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Member Since: 26 May 2013
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Setok, agree with your last para mate,..100%
Problem is, as I see it, is that lots of things have happened with respect to JLR (JLR?..geez, how much has that changed over the years, maybe that's part of the problem?)sinse the Defender was a "halo" vehicle.
I don't think JLR's primary focus is on Defender, as was Rover's focus all those years ago. There are many more vehicles/models/challenges these days, and its also about market share & profit, which are not Defender's forte!
I don't know what the new defender will be like, but I very much doubt that it will achieve the legendary status that "our" Defenders have done.
Post #315785 13th Mar 2014 10:26pm
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2009
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What puddle? wrote:
People, WE love the Defender for what it is. The trouble is that WE are very few. Everything is about money, and JLR needs to make money on the world stage. Like it or not, the new Defender HAS to be a more 'smooth' vehicle, a more girly one, if you like. If the Evoque was more butch then it wouldn't be selling so well. The DC100 was/is how it will probably go.

You're saying it can't be smoother and retain its original charm as a functional, utilitarian, rough and great offroad vehicle? It's not like it'd be the first time it got a bit smoother...

There are several fantastic utility vehicles out there selling well, and being things of pride for their companies. They are seen as valuable assets. Land Rover, as of late, seems more interested in mere fashion, and thus actually not even understanding why their brand is so strong in the first place.
Post #315798 13th Mar 2014 11:05pm
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Member Since: 19 Nov 2013
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United Kingdom 
Pickles wrote:
I don't think JLR's primary focus is on Defender, as was Rover's focus all those years ago. There are many more vehicles/models/challenges these days, and its also about market share & profit, which are not Defender's forte!

If there was a correct statement in here that is the one (I agree with all you said, but didnt want to quote it all Thumbs Up )

Realistically Id say since about 2005 with the td5 the defender as I put earlier is the disgraced old smelly dog of the family that gets put away when guests are over!

To prove the point I can show it clearly, just type in current land rover line up in google images and id say since then Its always been tucked at the back, Its very clear that the Range Rover is the vehicle they see as the leader of the Jaguar Land Rover brand.
The new Defender im sure will be good, but we all have the one people will imagine and remember. Very Happy Defender puma dormobile camper
Post #315829 14th Mar 2014 6:57am
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
Posts: 952

United Kingdom 
Setok, I'm saying that the new Defender will HAVE to be less utilitarian to appeal...and sell. It will HAVE to be more 'cartoonish'. It's inevitable. The new Defender simply won't have the charm and the soul of the current one though. How can it? We've watched the Defender evolve slightly into something clever and tough with bags of soul. But let's be honest, that's all it has. It isn't comfortable, it isn't reliable, it isn't built too well, it isn't even leak-proof! The new one will have plastic where once was metal. It will have air bags and a crumble zone. But it won't have soul. On another forum a while back I said about cars with soul: Minor, Mini, Beetle, VW Camper, MGB, Mustang, a few old Alfa Romeos, and of course, the Defender. I had a brand new Freelander as a hire car a few months back. It was totally insipid to drive, absolutely functional and nice, but no soul at all. If I had one I wouldn't care if someone bashed into it.

You're right, Land Rover being 'fashionable' grates. Using Victoria Beckham to promote the Evoque made me cringe - still does. But we have to accept that JLR aren't in this to please us, they need to make money. The thoughts about the Defender being the key to the LR brand may well be right, but that key is inevitably going to be more plasticky and soft. Now left.
Post #315843 14th Mar 2014 7:43am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
What Puddle wrote:
Using Victoria Beckham to promote the Evoque made me cringe

I couldn't agree more, and I think that that was when I realised that not only was the writing on the wall for the Defender, but that the entire human race is actually doomed. There really is no hope left!

Truly a rock-bottom moment. Big Cry
Post #315852 14th Mar 2014 8:43am
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
I found out recently that there is a nightclub in Lancashire somewhere called "Evoque". I shall leave you to work out what kind of clientele they appeal to but didn't come as a shock to me... 2011 110 USW
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Post #315856 14th Mar 2014 8:53am
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Member Since: 06 Jul 2012
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2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Java Black
Using Victoria Beckham to promote the Evoque made me cringe

American market though, give 'em some credit for not doing it here
Post #315858 14th Mar 2014 9:20am
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
Posts: 952

United Kingdom 
Sorry, I don't know what you mean by 'American market'. What I saw was her prancing next to a white Evoque at the terrible launch parade (watched it live online), and also on TV when she 'designed' a silver one. If you look, she ALWAYS uses the same stupid stance, of putting one leg in front of the other - god, she annoys me! Now left.
Post #315869 14th Mar 2014 9:55am
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Member Since: 10 Apr 2007
Location: Hereford
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 130 Puma 2.2 SW Rimini Red
Fair play a balanced discussion ref the new defender (if it exists) better than the usual doom and gloom
Post #315871 14th Mar 2014 9:59am
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Member Since: 07 Jan 2014
Location: northumberland
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United Kingdom 
What puddle? wrote:
P Land Rover, as of late, seems more interested in mere fashion, and thus actually not even understanding why their brand is so strong in the first place.

hit the nail on the head!!!! people who buy RRs want the luxury but they can get that anywhere! they buy a RR because they want the luxury and know that their RR is from the best off road car maker in the world! they must be the best! the army,farmers, utility companies, fire ambulance police mountain rescue..................all use them.
when the all the fire rescue army police blah blah start using toyotas, then the best luxury off road car to be seen in will be a lexus!!! And JL rue the day they tore out their backbone!!!! My 109 thread

my youtube channel
Post #315874 14th Mar 2014 10:12am
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Member Since: 06 Jul 2012
Location: Wales
Posts: 2265

2004 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Java Black
Sorry, I don't know what you mean by 'American market'. What I saw was her prancing next to a white Evoque at the terrible launch parade (watched it live online), and also on TV when she 'designed' a silver one. If you look, she ALWAYS uses the same stupid stance, of putting one leg in front of the other - god, she annoys me!

Most of the VB publicity was aimed at the US market, she doesn't test well in the UK but in the US she was huge at the time seen as a "British Icon"

Yes I know Rolling Eyes

So the stuff you saw wasn't really aimed at us limeys. As a market we like the #hibernot stuff

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Post #315877 14th Mar 2014 10:19am
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2013
Location: Fife, Scotland
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New Zealand 
As I see it, JLR are only interested in high end vehicles these days... Which is nice when the goings good (markets are in boom etc etc) However it wasn't all that long ago, When the bubble burst that JLR where in dire straits... I maybe wrong here but any sensible business model would suggest a balanced package of vehicles spreading the risk...Where the Defender falls into this category I'm un sure... I mean it's hardly cheap is it?.... However, It was once was the back bone of the company (probably a good two decades ago), The market has changed now though... I mean how many Range Rovers etc etc do you see being seriously off roaded?... I've never seen one.. Come to think of it, neither have I seen a Disco 3 or 4... However capable these vehicles are... In reality, Once the electronics go walk abouts.. Their generally stranded by the wayside.. (how many RR's do you see on flat beds being draged in for repair)... Anyway.. The idea behind the Defender is that it should be simple and easy to fix in the field... That doesn't mean it's can't be good to drive etc etc... It just depends on what JLR are aiming it at... This we'll just have to wait and see... It doesn't matter how bad it is, It can always get worse...

2013 Bowler 110 (Sold)
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Post #315878 14th Mar 2014 10:26am
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What puddle?

Member Since: 25 Oct 2013
Location: Reading
Posts: 952

United Kingdom 
Well, I don't know about you people, but I love this...I'd seriously buy it tomorrow to sit alongside my 1998 Defender. I'll be disappointed if the final one is far removed from this.
 Now left.
Post #315901 14th Mar 2014 12:07pm
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steve E

Member Since: 06 Mar 2011
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Id buy the DC100 for the wife
Post #315906 14th Mar 2014 12:46pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
What puddle? wrote:
Well, I don't know about you people, but I love this...I'd seriously buy it tomorrow to sit alongside my 1998 Defender. I'll be disappointed if the final one is far removed from this.

But would you buy one to replace your Defender?
Post #315922 14th Mar 2014 1:46pm
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