourse of political topics on Internet forums because in many cases the media will not show accurate opposing viewpoints.
Post #595792 24th Jan 2017 1:05am
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Member Since: 02 Jan 2012
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England 1990 Defender 90 V8 Petrol PU Auto Rioja Red
Regarding Brexit and, I guess the same for Trump, I just wish people would get on with the task ahead instead of dwelling on what could/would/should of happened. At work we went through a whole raft of changes as our business evolved and we had a "change management" team that spent their time listening to the fears of the employees and trying to help them understand the changes and the benefits they would bring. We need something similar from our government and our media but instead we're getting silence from government and fear from our media.

Nobody knows what the final outcome will be from either Brexit or Trump as the US president and it's always possible that either or both could turn into a disaster but I'd prefer to live my life as an optimist and, let's face it, the main thing that the leave and the Trump campaign had in common was optimism. The main thing the remain and Clinton campaigns had in common was that they failed to put forward an optimistic view if they won, choosing instead to concentrate on a pessimistic view of what would happen if they lost. Now that they have, in both cases, lost many of those that supported the "losing" side are spending all their time looking for validation of their doom and gloom worst case predictions instead of adapting to the new reality.

The fact that neither of the losing sides could put forward a positive, optimistic view of a future should they win is, in my view, the main reason they lost what should have been an easy win.

Obama, incidentally, lost all credibility for me when he decided to try and interfere in UK politics and I actually think his actions and words bolstered the leave vote in the end. The man who won a Nobel peace prize for things he'd not actually done yet (and many of them he never did) devalued his tenure by coming to the UK and threatening our economy should we vote to leave the EU as one of his final actions. I don't see an outgoing president who furthered US and world relations, I see a bully who tried to threaten the UK in order to make the UK population do his bidding.

With Trump, I can't help but think of the Tom Clancy novels when President Ryan comes to power at a time of major upheaval as a political outsider and his first actions are to implement a mirrored trade arrangement with any country that blocks US exports and simplifies the tax system to increase revenue. When 9/11 happened there was some discussion over the similarities between 9/11 and the novel that Clancy had written. In the novel Ryan came to power due to a terrorist attack when a terrorist flew a 747 into the senate and wiped out most of the government. I've not seen any of the media comparing Trump and Ryan... yet ! http://www.yorkshireoffroadclub.net/
Post #595856 24th Jan 2017 11:39am
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2009
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England 2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Bonatti Grey
Have to agree with that. All this dithering just leads to worry and is hurting the pound also, the vote is over so we need to get on with it and start negotiations. Ray
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Post #595924 24th Jan 2017 4:09pm
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Member Since: 30 Oct 2011
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Do hop your not in a hurry Rolling Eyes
Post #595930 24th Jan 2017 4:33pm
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Member Since: 09 Sep 2016
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After today's Supreme Court ruling I find it amusing that those who've spent the last 40 years trying to scrap the UK's sovereign Parliament in favour of rule by Continental bureaucrat, now shout about the importance of the UK's Parliament being able to decide the terms for Brexit.

All of a sudden our sovereign Parliament has become important to them!

It has been important to many of us from the very beginning.

Glad that they now agree! Whistle
Post #596043 24th Jan 2017 9:15pm
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Member Since: 02 Oct 2016
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England 1987 Defender 90 2.5 TD XS CSW Portofino Red
^^^^^^Totally agree^^^^^^^

Hear...Hear...Hear Whistle ðŸšœ. ...... . .... . .. 🚗ðŸšðŸš›ðŸššðŸššðŸš—🚙ðŸš
Post #596044 24th Jan 2017 9:21pm
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2015
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South Africa 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Alaska White
Okay so we have African dictators, Asian demi-gods, American would be dictators, European bureaucrats, Completely confused UK politicians, Middle Eastern fence sitters, South East Asian ... what is going on herepoliticians, Australian ... keep the invasive aliens out and the the South American ... what the hell is the rest of the world doing, and of course the Antarctic penguin liberation front! But the real question is ... What kind of abomination will JLR invent for the next DEFENDER?..my *&^ just look at the new Disco? We have to keep a focus here!
Post #596317 25th Jan 2017 11:55pm
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
The people that have lined up against Brexit is a who’s who, from those who are tax dodgers and those who have the cheek to call themselves democrats?.

Throw in sturgeon and Blair and it’s a fair turn out, aided by the guardian and the not so independent! It’s been a deluge of smear and lies, but heads and shoulders above them all towers Gina miller, after yesterday she said that the Brexit supporting MP,s should be ashamed at how they have behaved??? She somehow sees herself as a champion of the people. God help us.

let’s all hope the government get things moving along swiftly and trigger 50 ASAP!

’I’m not so sure that this court case is the great victory as some on the Remain side are claiming. All that the Supreme Court has said is that Parliament must vote on Article 50. In the current fervid political climate, any vote will be subjected to intense media attention. MPs who vote against Article 50 may well be turning thousands of their constituents against them.

This is a particular problem for the Labour Party; many (most?) Labour MPs are pro-Remain but many (most?) represent constituencies that voted Leave. You can almost hear the sound of Labour voters moving to UKIP.

Stoke was the most pro-Leave city in the U.K, so the by election result there will be very interesting.

Having said that, UKIP seem split between the Nuttall “let’s replace Labour” faction and the Carswell “small government and business” faction. Only loyalty to Dear Leader Farage kept them in the same party.

The 1975 referendum for those are old enough to recall that, but remember this and the 1983 election. Labour went to the polls with a policy of withdrawing from the (then) EEC. Michael Foot and Tony Benn hardly fit the stereotype of all Leave voters or did then, but they lost big time.

When the entire Establishment are in favour of something, I’m always suspicious. 99 times out of 100, it is because there’s money in it for them and their mates from public schools.

Jeremy Corbyn should have stuck to his principles, told Labour supporters he too is anti EU and got them to vote out. The margin of the out vote would have been larger and maybe enough to stop the remoaners sabotage efforts.

Although the real problem with Labour is Labour is MPs are being so distant in their mind-sets from their voters.

Tony Blair turned the party into an unprincipled bunch of snivelling brown noses.
Along with Alastair and Mandelson, and all they cared about was spin. Winning votes regardless. Changing policies or better still having no policies at all, just to win elections. Simply blow with the wind but remain in power as long as possible.

Tony Blair would probably have hung on longer in power except he knew the Iraq War would come to haunt him, and at some point the UK economy in 2007 was all puff and smoke. Ripe to crash as it did in 2008 and know we all know that . Best then leave it to his “mate” the Scotsman Brown, who he promised a power share deal all those years ago. Worked out well for Tony….. Same as Cameron did for May.

Blare and his cronies did more to disillusion voters than any other politicians in recent history. On the political landscape. and today his disciples infest the Labour party to its demise.

Power of any sort is more important to them than any loyalty to their constituents or the country as a whole.

Leaving the EU closes future opportunities for them personally and for some perhaps they are just too stupid and ill-informed to really understand the EU is an anti-democratic organisation. A stepping stone to a one world fascist. Sadly ironic since the Labour Party was formed to represent working people.

When the (super) rich and powerful together with the traditional establishment line up in favour of something, you can bet your mortgage, it definitely is not for the benefit of the people.

I will get me coat Whistle For those who like Welsh Mountains and narrow boats have a look at my videos and photos at..

Post #596320 26th Jan 2017 12:25am
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