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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Puma refuses to start.
Hi I'm using my husbands log in, sorry if its an intrusion or against the rules but he is unwell possibly a minor stroke.

We have a 110 2008 U.S.W. Puma.
Today I went out in the Puma to get his medication I locked it up and when I returned unlocked it with the remote, took the wheel clamp off, put the key in and tried to start it. It turned over but refused to start, this happened three times.
I thought that the battery was flat so I rang so I rang the boss who straight away told be to get out and lock it up, then asked if the lights flashed, when I said yes he told me to unlock it and try and start it again. It started straight away.
He said its on the forum its the AS10 when I asked him how he knew what to do.

He is doped up now and our local garage have never heard of this though they repair land rovers but is old school.

Can anyone tell me what he was talking about so I can tell the garage.

Thanks S.H.M.B.O. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #421618 6th May 2015 4:55pm
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Go Beyond

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Sorry to hear the boss is not well Sad

The AS10 is the alarm module.

The chances are there is nothing wrong, they sometimes throw a hissy fit !

If it happens again just shut the doors and set the alarm and then unset it again.
Post #421619 6th May 2015 5:16pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
So sorry to hear about your husband's stroke. I sincerely hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. Thumbs Up

The alarm system can be a 'fickle beast' (namely the 10as system) on rare occasions. There have been people locked out whilst getting out of the vehicle and leaving it running. When you state it happened three times was it the fact you tried to start it three times or went through due process of locking/unlocking etc?
I have experienced similar symptoms to yours including the horn beeping when trying to start. On these rare occasions a reset as described by locking/unlocking has always sorted it. If yours was a one off experience I wouldn't worry unduly or rush off to the dealers. Try not to leave the vehicle unlocked whilst preparing/removing clamps etc. for any great length of time or lock it and then unlock it before starting. See how it goes.

Good luck and Best Wishes. Thumbs Up If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

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Post #421622 6th May 2015 5:17pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 SW Coniston Green
It sounds like a familiar "glitch" that many of us have come across with the alarm/immobiliser set up on your Land Rover. Your garage who you say is old school and dealt with Land Rovers before must have led a sheltered life not to have come across this before. It may be worth renewing the batteries in the key fob which is quite an easy job and not a Black Art, it's just a case of popping open the fob case, taking the old battery out, press the buttons with the battery out to take out any residual current, pop the new battery in and press the unlock button with long presses for four or five times to resync the fob to the car. The process is detailed in the drivers manual.
Sometimes the immobiliser can be set to immobiolise after a set time after unlocking and that length of time can be too short for you to unlock. get in and get sorted before starting, this setting can be adjusted by anyone with a proper diagnostic reader such as a Nanocom or Hawkeye.
One little tip on the resync of the fob would be to close the doors but leave the drivers window down just incase it decides to lock and then ignore you!
Post #421625 6th May 2015 5:26pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Thank you for your good wishes I will pass them on.

I tried to start it three time by just turning the key not by getting out and locking it.

The garage is one that repairs not just fit a new part and is one that gives excellent service, that's what I meant by old school, he had not heard of the problem so I will be able bring him up to speed. I will get him to change the batteries while I tell him. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #421654 6th May 2015 6:41pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2013
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Sometimes the as10 unit will do funny things if you have 2 remote fobs in range of the ignition switch
Post #421657 6th May 2015 6:48pm
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bob neville

Member Since: 30 Apr 2009
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Spain 2001 Defender 90 Td5 SW Epsom Green
Hi Mrs Richard

Firstly, I hope Richard makes a full and speedy recovery and could you please pass my best wishes on to him ?

When the garage change the key fob batteries make sure that they do the resync, it is detailed in the user manual and is simple to do.

Also, as JWL said, ask them to put it on diagnostics to see how long the immobiliser will remain off until it locks itself again and will not let you start the vehicle.


PS - tell Richard he needs to be fighting fit soon as I will be coming up to Yorkshire to use the two tickets he sent me in the near future ! 2015 Jaguar XE240 R Sport - goes like ....... !!
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Post #421659 6th May 2015 6:50pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Hi guys this is me I'm taking a break from the medication as Hospital appointment at lunchtime.

Thanks for the help and advice you gave to S.H.M.B.O. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #421769 7th May 2015 10:13am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey

Glad to see you're up and about, albeit to the hospital. Sincerely hope you are on the mend with no long term affects. Hopefully as with the Defender it is/was just a momentary glitch.

Best Wishes


Thumbs Up If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #421773 7th May 2015 10:24am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
If you find that you get frequent problems of this nature, you may want to consider getting the passive immobiliser turned off (requires the use of a Nanocom, Faultmate, or equivalent diagnostic system). PI seems to cause a lot of strange behaviour and your symptoms are absolutely classic.

Many people are reluctant to disable it thinking that it makes the vehicle easier to pinch, but it actually has little effect since there is no visible sign that it is disabled, so Johnny Tealeaf won't know, and the vehicle is still fully immobilised when locked.

PI only serves to activate the immobiliser if you walk off with the keys leaving the vehicle unlocked. It does however control the dialogue between the keyfob and the AS10, which seems to be the unreliable part of the system.

I know of a 2.4 Defender which used to fail to start about 1 time in 10 as regular as clockwork from new until PI was turned off. In the five years since, since then it hasn't (at least not yet) had a single failure to start.
Post #421787 7th May 2015 11:45am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
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Sorry to hear about your about of bad health but best wished for the future. Do not worry about the Puma non start issue as you have more important things to think about.
Regarding the original question. My 2011 puma came with one set of keys i.e. the spare set was missing. A set was ordered in and programmed by a maindealer. Occassionally when the spare set is used I get the Puma non start issue. It clears if I lock then unlock the vehicle then restart it. This has never happened with the keys that came with the vehicle so my conclusion is that the occasional non start is caused by a glitch in the programming of the keyfob. It always clears itself when you press lock then unlock on the fob. Think of it as an antitheft device!!
Anyway continued good wished for your ongoing recovery Thumbs Up 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
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Post #421884 7th May 2015 9:26pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2013
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Get well soon.
Post #421896 7th May 2015 10:15pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Hi This me again....S.H.M.B.O. has now had the login details taken from her.

Can I thank all those who posted on here to help her and to those who sent there good wishes.

After several days of trouble free starting I am told that she fixed it, I must have imagined I told her what to do and in fact If LEEDS hadn't persuaded me to join this forum I wouldn't have had a clue

The batteries in the fobs are both showing a bit low so they will be changed in the morning.

Thanks again to all. Don't make old people mad.
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Post #422079 8th May 2015 6:15pm
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bob neville

Member Since: 30 Apr 2009
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Spain 2001 Defender 90 Td5 SW Epsom Green
Good news Richard Thumbs Up

How are you doing ?

Bob 2015 Jaguar XE240 R Sport - goes like ....... !!
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Post #422081 8th May 2015 6:32pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2013
Location: North Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Cairns Blue
Hi Bob and to anyone else who is wondering.

After two days as an out patient I have been told that the original diagnosis by an out of hours GP at 0400hrs on Wednesday morning that I had had a stroke and probably three in the previous week I have been given the good news that I have not had a stroke at all and that the probable cause to all me problems is tension in the neck and shoulder which is causing the tendons to pull the vertebras in the neck in opposite directions ( this is what the chiropractor said eight weeks ago). I have been told that I have to relax more when driving, using the computer etc. Don't make old people mad.
We don't like being old in the first place,
so it doesn't take much to Censored us off.

Post #422085 8th May 2015 6:49pm
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