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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
Location: Sunderland
Posts: 5241

United Kingdom 
some people
I tell you what, some people really do need a dose of common sense.
This morning I was nearly involved in a car crash, due to some fool deciding to change his tyre on a 70mph A road, ( the A19)
This was about 6:45 in the morning on my way to boldon, you have Nissan traffic too. So its one busy time! Well anyway I was in the left hand lane and the right hand lane moving a lot quicker. I was behind a Class A lorry trundling a long as normal. When all over sudden the lorry moves right over into the right hand lane. Then moves back over again and then quickly back into the right hand lane. By then I had clocked why, There was a stupid fool with his Hazards on changing his tyre on the road Under the flyover !! I tell you what I had to hit the brakes hard, I couldn't even indicate out due to how fast everyone was moving out. A car behind me had to bail from hitting me, He ended up on the grass! He hooted at the driver for changing his tyre, lucky for us, a Van slowed down to let us out, I never booted a Landy so hard up the box in my life! The driver who nearly went behind me did really boot it too. Where this fool at decided to park up and change his wheel, was the most busiest part due to nissan and Tyne tunnel traffic go. So you can see how bad it can be at the best of times, people coming down off the flyover onto the A19 towards the tyne tunnel and nissan.
Got to work ok, bumped into a work mate 10 mins later, he nearly had a crash with a van swerving out of the way due avoid the fool changing his tyre!
Later on I found out that 20 mins later after I got to work there had been a 3 car crash there.
Some poor lass got hurt,
The thing that makes me laugh, if he had just continued on a little further down the road, there is a P sign. where wagons park. The A19 isn't exactly all that well lit up, and is known for crashes at the best of times.

Have lads ever had fools like this? Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

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Post #594791 20th Jan 2017 6:31pm
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Member Since: 22 Aug 2010
Location: staffs
Posts: 10383

United Kingdom 
I was cycling home on a busy dual carriageway, riding ON THE PATH, as A, I don't like inconveniencing drivers and 2, I want to live.
It was on a hill and just going over the brow, when a lady in a car stopped at the side of me...not pulled in the kerb, she just stopped.
Her window came down and she shouted if I can help and asked me for directions
I said ' do you want to pull on the pavement, as cars come howling up this hill and may not see you stopped here'

Her reply was 'I'll stop where I like!!'

I gave her directions alright!! But it was more of an action, than a destination!!!
Post #594799 20th Jan 2017 6:48pm
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