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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 X-Tech LE Orkney Grey
Off to Switzerland - Winter Requirements & Mountain Road
Hi All,

Have done a search and can only find posts not specific to winter conditions when travelling to Switzerland. (Hopefully sparing me the wrath of K9f) Razz

I will be travelling to Torgon, Switzerland on the 28th February in the defender and was wandering, as we have quite a few established posters from there, if there was any particular law requirements such as snow tyres? Are there any particular driving styles when climbing steep, mountainous and icy roads?

I'd like to arrive there safely to enjoy my snowboarding holiday, rather than leave the defender upside down at the bottom of the mountain in a ball of flames. Most importantly, I need a few reassuring statements and phrases to coo the other half up the mountain without having a panic attack and make it sound like I know what I'm tackling, while I'm quietly cacking my pants at every U-turn thinking I�m going to carry straight on through the barrier and into the abyss.

Many thanks for any advice offered Smile ===================================
90 xs sw in Stonoway Grey - Sold
Post #299632 17th Jan 2014 3:13pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2011
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If I was you Lish I would seriously look at fitting proper winter tyres. Sometimes these will be a requirement anyway to drive on some roads. Certainly in Austria there is also a requirement to carry chains (even if you don't need them). Perhaps one of our residents will confirm. Driving on proper winter tyres will mean that on anything but sheet ice you won't have any more problems than driving on normal tarmac. Just be sensible and you will be fine. Unless your arrival/departure coincides with a heavy snowfall then you will find the roads will be kept in a good drivable condition (though they may leave a solid snow covering on some roads, but your winter tyres will deal with that fine).
Post #299643 17th Jan 2014 3:55pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 X-Tech LE Orkney Grey
Thanks for the advice MM. I have currently on, Goodyear Duratrac tyres, will they do? AndresS did some research on them and they were supposed to be the best on snow of the (granted not specific snow tyres) MT and AT tyres.

I amso have a full set of snow chains rud-matics to take with me Smile ===================================
90 xs sw in Stonoway Grey - Sold
Post #299650 17th Jan 2014 4:16pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2011
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No idea about the Duratracs. If they have the snowflake symbol on them then they will be OK if there is a legal requirement to use winter tyres.
Post #299651 17th Jan 2014 4:19pm
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Post #299652 17th Jan 2014 4:20pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2008
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2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
hi Steve

if you are a resident you need to fit snows in November and change back in March/April, EricVV will be able to confirm the exact dates, so assume the Swiss are all running around on Snow tyres. AFAIK tourists are ok, but remember CH is outside Europe, there are lots of grey areas. The Swiss also have "parking insurance", cars get bumped regularly at the ski resorts, so park away from the rest, out of the way if poss.

Some roads are signposted chains are required, I have a couple of pairs you can take together with some mats etc.

Proper snow tyres (not M&S nor snowflakes etc) but proper soft compound with sipes (eg Nokians or Cooper SNOWS) will set you back about �140 ea and last many years.

Check on mytyres http://www.mytyres.co.uk/cgi-bin/rshop.pl?...eugart=PKW

Best to stick to 235's for the winter (best not to go into detail on the forum)

Just to add, the Swiss are very good at keeping roads clear, they use tons of salt (as Eric will tell you)

You need :HiViz jackets, First aid kit, fire extinguisher - check with the AA web site for a complete list. (My defender came with all those)

Let me know if you want to borrow those bit and have a great time Thumbs Up
Post #299662 17th Jan 2014 4:37pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Lish, first we talk about winter tires I think. (I don't believe anything like a pure snow tire really exists). In Switzerland winter tires are not mandatory at all, also not to go up a mountain in the winter. However,..............................
If you would have an accident, and if the police would determine that lack of suitable tires for the prevailing conditions have contributed to the accident, they will write this in their report, they will make this report available to the insurance companies of both drivers, and on top of that with each and every road accident here where police are attending to, police will determine who is the faulty party, and that driver will get a fine. So is the law.
So I can only recommend that you indeed come here on a good set of winterbooths, in the first place it makes sense to use those in the winter everywhere in North-Europe. This has nothing to do with snow.
Also get yourself 4 snow chains for your truck. At times of really snowy conditions the traffic service here is keeping the roads very well cleaned everywhere, but contrary to winter tires which are not a legal requirements, there may be road conditions which make using snow chains temporarily mandatory on mountain roads, and whether you drive a 2 wheel drive Eurobox or a permanent 4 wheel drive Defender, even with wintertires, when snow chains are mandatory, they are so for every car and truck. And it gets controlled and eventually fined.
Remember that since 01-01-2014 in all of Switzerland it is mandatory to drive day and night with your headlights on. That means either DRL's if you have them, or if you don't, your low beam. Parking lights are not good enough. Right now police are not fining yet, but as of March 1 they will.
As to recommendation for winter tires, well I guess the best are the combination offered by LR themselves here in Switzerland as an official accessory. Nokian Hakkapellita LT2 on black heavy duty Wolf rims. I can assure you first hand that they are great. I still have the first generation LT's, now it is their successor the LT2's. And I can assure you that they look and drive fabulously, as I have seen them first hand this week on our friend Kitoper's Hunter. He just bought a set and had them put on yesterday. (Current price for a Wolf rim with LT2 tire here in Switzerland from LR is 399CHF or 266� equivalent)
Otherwise ski safely, and we finally are getting more rain down here in Geneva which means snow higher up, and this will also continue all of next week. Thumbs Up
Here is a pic of my LT's. This is their 5th winter, I guesstimate that they have done about 26k km on my truck in total, and they have markings for percentage thread that is still left. In my case the 80% mark is still fully visible, so could be anything between 80 and 90%....

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Last edited by ericvv on 17th Jan 2014 5:22pm. Edited 2 times in total
Post #299667 17th Jan 2014 4:58pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
bpman wrote:
You need :HiViz jackets, First aid kit, fire extinguisher ... Thumbs Up

Little correction...
HiViz jackets and fire extinguisher are not a legal requirement here in Switzerland. A first aid kit which has a valid expiration date, as well as en "emergency" reflective red triangle, yes.
Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #299670 17th Jan 2014 5:17pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2008
Location: Oslo
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2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
^^ interesting, just what Philipe told me at the dealership ... they fitted a fire extinguisher too.. + the triangle

I guess Lish will be travelling thru France where you need a hiViz Thumbs Up

Eric .. can you add anything to the "parking insurance" ?

and if you are going on the Swiss motorways you will need a vignette (motorway tax disc) .. was 40CHF's .. probably more now
Post #299672 17th Jan 2014 5:22pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Philippe told me other things about a Defender as you are well aware of. Rolling Eyes They are now all built on a galvanized chassis, you know...... Shocked Rolling Eyes Whistle
HiViz jackets and also a alcotest are indeed a necessity in France, although I am not entirely sure anymore about the current status of these alcotests..... If you can, just buy one at the first gas station, will cost probably 3 Euros or so. Useless things anyway, I know that in some countries police are warning the public openly now that these cheap alcotests that I think are still required in France only are good to give drivers a false safety feeling, as their accuracy is comparable with nil.... I guess some French minister's sister runs one of those stupid alcobaloons plants, and hey, someone needs to keep the French production chain going, yes. Laughing

Oh, and Lish, these two requirements here below are also only optional. Whistle Thumbs Up

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 You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #299674 17th Jan 2014 5:31pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Re: Off to Switzerland - Winter Requirements & Mountain
Lishlandy wrote:
Are there any particular driving styles when climbing steep, mountainous and icy roads? Many thanks for any advice offered Smile

Easy answer..... Do it very very carefully Thumbs Up You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #299678 17th Jan 2014 5:39pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
[quote="bpman Eric .. can you add anything to the "parking insurance" ?
and if you are going on the Swiss motorways you will need a vignette (motorway tax disc) .. was 40CHF's .. probably more now[/quote]

Parking insurance, yes I can. It is an option you can take with car insurance policy for a new car, very cheap actually, it cost me an extra 40 CHF per year only. It covers you in the first 3 years as of the cars first registration date for all damage caused by other careless people who cause damage to your car during parking, and don't leave a card with their name as will happen once in a while here. Rolling Eyes Parking damage can be at front, rear, or side of the car (like when a careless driver next to you open their door into yours Rolling Eyes ). Our insurance companies then will pay without discussion for full repair of all this damage without limits, and without any effect on your policy premium....
A month before my SVX turned 3 years old I had it inspected by my dealer, and there was one tiny damage on the plastic wheel cover extension at one of the rear wheels. Declared to insurance company and next day replaced by a new one. Thumbs Up
I discussed car insurance with Steve when we met here in GVA recently, and it seems a whole different ballgame here than in the UK. We are not shopping around every year. The norm is that 90% of drivers insure with one of a handfull first class companies, and then stay with them. We pay not the cheapest insurance premiums here, but we do have also no real difficulties to claim. You get what you pay for....

The Swiss motorway or highway vignette is still only 40CHF for a full year. Thumbs Up You buy those at the border, or at any gas station here. You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #299683 17th Jan 2014 5:51pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
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England 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 X-Tech LE Orkney Grey
Hi All,

I really appreciate the wealth on info you have provided. I drove through France last year, so the particular including the crappy alcohol testers are still in the bag under the 2nd row seats.

I have the snow RATED tyres which I may as well give them a go as I purchased them as winter tyres, might as well get the use out of them. I have the full set of 4 snow chains with plenty of meat left on them which I may put on anyway when we hit snow as it will generally only get worse the further up the mountain we go I would presume.

Bpman, what are these Matts you speak of? Thank you very much for the offer to borrow your beloved and practical possessions, theses things aren't cheap and it is very kind of you to offer to lend them Smile.

Eric, thank you for the updates and experiences of Swiss driving, this is thoroughly invaluable information and I will make sure to watch out! I really like the little plaques, where did you get them? ===================================
90 xs sw in Stonoway Grey - Sold
Post #299687 17th Jan 2014 5:57pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Post #299695 17th Jan 2014 6:04pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Post #299698 17th Jan 2014 6:07pm
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