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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
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United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
Miss Shaggydog's Td5
Hi Guys,

Thought I should probably make a thread for this one as it will help cut down confusion.

Introducing Miss Shaggydogs new Td5 110.

We had both been looking for a defender for her to use as her first car, after a few dead ends and some real wrecks we decided it would definitely have to be a Station Wagon for insurance purposes and a Tdi for budget reasons. We looked for a while when this one turned up with Matt for a very good price and the deal was done.

Then the next day my head gasket went on my 200Tdi Big Cry

So she hasn't actually been able to drive it yet as I have been using it and I must say what a different beast the Td5 engine is.

I had never really got on very well with them as I found them so susceptible to stalling (probably due to my Tdi tractor style driving rather than a fault of the engine as such) but needless to say I just didn't really get on with them.
This one however is fantastic, nice and smooth, low grumble plenty of torque and so much quieter than my 200Tdi.

It does however raise some questions......

1, how is best to pull away without ether revving its brains out or suddenly taking off? I'm getting better at it but the throttle seems to work very sensitively and the clutch seems much lighter so is a bit harder to control.

2. while driving in to work today my water fuel filter light came on for 2 seconds while I was braking and then went off again. should I worry or put it down to land rover electrics?

3. What noises should it make when I turn it off, it currently makes a strange sort of running down clicking noise, possibly the egr valve doing something? (I know I'm writing what does a noise sound like which is 90% useless but you may know better than I do)

4. Occasionally when I get in and start the engine the horn and alarm "blip" once and nothing happens unless I get out lock and unlock it again. What causes this?

5. Are there any bits I should check as a priority before I start using her too much?

Long term plan is to give a general clean up and then we will be maybe adding some small mods here and there as appropriate (maybe some light guards, possibly wingtop chequer plate, definitely a radio, maybe a reversing camera)

For now however it is on Thunderbird duty ferrying me to and from work for the time being and of course driving lessons.

More pics to follow hopefully Very Happy

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 Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #456062 18th Sep 2015 12:08pm
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grumpy old git

Member Since: 16 Nov 2013
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 153

United Kingdom 
Nice 110 Thumbs Up

I can add my 2p worth to your questions, I can't answer them all but it might help.

1, how is best to pull away without ether revving its brains out or suddenly taking off? I'm getting better at it but the throttle seems to work very sensitively and the clutch seems much lighter so is a bit harder to control.

You'll learn, it's all a bit lighter than the Tdi's. The Td5 is known for stalling.

2. while driving in to work today my water fuel filter light came on for 2 seconds while I was braking and then went off again. should I worry or put it down to land rover electrics?

LR electrics. The facelift D2's had the water sensor omitted as it's unlikely for diesel here to be that bad. If you've removed the sensor and drained the filters worth of diesel you'll know that there's none in there.

3. What noises should it make when I turn it off, it currently makes a strange sort of running down clicking noise, possibly the egr valve doing something? (I know I'm writing what does a noise sound like which is 90% useless but you may know better than I do)

If it sounds like a marble rattling in a tin it's the main pulley, well known issue and a transit one from eBay will fit, 2 year warranty and £80 ish. If it's a ting ting noise from the exhaust side it's just cooling down.

5. Are there any bits I should check as a priority before I start using her too much?
Dependant on the age and mileage I'd say look at the oil pump bolt. There was talk on the D2BC forum this week of one falling out on a '99 with 105K on the clock.
Post #456072 18th Sep 2015 12:56pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
The noise when you switch off is likely to be the centrifugal oil filter spinning down. It's on the nearside below the exhaust manifold, and generally a little noise isn't a problem (it's well lubricated after all).
Post #456118 18th Sep 2015 3:41pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2012
Location: North West
Posts: 5920

United Kingdom 1999 Defender 110 Td5 SW Caledonian Blue
Looks quite tidy. What year is it? 1999 Defender TD5 110

John M0VAZ
Econet Station 48 no clock
Post #456119 18th Sep 2015 3:44pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 3347

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
Thanks Guys Very Happy

Its a 2000 proper County spec and I'm really enjoying it Very Happy

Is the centrifugal filter the one under the turbo?

Is there another one? Seems quite high up for a filter Confused

Thanks for all the pointers miserable Thumbs Up Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #456181 18th Sep 2015 7:21pm
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Member Since: 19 Nov 2013
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you'll soon love the noise more than the tdi Thumbs Up
Post #456183 18th Sep 2015 7:27pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2012
Location: North West
Posts: 5920

United Kingdom 1999 Defender 110 Td5 SW Caledonian Blue
Oil filter below turbo and centralfugal filter by the bracket for the aircon. Its got a domed cover with two 10mm bolts. 1999 Defender TD5 110

John M0VAZ
Econet Station 48 no clock
Post #456193 18th Sep 2015 7:41pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
I will have a poke around tomorrow Smile

Getting the spanners out tomorrow to do open heart surgery on the Tdi tomorrow Big Cry Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #456204 18th Sep 2015 8:03pm
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Member Since: 07 Jan 2014
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nice shaggy Thumbs Up i do like the td5s. sometimes wonder if i should have bought one instead of the 300tdi. although i did have more ancillaries going wrong when i had one. warped manifolds, leaky fpr,s oily injection harness, stripped threads in centrifugal filter housing, but still loved the engine Thumbs Up My 109 thread

my youtube channel

Last edited by g-mack on 19th Oct 2015 1:05pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #456226 18th Sep 2015 9:14pm
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2012
Location: North West
Posts: 5920

United Kingdom 1999 Defender 110 Td5 SW Caledonian Blue
Centrifugal filter circled and arrow to the location of the oil filter.

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 1999 Defender TD5 110

John M0VAZ
Econet Station 48 no clock
Post #456284 19th Sep 2015 8:13am
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 3347

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
Its a bit embarrassing to admit but all i have done to Miss Shaggydogs 110 since getting it has been to change a door lock (after the key snapped in the old one Rolling Eyes) and put some new wipers on it.

I've not even cleaned it yet Shocked

Still, I'm hoping now my 200tdi is coming back together I should be able to start having a look at her starting with a good clean up.

On the plus side, I have only really had to put fuel in it which is rather nice!

That said, me and Miss Shaggydog have definitely agreed that a 200/300Tdi might suit us better so once it has been tided up a bit we may be looking at swapping it for something a bit more agricultural.

I still really want a 130 and now having seen this
Click image to enlarge

I now want to build my own one so.......I don't know, watch this space.

Ps, she still really wants a 90 Rolling Eyes Laughing Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #464639 19th Oct 2015 12:20pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 3347

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
The Td5 has some brake issues....

The previous but one owner hadn't realised that the brake servo had cracked so had no power brakes anymore.

This combined with light usage and standing for a while has caused chaos with the brake disks and callipers.

The rears seem to be in good condition with little needing to be done to them other than inspection.

The fronts had seized pots which was causing uneven brake pad wear and scoring of the disks with uneven wear across the faces.

Click image to enlarge

Looking rather ropey in fact. So decision was made to replace the front disks and repair the callipers and rebuild in time to go onto The Netherlands for our holiday. (Those of you who saw my other update will start having alarm bells ringing...) I went for an OEM Kit which was advertised as "everything you need" which included pins, callipers, disks, oil seals, gaskets but not the stake nut for the axle hub Evil or Very Mad

Click image to enlarge

The passenger side came apart well this is what was found on the inside face Shocked The step in the disk is about 2mm deep so well past best so glad I scrapped it.

Click image to enlarge

Reassembled with newly greased bearings, heavily greased drive flange splines, new gaskets, new locktite and pads. Bled the system with the help of Miss Shaggydog (who is getting better and better at Land Rover Jobs) Now to the drivers side.

This is where it goes a bit pear shaped.....

I took the wheel off, clamped the hose, undid the brake pipes, removed the pads (eventually, combination of stepped disk and seized calliper) and put the socket onto the 12 pointed bolts for the calliper bracket.

Nothing, nothing at all. Smooth as a rivet. From here, the only way to get it off is to separate the axle tube at the swivel housing and then weld a nut onto it and then hope it winds out.

At this point, I decided to take the 200Tdi so it was reassembled loosely and then left for when I get back.....which means I need to get on with it.

Any suggestions? Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #473751 17th Nov 2015 11:38pm
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Member Since: 30 Oct 2011
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Posts: 4554

weld a nut or bolt on to it so can remove it or as below Exclamation

Last edited by dorsetsmith on 18th Nov 2015 11:36am. Edited 1 time in total
Post #473790 18th Nov 2015 8:54am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
You might be able to use one of the Irwin 'bolt grip' extractors on the head of the bolt.

This sort of thing: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Irwin-Bolt-Grip-Re...B0000CCXVZ
Post #473824 18th Nov 2015 10:35am
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
Posts: 3347

United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
Had a good day yesterday on the brakes.

Early start had me driving around in the 200Tdi in the snow out and around Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Paddock Wood, Staplehurst, collecting all the various parts in preparation for stripping the swivel balls off the axle.

Got home, up on axle stands and then set about stripping it down.

I undid the steering rod which meant I had a bit more room to get to the offending bolt.

I decided to try and put a socket on it just on the off chance it does move. I fitted the socket using a club hammer and with a wing and a prayer and a breaker bar it undid!

Fantastic! So the calliper came off, disk off, bearings regressed and then the whole lot was refitted.

Now I just have a big bag of parts I will hopefully not need for a very long time.

Just need the do the rear prop-shaft and then were back on the road Very Happy Running Restoration Thread http://www.defender2.net/forum/post323197.html#323197

Self confessed mileage hunter Very Happy
Post #475242 22nd Nov 2015 7:37pm
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