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Member Since: 08 Mar 2015
Location: White River
Posts: 178

South Africa 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Alaska White
Issues With My New Defender
Hi Ryan,

Just for your info this is the content of an email that I sent today to my local dealership regarding the issues I have had with my new Defender. This apart from my frustration with JLR to resolve the problem that every Puma 5dr Station Wagon in South Africa has been incorrectly registered as a "van type body" by JLR. They know the problem ... but they don't know the solution! Without going into a long discourse on the subject there are serious implications both for the owner and JLR for false advertising a 5 dr Station Wagon as a "van"-oh how the Toyota crowd will love this when it comes out that Land Rover don't know the difference between a station wagon and a van!. Beyond that the appalling assembly issues with my new Defender are shocking as you will see below (the names have been changed to protect the innocent).As a side note in 1992 I bought a new 200Tdi Station Wagon and apart from those frightening Avon Ranger tyres the vehicle build quality was 10 000 x better.

Any opinion you have on this would be ...... interesting.

Hi Mr X,

Just for the matter of record for the warranty I would like to list the issues I have had with my Defender VIN SALLDHMR7EA454206 within the first 10 000 km of use:

1. Brake Caliper Rattle - Issue Resolved
2. Front Dash Rattle - Issue Outstanding - Indication from X mechanic (X) that the source of the rattle is a cracked roof bracket on the right hand side of the door with the solution being the replacement of the entire front roof quarter panel. No further communication on resolving this problem has been received.
3. Rear left sliding window rattle - Issue reported by X mechanic as resolved. It was reported by the X mechanic (X) that he installed a new window channel. However, the rattle is NOT resolved - furthermore I cannot see where the replacement channel has been fitted. In this case I continue to maintain that the issue is NOT with the window channel but with the window frame itself.
4. Clutch release mechanism is faulty in the following manner a) it is at normal operating temperature - sticky resulting in a significant "clunk" sound when the clutch pedal is released. b) When used in start stop traffic and the drive train is warm there is a significant clutch rattle.
5. When decelerating from 120km/hr there is a significant whine from the transmission drive train possibly the rear differential or transfer box.
6. The ABS or TC has activated randomly and periodically when the vehicle has been engaged in 1st gear and only slightly moving forward on a non slippery surface/ normal tarmac surface- for no apparent reason.

Of all of the above the front dash rattle (point 2) is my greatest irritation and concern. It maybe in my opinion related to the left rear window rattle. Given that the roof bracket is cracked I am concerned that this may be indicative of a misaligned chassis, body and bulkhead configuration. If the vehicle is to be sent to a certified JLR panel beater for repair I request that an assessment be done of the chassis and body alignment for proper configuration.

As stated I am sending this email just to ensure that we have a record of my concerns.

Post #440273 24th Jul 2015 11:53pm
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2011
Location: bickenhill
Posts: 3663

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Galway Green
it is extremely disappointing how badly some things on our cars are built, including clutches, drive shafts, oil pumps, drive flange, diffs and axles, first I've heard of the roof issue. Good luck getting it all sorted out. DEFENDER 90 TDCI XS,

I hope everyone is well and your land rovers make you happy
Post #440277 25th Jul 2015 5:59am
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2015
Location: White River
Posts: 178

South Africa 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Alaska White
Yes I think it is very dissapointing given the cost of these vehicles now. I am still a devoted LR owner and I really like my new Defender - the performance on the open road is great and I do like the refinements. I just wish JLR would be more proactive with a devoted customer base. I also forgot to mention that the rear (5th) door lock was faulty and had to be replaced. The new one is fantastic and can be lifted open with one finger - smooth as anything!
Post #440499 26th Jul 2015 5:47pm
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2014
Location: Cheshire
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Indus Silver
Is that it? Sounds to me like you got a really good one! Man up, it's a Defender...
Post #440545 26th Jul 2015 8:40pm
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Hi Gonarezhou

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry to learn of the concerns you are experiencing with your vehicle, please accept my apologies on behalf of Land Rover for any inconvenience or frustration that may have been caused.

As each vehicle market has their relevant Customer Relations Department, I will need to forward your details on to request that you are contacted regarding your concerns. Should you wish for me to do so, I would be grateful if you are able to provide me with the following information via PM;

Your full name
Telephone number
Email address
Vehicle registration
Relevant repairing Land Rover retailer

Once I have this information I will forward your details to our Global Team who will request that you be contacted by the relevant Customer Relations Department for your vehicle market.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Post #440630 27th Jul 2015 9:57am
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2015
Location: White River
Posts: 178

South Africa 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Alaska White
Laughing Laughing
dozerman wrote:
Is that it? Sounds to me like you got a really good one! Man up, it's a Defender...
Post #441241 29th Jul 2015 5:26am
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