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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
Learnt some new languages recently!
Been a bit busy for a while doing an extension on the wife's business, but managed to learn some new languages, builder speak, plumber speak etc

Here's some phrases I learnt (no offence to any tradesmen on here)

I'll pop in and sort that out. - I won't pop in and sort that out
Job done mate - I've connected the wrong lights to the timer just for a laugh
Spotlights are now in - spotlights are now in the wrong place
I don't charge vat currently - I'll add 20% anyway
That won't take me long - think 6 weeks sucker, I'll fit it in around my day job

Job done mate - give me a ring when you find the leaks
Leak sorted - there's another one you haven't found and that will ruin your cupboards over the weekend
I've sorted that out now - the other tap won't leak until the cheque is cleared

I can see where you are going with the design - I've no idea what you are on about
I like that idea - I think its crap, what's wrong with my idea?
No problem to add those minor additions to the job - that's the next holiday paid for.
You've done a nice job over the weekend - you've made a right cock up and it's gonna cost for me to sort it out.
That'll be fine when it's painted. - it will look worse when it's painted
I'd say that'll be around about £1500 tops - in your dreams mate
It's good to have a clear drawing to work from - my five year old could have drawn a better one
Is there anything else we can do to help you - we've nothing booked in this afternoon

That's a nice strong colour - that's going to look hideous, who the hell chose that!
Grey is the new black - it's just grey you idiot.
I've got something really nice we can use there - I've got some magnolia left from the last job
I'm sure we can sort that out - I'm sure we can't sort that out
No one will even notice that - you'll see it every time you open the door
I've got some really good primer for that - I've got some expensive primer that'll still peel off by the morning

Sign man
Can you send me detailed drawings of what you want - I'm not interested in your poxy little sign
I'll pop out and have a look see - I won't pop out and have a look see because I'm not interested in your poxy little sign
All measured up, I'll get a quote sorted - I'm not interested in your poxy little sign so you'll never hear from me again
I've emailed the quote over - I'm not interested in your poxy little sign, so that's why my price is double the ball park price I gave you
I'll send Bill over to check out the frame work requirements - I'm not interested in your poxy little sign, but this will enable me to add another £1100 to the quote
Not a problem, we can do that - we do all the signs for the cheapskates like you
Your electrician hasn't connected the power correctly - I wired the led lights wrong and the power supply is now knackered
We do them all that way. - it was mis measured and we are now trying to bodge it without you noticing
We can sort out the flashing and seal it all up - we can't sort out the flashing and seal it all up, hence the water leak inside the building
If we can't get the same colour vinyl we will paint it - paint is cheaper for us than vinyl
We vinyl wrapped these bits - we ran out of the paint and b&q doesn't have any left
Job done - hope you don't notice the scrapes in the paint work
We always touch up on site - we always touch up on site as we always scratch and chip the sign as we put it up
Job done - we didn't think we get away with the first effort

You've got on well - it doesn't look like you've done anything while I've been shopping
That's looking good - that's looking crap
You've got on well. - how the hell long is this going to take
I really can't picture it - you'll have to change it all when it's nearing completion
I'll trust you on that. - I can't trust you on that
I don't know how you work out it all out in your head - why don't you just plan it like a normal person?
I bet you're pleased its nearly finished - get a bloody move on and finish it

Its looking good - how much longer is it going to take?
It's looking good - how come none of our ideas got used?
It's looking good - it's looking good (bless em)

So it's finished at last and thank god for the patience and expertise of the guys that did the proper work for us.

Time to get back to some other stuff now.

Not long till Christmas and a bit of holiday Thumbs Up

DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

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Post #374230 26th Nov 2014 12:17am
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landy andy

Member Since: 15 Feb 2009
Location: Ware, Herts
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2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Zermatt Silver
As a tradesman I'll keep quiet, and not add a customer section to the list.

Thumbs Up

Post #374249 26th Nov 2014 8:21am
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
As a tradesman I'll keep quiet, and not add a customer section to the list.

I reckon that would be an even longer list, especially with me as a customer. I'm surprised we got through it without me getting a black eye Laughing

My builder mates favourite is "the customer is always right" - meaning "the customer is always wrong, but as they are hopefully paying the bill we have to make them think they are"

Dj 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

Buy British 🇬🇧

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Post #374253 26th Nov 2014 9:07am
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Any chance of a pic of the finished product? Razz Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #374256 26th Nov 2014 9:26am
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
No problem

As it was

Click image to enlarge

The new part is the right hand side, so completely new shop front, large hole in wall etc

Click image to enlarge

Looking through the hole into the new part

Click image to enlarge

Beauty Room

Click image to enlarge

New customer loo

Click image to enlarge

Couple of the girls at opening

DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

Buy British 🇬🇧

Defender Clothing Designs available at http://www.rangesports.com/acatalog/Defender-Stuff.html
Post #374263 26th Nov 2014 10:15am
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Looks absolutely brilliant Thumbs Up Bow down
I hope the security is up to scratch - wasn't it around Christmas a few years ago? (or perhaps my mind is going...) Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #374269 26th Nov 2014 11:36am
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Member Since: 13 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 SW Epsom Green
So.... a couple of questions....

Do you offer D2 discount? I quite often feel like a trim after I've been laning! Laughing

Can you get those girls to give me a blow jo....dry....
Post #374271 26th Nov 2014 11:39am
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
Cheers and yes it was around Christmas 2012 (good memory!) we had a little 'visit' - funnily enough I recently had a call from the offenders rehabilitation (or something like that) asking if I'd be happy to meet up with the offender (who got jail for re-offending Shocked ) for a chat about how it affected us! didn't take them up on that offer. I guess its parole time Whistle .

Yes security is now beefed up so hopefully won't happen again, if it does the police will know about it quickly I hope.

DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

Buy British 🇬🇧

Defender Clothing Designs available at http://www.rangesports.com/acatalog/Defender-Stuff.html
Post #374274 26th Nov 2014 11:43am
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
Not forgetting I've seen your hairdo DJ - I'll ask, but unless its after several rounds of shots at the Christmas do, I think we all know the answer already Laughing 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

Buy British 🇬🇧

Defender Clothing Designs available at http://www.rangesports.com/acatalog/Defender-Stuff.html
Post #374275 26th Nov 2014 11:45am
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
Location: Wales
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
I employed two plasterers recently to render and plaster a couple of walls, they had both been recommended to me by a neighbour down the lane. As the plasterers had to work in the cottage while my wife and I were out there had to be an element of trust.

On the second day I arrived home early and when I entered the cottage there was the unmistakable smell of ‘skunk weed’ and looking at the two plasterers it was obvious they were under the influence of the drug.
I blew my top at them, I had also before entering the cottage let my two border collies out of the outbuilding and because I was raising my voice they were barking at the two guys as well, the two guys look terrified.

I was in two minds to throw them out of the cottage but they were so apologetic I let them complete the job, which to be fair was to high standard. However I do not think it right for anybody to smoke drugs in someone else’s home especially people you have employed to do a job.
Post #374285 26th Nov 2014 12:31pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
In the words of the immortal Pythons "you were lucky" Laughing

A few years ago, a new teacher here (a very pretty young woman from New Zealand) got the keys to her rented flat. She had agreed to paint it herself to get money off the deposit and was recommended a painter. He turned up one Saturday morning and seemed very professional (she thinks he was from Croatia) so she gave him the keys to work "black" (tax-free) over the weekend whilst she was away.

However, her trip was cancelled and she went back to the flat on Saturday night... only to find the painter drinking and smoking and lying on her sofa watching telly naked... well, except for wearing her underwear. It's a credit to her nationality that she simply gave him his marching orders and found it incredibly funny. Needless to say he wasn't asked to finish the job.

It's a scary world out there Whistle

*Edit* Wife just pointed out he wasn't wearing her underwear but just had it scattered around him - still creepy though... Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #374318 26th Nov 2014 4:04pm
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2013
Location: leicester
Posts: 422

Yep same happened to us, ( rented flat at the time) let the plasterer in showed him the bit of ceiling that needed doing.
Went down stairs to make a cuppa, back up stairs and he`s routing thru the girl friends underware draw.

Needless to say he was shown the door very quickly. Excuse the spelling I`am better with spanners and wires.
Post #375089 29th Nov 2014 7:31pm
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