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Member Since: 21 Jul 2012
Location: Perth, W.A.
Posts: 16

Australia 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Blenheim Silver
History in the making
I have a fairly long standing fondness for lack of a better word, as obsession is probably too much, with Land Rover Defenders.

I have on two occasions bought what I believed was going to be the last of the Defenders, in 2005 just before they moved production back to the UK from South Africa when it was widely believed to be the end of the era, and then again in 2011 when they announced the DC100.

Now I have been told the order book for Aus closes in October for delivery December as no cars after 2014 can be sold in Aus without airbags. This has been confirmed now by both dealers in Perth.

I have also had my order in for the replacement since last year, thinking that if i liked the new one I would have one of the first ones, and if I did not like it I would get one of the last ones. If that makes sense.

Now I have my name on the list for being the first delivery of the replacement in Perth, but not having seen at least some firm indication of what the next one will look like I am hit hard with the dilemma. Do I get one of the last or one of the first. 8-0

Am I the only one with Google-Alerts for any for of Defender replacement, and have to sift through all the football news to get to the Gerry McGovern saying it has to appeal to the masses, and needs to be more sophisticated.

Some of my main concerns are, will the new Defender be as abusable as the current, and will the owners share the same passion and will there be a wave.

Without the wave and the passion, there really is not much left. Is there????

I am waiting in anticipation for something firm on specs, but might have to make a hard decision by September is nothing has come to fruition.

How many share my view and dilemma?

Post #307352 12th Feb 2014 5:31am
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3790

Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Mate, I have not heard that one before, but I will immediately get on the Aussie Forum, for confirmation or otherwise of no Defenders in Aus after 2014, ie a year earlier than expected.
Cheers, Pickles.
Post #307384 12th Feb 2014 9:25am
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3790

Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
And thinking about it, our Dealer quoted 5 months delivery for our 90, and that's how long it took, so if what you say is true, then July '14 would be the cut off ordering point for a customer build, because it will take 5 months to get here. A car ordered in October would not get here by 31st December?
Your point has been raised on the Aussie Forum.
Post #307387 12th Feb 2014 9:47am
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Member Since: 21 Jul 2012
Location: Perth, W.A.
Posts: 16

Australia 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Blenheim Silver

Mate, if it turns out to be speculation and not fact, then I could not be happier because it takes a whole lot of pressure to make a quick decision away. I will hold off until more information comes out. Please let me know if anything is said on the Aussie Forum.

Post #307670 13th Feb 2014 12:55am
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