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Member Since: 18 May 2007
Location: East Lothian
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The definitive snagging list of warranty fixes
This post is motivated by some self interest, but I also thought it would help others in a similar position to me.

In brief, my 110 XS puma (Stornaway grey - - love it!) is needing it's first service, and a few things which I think also need fixed under warranty. My problem, is that I'm really time poor just now (due to alot of ill health plus a bereavement in the family) and while I've surfed around this site, I can't seem to get the time to distill out all the problems and fixes that you've had on your pumas.

So, I was thinking, I couldn't be the only person with a similar challenge, albeit for different reasons. So I thought why not start a definitive snagging list to get fixed under warranty, and invite everyone to register their ecperience. Then we could all have one source of data to almost print off for our dealers service departments, against which we could highlight the specific warranty fixes that we need (heck, might even help the dealerships!!)

For each warranty "issue", a couple of sentences under the following four points might be logical:

Symptoms: A quick explanation of the symptoms others should look for in their vehicle.

Cause: A few sentences stating what the actual (or suspected) cause of the problem is.

Known fix: Explanation of what the fix is to resolve the problem (incl. a note of the LTB number if there is one).

Comments: Any other observations to fellow forum users that may be helpful on this specific "fault". Perhaps including a link to any post that gives full blown details of the issue.

I'll start of, but it's not a particularly helpful one (apologies), as I don't yet know the "fix". Here goes anyway - - - - -

Symptom: Water leak into the driver and front passenger footwell. About the size of my hand in quantity, which lies ontop on the rubber footmat. Most noticeable first thing in the morning, after it's been raining overnight.

Cause: Haven't yet been able to find the source of the leak. The water seems to drip from the folder over metal lip at the very bottom of the dash, on both sides. Strangly, I haven't noticed the leak when I'm driving, even in very heavy rain.

Known fix: Not yet establsihed.

Comments: No further detail.

Anyway, you get the idea. I'll throw this out to the forum - - - hope you may find it useful and a way to share the benefit of your experiences with others.

Post #4311 25th Oct 2008 9:18am
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Member Since: 10 Nov 2008
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Epsom Green
Sorry to hear of your problems Softail.

I'm new to the site and have been the relatively happy owner of a puma 110 for just over a month (2200 miles) with only a couple of issues:

Symptoms: clatter from underneath vehicle, sounding like the front and obvious when on overrun/downhill on poor surfaces - goes away when brakes lightly applied

Cause: Suspected brake pads loose in the callipers or missing/weak anti-rattle springs

Known fix: According to the dealer there is a service bulletin for this - problem resolved

Comments:problem ALMOST resolved, but still more rattling than I've ever had with TD5 110xs and range rover classics - will be crawling underneath to take a look

Symptoms: Water leak into driver and passenger footwell (exactly like yours!). very bad on old TD5, slight on new Puma 110

Cause: In the case of my old TD5, bulkhead/screen joiners appeared poorly sealed, water could be seen on the nuts and ends of bolts on the inside of the bulkhead, tracking down and dripping off the bulkhead onto the floor.

Known fix: TD5 - Fixed by dealer, not sure what action they took

Comments:Will get this looked at next time the Puma goes in for anything else, as not too bad in spite of very heavy recent rain. As you say, more of an issue when left standing than when driven

Symptoms: Occasional metallic rubbing/grating at low speeds after a run (ie more than 5 miles) - very noticeble at car park speeds. Sounds like once a revolution of the wheels, but hard to say. Very intermittent and not yet addressed, but will keep you posted

The issues with clunks from the transmission on gear change (especially under load, 1st to 2nd) also apply to my car, although the demonstrator I drove did this, as did my TD5 with 6,000 miles on the clock - I'd assumed it was par for the course until I happened across this site! 1953 80
1965 Alfa Romeo GT Veloce Sprint
1980 Fiat 124 Spider
2008 110xs
Post #4624 11th Nov 2008 5:19pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2008
Location: Hillcrest, Kwa Zulu Natal
Posts: 160

South Africa 2009 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Chawton White
I experienced the exact same clattering noise from under the vehicle. I suspected it was the hand brake drum. I got my dealership to replace the unit and ive never heard the clatter ever again. I hope this helps. If your dealership wont replace it you can retrofit stronger springs yourself but be careful not to leave any signs of D.I.Y for warranty purposes. Land Rover's don't leak oil, they simply mark their territory!
Post #4632 11th Nov 2008 6:58pm
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Member Since: 21 Jul 2008
Location: Great Berry
Posts: 141

2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green

Any comment from your dealer/Land Rover about the transmission clunks and 1st to 2nd gearshift. I have what sounds like the same, and Land Rover say "it's characteristic of the marque sir". As a vehicle test Engineer I can't accept that, but not sure how to get anything more done about it.

Post #4645 12th Nov 2008 7:33am
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Member Since: 10 Nov 2008
Location: West Sussex
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Epsom Green
Shorty - thanks, I'll raise that next visit and let you know - as the 'faults' have been slight and haven't altered since day 1, I'm saving this 'til the next clear-cut reason for a visit - probably the slight bulkhead leak which I had during the first few days of ownership, and which has now reappeared with the recent downpours.

Bosun - same goes for the clunkiness - it's not bad, but i don't really think it should be there. However, I've owned a couple of series LRs and 2 RR classics and all have had similar symptoms - it's as if the 'acceptable' backlash in all the components in the drive train becomes less acceptable once it's all added together, especially in the lower gears. The rear propshaft in my old TD5 was replaced (excess play in the slliding splines) and various 'loose' Shocked suspension bolts tightened, which helped but didn't completely resolve the issue. Looking at other threads here, I'll go over everything visible to check there's nothing loose. The locknuts on the tow-bar were rotating freely on the bolts when I got the vehicle, which doesn't exactly reassure me that the vehicle's been well put together! 1953 80
1965 Alfa Romeo GT Veloce Sprint
1980 Fiat 124 Spider
2008 110xs
Post #4648 12th Nov 2008 9:54am
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Member Since: 23 Oct 2008
Location: antwerp
Posts: 4

Belgium 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
My Puma 2007 is now 7 months, and has 26000 km on it, I mostly drive on the road and had zero problems till now.
I've had the same noise with my handbrake in the beginning, dealer told me that in the factory they fix it too strong, after loosening the handbrake twice they repleced the drum, and I never heard the sound again.
What the water leaks are all about, here's a link from LR, where you'll find some info, me I've fixed two drainpipes, wich really helps, I'll send you some pics tomorrow.
Post #4655 12th Nov 2008 7:27pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
gtveloce65 wrote:
Shorty - Looking at other threads here, I'll go over everything visible to check there's nothing loose. The locknuts on the tow-bar were rotating freely on the bolts when I got the vehicle, which doesn't exactly reassure me that the vehicle's been well put together!

Yes well thats the dealer Mike
Post #4658 12th Nov 2008 8:34pm
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