Home > Puma (Tdci) > Vacuum Pump failed. Had to happen |
NoDo$h Member Since: 18 Aug 2007 Location: Buried in deer guts in Dorset Posts: 972 |
Our 90 went out of Warranty a couple of months back. Has 20,000 miles on the clock.
Doing the weekly checks today and immediately spotted the tell-tale spray on the underside of the bonnet. Anyone got any ideas on costs for getting this done? Despite the low mileage and the massive failure rate on the original part, I'm not anticipating any particular largesse from LR on this one. 54 Freelander modded for mud 2008 D3 SE 2010 90 XS SW 1978 88 Series 3 undergoing surgery with a new owner 2007 90 County Truck Cab - gone 2006 D3 SE - gone 2004 Freelander Sport - gay 1999 Disco V8 ES rotted to bits |
6th Nov 2010 5:45pm |
alantd Member Since: 14 Dec 2008 Location: Northamptonshire Posts: 1513 |
Is there a difference with known service bulletin items (I don't think this was technically a recall)? Obviously they knew about it before your warranty expired (it pertains to a specific VIN range) so you may be ablectovget them to do it.
The main issue will be who pays. The dealer will be reluctant given they'll have no joy with LR in reclaiming the item out of warranty so LR directly will be your best bet (although time consuming). One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS + New Defender 110 First Edition |
19th Nov 2010 10:43pm |
Eduardo Member Since: 28 Aug 2008 Location: RegiĆ³n Metropolitana Posts: 2110 |
Im agree with this approach,
It is a pre-existent failure known by LR. Specially if you have the old vacum pump type. Mine has been replaced twice in a range of 90.000 km. Cheers Eduardo MY 2007 110 SW PUMA 2.4: Big Fog of 64' MY 1994 Jayco 1207 Folding camper: "El Tremendo" Click image to enlarge |
19th Nov 2010 11:04pm |
Grockle Member Since: 24 Nov 2008 Location: Peak District National Park Posts: 2266 |
I complained about our dealerships service and the service manager agreed that they were useless,he then got his coat on and walked out 2.4 90 XS
1968 1/32 scale Britains 109 Pick up. |
20th Nov 2010 1:43pm |
NoDo$h Member Since: 18 Aug 2007 Location: Buried in deer guts in Dorset Posts: 972 |
Just changed mine. We had the EGR valve replaced just out of warranty with a substantial contribution from Land Rover, so I bit the bullet and just bought a new pump.
List price for the pump LLR014973 is £105.00 plus the VAT. The gasket LLR0043814 is £2.46 plus VAT. I did negotiate a small discount on those prices Would have taken me about 20-25 minutes if I had the right tool to relax the auxilliary belt tensioner. As it was I took half an hour cobbling something together that required me lying in the mud under the engine while Mrs Do$h popped the belt back on. Total time 55 minutes including a cup of tea and some general mooching around in the garage looking for my torque wrench. Big thanks to Nick at Yeovil once more and to my local indy, Nick Evans, for holding the part for me (driver wasn't happy dropping at my place with nobody in, so dropped it off at the indy up the road ) 54 Freelander modded for mud 2008 D3 SE 2010 90 XS SW 1978 88 Series 3 undergoing surgery with a new owner 2007 90 County Truck Cab - gone 2006 D3 SE - gone 2004 Freelander Sport - gay 1999 Disco V8 ES rotted to bits |
20th Nov 2010 3:30pm |
blackwolf Member Since: 03 Nov 2009 Location: South West England Posts: 17565 |
Mine is leaking oil too, so I bought a new one from a local main dealer. As far as I recall it was about £60+VAT. I haven't fitted it yet, but it does look very straightforward and I reckon won't take more than about 20 mins (onew of those jobs where it takes longer to get the tools out and put them away afterwards than to do the job). |
20th Nov 2010 10:53pm |
AndrewS Member Since: 10 Apr 2007 Location: Hereford Posts: 3709 |
They have come down in price then
Alan the special tool is a 3/4" drive ratchet with a 3" (or whatever size yours is) extension on it. There is a gap between the blades on the fan that allows the extension to go between the blades. The extension bar locates into a 3/4" square hole in the belt tensioner. Locate it - lift the tensioner to release the pressure - pop the serpentine belt off the pulley and away to go. 130's have feeling's as well you know |
21st Nov 2010 7:25pm |
NoDo$h Member Since: 18 Aug 2007 Location: Buried in deer guts in Dorset Posts: 972 |
Cracking, I'll know for next time
And there's bound to be a next time Cheers Andrew Al 54 Freelander modded for mud 2008 D3 SE 2010 90 XS SW 1978 88 Series 3 undergoing surgery with a new owner 2007 90 County Truck Cab - gone 2006 D3 SE - gone 2004 Freelander Sport - gay 1999 Disco V8 ES rotted to bits |
21st Nov 2010 8:18pm |
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