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Member Since: 14 Jan 2014
Location: Athens-Greece
Posts: 126

Greece 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Tuned Pumas and egt's
I know that this more interesting for southern and down-under countries but anyone with a tuned puma and egt meter,what numbers you observe?
The story..
My def was tuned when i got it ,it has lots of power(can speed up to 155-160 kms/hr) BUT i can't take full advantage of it..
When crusing on speeds over 125-130 kms/hr and the road is "ascending" i have to back off the throttle cause the egt's goes sky high,egt probe is on the downpipe(AFTER the turbo) and egts go up to the 720 alarm(so 900 degrees??)
I have lowered the alarm limit to 650 and i drive accordingly.
I thing the tune my def is running gets "hot" after 2500 rpms,the thing is that i am trying to explain to the local dealer and gets more complicated cause i am not the original owner,he also told me that pumas run hotter than td5's,but thats up to the tune i believe.
When i had the Disco td5 and the nanocom,i could contact the tuner and ask for mods,now i have to bite the bullet and start all over again and get another tune or drive by the egt meter Crying or Very sad
Any feedback is wellcome..
Post #300879 21st Jan 2014 2:44pm
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2009
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With a Puma you should be running a max of about 600 degree's pre turbo...

The biggest problem is that most tuners have no idea about EGT - and use the old method of adjusting PW without understanding it's affects especially on a modern common rail diesel as per a 2.4 Tdci... mainly as they have no idea on how the calibration works.

Running the temperatures mentioned you will get turbo failure... at the least.

I would imagine you are also getting excessive black smoke.... and have low MPG?

The home of the first modified Keswick Green 90 - and the first 2.4 Puma through both the 200bhp and 550Nm barriers.




Post #300886 21st Jan 2014 3:13pm
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Member Since: 14 Jan 2014
Location: Athens-Greece
Posts: 126

Greece 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
The strange thing is that i don't get much black smoke,especialy compared to my disco td5 when i was trying some stage 2 maps and generally the tdci and vnt combo(and 6 speed gearbox) smokes a lot less even tuned.
Many people suggest that when you see egt's rising you downshift in order not to labour the engine etc.
In my case,i'm not labouring the engine when cruising with 6th and 2600rpm,even if i dare to downshift to 5th revs go up to almost 3500 so only way is to reduce speed.
I get smoke when revs are over 2500 and "push" it then you see the egt meter running faster than a stop watch!!
So that's i conclude that the specific tune gets quite "hot" after 2500 rpm.
Anyway as i already wrote i drive accordincly,hope previous owner also Neutral
You say 600 PRE turbo and tuned?
Do you happen to know stock pumas egt's?
Numbers anyone else please?
Apart from observing the egt's,i'm generaly satisfied-compared to td5 that is!
AFAIK the specific puma was originaly tuned by you back in 2008 for a Lybia expedition, one of the first pumas tuned,you came yourself to Greece to prepare it but a year later the setup of the whole def "changed" so your tune was "lost".
I'm still trying to collect the full history of my(now) puma.
Post #300972 21st Jan 2014 6:55pm
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With a tuned Puma you shouldn't get any smoke...

This was before it got up to the 200bhp level, but even now it doesn't smoke.

Done properly even tuned you should be able to sit at max load without worrying about the EGT.

Arhh.. you own the Keswick Green 110 (what made me like the colour in the first place) that features on all the safety devices adverts! IRB
The home of the first modified Keswick Green 90 - and the first 2.4 Puma through both the 200bhp and 550Nm barriers.




Post #300984 21st Jan 2014 7:18pm
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Member Since: 14 Jan 2014
Location: Athens-Greece
Posts: 126

Greece 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
I wish remote remapping-nanocom style- was possible...
Post #301040 21st Jan 2014 8:43pm
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2009
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Think I need another trip to Athens.... been a while.

Max EGT under full load on a standard Defender should be 475 - 525 degrees.... over 600 degrees and it's getting way to hot.

The home of the first modified Keswick Green 90 - and the first 2.4 Puma through both the 200bhp and 550Nm barriers.




Post #301048 21st Jan 2014 8:55pm
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Post #301082 21st Jan 2014 10:12pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
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South Africa 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
Re: Tuned Pumas and egt's
fatman wrote:
I know that this more interesting for southern and down-under countries but anyone with a tuned puma and egt meter,what numbers you observe?

I have a BAS remap V2 and a Madman unit. With the remap, I have noticed that when I park the landy at home or work, the EGT is much lower, sometimes by about 30C or so.

Usually by the time I have idled my way in 2nd gear from the main gate to my parking bay at home (100m), the EGT is sitting at:

OEM map: 180-190C

BAS remap: 150C-160C

Also, when cruising, the EGTs are lower with the remap. And of course, when accelerating hard, the EGTs can climb very quickly, but you have to learn how to stay in the optimal gear and rev range Thumbs Up

My EGT alarm is set at 650C, but I very rarely hit that. When I do it's usually because I didn't gear down from 6th to 5th on long uphills.

If you are in a warm climate, you will also benefit greatly from an upgraded intercooler, the OEM one is useless for anywhere else other than the UK Whistle --
2010 Defender Puma 90 + BAS remap + Alive IC + Slickshift + Ashcroft ATB rear
2015 Range Rover Sport V8 Supercharged

Defender Puma Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zZ1en9
Discovery 4 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zXrtKO
Range Rover/Sport L320/L322/L494 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zc58JQ
Post #301133 22nd Jan 2014 9:08am
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Member Since: 14 Jan 2014
Location: Athens-Greece
Posts: 126

Greece 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Thanks Naks.
Egt prob pre or post turbo?
Post #301167 22nd Jan 2014 11:40am
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
Location: Stellenbosch, ZA
Posts: 2667

South Africa 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
Err, not sure.

It was fitted according to the instructions supplied by Madman: http://www.landyonlineretail.co.za/worksho...ml?start=2


The EGT probe is fitted directly to the turbo exhaust housing.

A large diameter (+- 25mm) hole must be drilled through the heat shield.
2010 Defender Puma 90 + BAS remap + Alive IC + Slickshift + Ashcroft ATB rear
2015 Range Rover Sport V8 Supercharged

Defender Puma Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zZ1en9
Discovery 4 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zXrtKO
Range Rover/Sport L320/L322/L494 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zc58JQ
Post #301172 22nd Jan 2014 11:54am
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2009
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Post Turbo then...

Pre turbo is really the better place to measure from - ideally where the collector is just before the turbo to take an average of the whole manifold.

EGT under full load is the more important thing to look at...

Any calibration shouldn't rely on the driver to limit EGT.... you should be able to drive flat out in any gear and not worry about causing any damage.

The home of the first modified Keswick Green 90 - and the first 2.4 Puma through both the 200bhp and 550Nm barriers.




Post #301193 22nd Jan 2014 12:41pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2009
Location: Durban
Posts: 86

South Africa 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
I have my EGT probe fitted pre-turbo. I also have an Allisport intercooler, but no remap.

At cruising speeds (110-120kmh) my readings are in the 550deg range on a level road, but they have climbed to 720 on a long hill in high ambient temps on one occasion, although it's usually around 650 on that specific hill. I have found that backing off even 5kmh makes a big difference to my EGT readings. All readings are driving in 6th gear.
Post #301416 23rd Jan 2014 4:55am
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Member Since: 02 May 2011
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2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
I recently installed an EGT probe, a pic of the sensor:

My 2.4 engine is BAS remapped with Chiptech intercooler and high flow 100 cells cat on the exhaust.

Until now, I mainly drove the car with external temperature between 0°C and +5°C, so fairly cold. Average EGT temp when driving in 6th gear at +- 110 km/h on flat road is around +350°C

Maximum temperature actually reached is around +500 when pushing fairly hard on the throttle (5th gear at 3000 rpm on a sloped road)

I see that my EGT temp are lower than most reported on this thread.

Do you believe it's due to the post-turbo sensor position or the intercooler+high flow exhaust ?
How much the ambient air temperature affect the EGT temps ?
Post #301876 24th Jan 2014 8:28pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2010
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How much the ambient air temperature affect the EGT temps ?

The hotter it goes in the hotter it comes out If everything is under control you are not going fast enough.

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Post #301905 24th Jan 2014 9:46pm
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
I know people have different ways of testing and also have sometimes different quality equipment available for testing as well as different conditions testing in etc etc blah blah so results may vary from one to another for those reasons.

Ingoring that bit here is what I found.

When we did the Allisport Defender many moons ago we tested temps in various places on the allisport Defender standard and tuned with different setups that we had available at the time.

A few pics in gallery https://www.defender2.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=440

We tested intercooler temps and boost pressure.

We tested the EGT in turbo collector its self as well as after turbine.

As standard depending on the driving style done, outside air temp, beleive it or not fuel type used and more I can barily rememeber and we could make an averaged out EGT of anywhere between 500-520 taking it semi easy and then right up to 740-760 when worked hard and some times occasional spikes as high as 780+ giving it stick for a long time sat hard on the 132kmh speed limiter as a standard untuned but intercooled car!

I did this several times back anf forth to Gloucester, and I do agree with Ian that the longer the time the engine spends at super high EGT the more likely it is to become a problem. Prevention is better than the cure for sure so if it can be kept low or lower the better overall.

These are just my own findings with the tools I have used on the cars ive used them on, others people may see slightly different results on different cars with different set ups etc etc at this thread shows.

Regards Pete
Post #301925 24th Jan 2014 10:38pm
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