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Member Since: 22 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Java Black
No, you're not screwed. I agree with your initial comments, we have created a society that contains an underlying level of hysteria, which, sad to say, is frequently accompanied by instant and unthinking aggression.
Post #357582 13th Sep 2014 9:42am
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey

Presumably there is no such thing as a female child abuser. Steve.
Owned numerous Land Rover vehicles of all shapes and sizes over the decades.
Current Defender: A non tarts hand-bagged Puma 110 XS USW.

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I used to be Miserable ...but now I'm ecstatic.
Post #357721 14th Sep 2014 8:02am
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2013
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Wales 2007 Defender 90 Other CSW Trident Green
Presumably there is no such thing as a female child abuser

Sadly there is, though it seems as if the media slants its reporting to make us believe it is an entirely male domain.
It is thought by many that Men do most of the unusual and deviant sexual abuse and that primarily it is Men who do most of the sexual abuse of children. It was thought that women were not believed to be committers of child sexual abuse except in rare circumstances.

Recently, however, there has been much more discussion of women as possible sex offenders in the matters of child sexual abuse. However, there is still considerable disagreement and confusion about just how frequently women sexually abuse children, what type of women, and under what circumstances.

In the seventies and eighties studies showed that female perpetrators of sexual abuse are at 20% for male children and 5% for female children. Alarmingly very recent studies show that in reported sexual crimes against children there were almost as many female perpetrators 42.7% as male 53.3%.

However to put those figures into perspective it is only fair to note that usually, a male rather than the female offender instigated the abuse. The woman went along with the male and played a secondary role. This defence was used by Myra Hindley in her trial with Ian Brady in the sixties.

Recently, however, Vanessa George a Nursery school worker based in Plymouth pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children. This gave rise to a study in which it was estimated that Child sex abuse by women is significantly more widespread than previously realised, with experts estimating that there could be up to 64,000 female offenders in Britain.

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, a child protection charity that deals with British female sex offenders, said its studies confirmed that a fair proportion of child abusers were women. It is now believed , that up to 20% of a conservative estimate of 320,000 suspected UK paedophiles were women and Scotland Yard's paedophile unit have recently disclosed that they had detected an increased prevalence of female offenders.

So there you have it Women are just as likely to abuse young children, perhaps to a lesser degree than males but it appears women are just as culpable in the abuse of the young.

My apologies if the above is a little deep for a Land Rover forum, but in the matter and in the horror of the abuse of children it is wise to know all the facts, so that we may be aware of its depth.
Post #357763 14th Sep 2014 12:39pm
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
^^Interesting reading, thanks for taking the time. I had hoped my somewhat flippant comment might prompt something along those lines. Unfortunately the understandable reaction of the many to news of such occurrences involving men mean that the gender is invariably looked upon with suspicion, again a vast majority are made to suffer the consequences due to the actions of a handful. Steve.
Owned numerous Land Rover vehicles of all shapes and sizes over the decades.
Current Defender: A non tarts hand-bagged Puma 110 XS USW.

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I used to be Miserable ...but now I'm ecstatic.
Post #357770 14th Sep 2014 1:23pm
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Member Since: 11 Apr 2012
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England 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi PU Rutland Red
gilarion wrote:
Presumably there is no such thing as a female child abuser

Sadly there is, though it seems as if the media slants its reporting to make us believe it is an entirely male domain.
It is thought by many that Men do most of the unusual and deviant sexual abuse and that primarily it is Men who do most of the sexual abuse of children. It was thought that women were not believed to be committers of child sexual abuse except in rare circumstances.

Recently, however, there has been much more discussion of women as possible sex offenders in the matters of child sexual abuse. However, there is still considerable disagreement and confusion about just how frequently women sexually abuse children, what type of women, and under what circumstances.

In the seventies and eighties studies showed that female perpetrators of sexual abuse are at 20% for male children and 5% for female children. Alarmingly very recent studies show that in reported sexual crimes against children there were almost as many female perpetrators 42.7% as male 53.3%.

However to put those figures into perspective it is only fair to note that usually, a male rather than the female offender instigated the abuse. The woman went along with the male and played a secondary role. This defence was used by Myra Hindley in her trial with Ian Brady in the sixties.

Recently, however, Vanessa George a Nursery school worker based in Plymouth pleaded guilty to sexually abusing young children. This gave rise to a study in which it was estimated that Child sex abuse by women is significantly more widespread than previously realised, with experts estimating that there could be up to 64,000 female offenders in Britain.

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, a child protection charity that deals with British female sex offenders, said its studies confirmed that a fair proportion of child abusers were women. It is now believed , that up to 20% of a conservative estimate of 320,000 suspected UK paedophiles were women and Scotland Yard's paedophile unit have recently disclosed that they had detected an increased prevalence of female offenders.

So there you have it Women are just as likely to abuse young children, perhaps to a lesser degree than males but it appears women are just as culpable in the abuse of the young.

My apologies if the above is a little deep for a Land Rover forum, but in the matter and in the horror of the abuse of children it is wise to know all the facts, so that we may be aware of its depth.

Oh great, I think from now on until the children reach 18 my wife and I will only be visiting them in the presence of either their mother and or a child welfare official. And I'm only half joking at this point. Arghhhhh, where has all the innocence gone that I feel too scared to go and enrich the lives of members of my extended family. Rhubarb and custard let fly with their secret weapon.
Post #357862 14th Sep 2014 7:58pm
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Member Since: 28 Apr 2014
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 351

Lambert, as usual society punish the majority for the few acts of the minority. Just go about your business, be proud you are an uncle. Let the world gossip, be parodied, and sell newspapers. The media is a business well before a service; and millions of kids live normal lives without the slightest thought or experiance of the issue. You know your are not a kiddy fiddler, don't let the world ruin your day because people are scared. Yes it happens, but that is why there are police and agencies working on these bad eggs. If fact celebrate your day, who knows what others are thinking. My bet is nothing because they are to busy thinking about themselves, other wise it's why aren't I like that. My Defender and travels
Post #357874 14th Sep 2014 8:46pm
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2013
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Posts: 422

Society has a lot to answer for.
My self I`am a step father to, two mixed race kids one girl, one boy.
Going from just looking after a cat to, two kids was a shock, I was in no way ready for a 12 year old girl who would take great delight in placing her clean bra on top of my head. As when cleaning her bedroom with her I would pick up her clothes. But would not go anywhere near her under ware. To me it seemed wrong, she saw it as funny !

You get a lot of funny looks from people when a white couple walk around with two dark skinned kids.
Especially when they were younger and you took them to the park, or picked them up from school, at the time a white lad in his late 20`s picking up kids got a lot of looks.

I understand how you feel it is unnerving, and 13 years later it still feels a little odd. Excuse the spelling I`am better with spanners and wires.
Post #357920 15th Sep 2014 8:58am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
It is you that has the problem and a shame that your misplaced guilt/fear or whatever term you wish to apply is preventing you from "enriching the lives of members of my extended family". .as you so eloquently put it! With a little 'caution' based on your posts there is absolutely no reason you cannot just get on with it! Kids will invariably pick up on your demeanour and exploit it to their own maximum benefit. If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #357922 15th Sep 2014 9:04am
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