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Member Since: 02 Mar 2013
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 363

United Kingdom 1995 Defender 110 300 Tdi SW Alpine White
Aux Fuel tanks & Twin tank Diesel/Veg Oil Conversions
If I'm repeating another thread - please refer me to it! Otherwise...

I'm starting to fit out my 1995 300tdi 110 CSW for long trips. I'm starting to think about auxiliary fuel tanks and would appreciate advice as I've seen several sizes, materials and positioning from the various manufacturers.

1. on a 110 5 door county what are the size and position options and what are the pros and cons of each?
2. Is there much to be gained from paying the extra for stainless steel?
3. what do people do about fuel tank gauges?
4. has anyone done a twin tank conversion and used diesel in one for starts, with veg oil in the other to switch over to when the engine is hot? what tanks did you use? 110 Defender 300tdi & Penman trailer with ally exped top and roof tent
Post #292732 23rd Dec 2013 2:46pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 8582

United Kingdom 
What do you mean by long trips?

More important how far between fuel stations?

We have a 96 plate 300 TDi, where longest trip was 25,000 miles with a maximum of about 600 miles between fuel stops. One thing about big distances between fuel stops is to have enough in reserve to go to the next but one fuel station if at all possible.

It can be a bit awkward turning up at a fuel station which has run out of fuel/ underground fuel pump is not working.

Next thing is what is the anticipated fuel consumption? Best mpg I have got out of 300tDi is about 32-33 mpg worst about 18 mpg or 4 miles to the litre!

Max have carried is about 160 litres made up of main tank, wing tank and two jerry cans.

For long trips abroad forget veg oil as it may prove more problematical then regular diesel. Also the cost of second large tanks, pumps etc will eat into any fuel cost savings.

With a 95 plate what condition is main tank in? Might be worth dropping it and giving it a good inspection first.

You could fit a replacement 110-120 litre main tank, available in mild or stainless steel or aluminium. However you are talking about an 18 year old vehicle so how long will it continue? Would suggest mild steel but with a double skinned bottom if going down this route.

A wing tank will give you about 45 litres extra, no pumps involved.

Main fuel gauge will show full until you start emptying the main tank which is not a real problem IF you reset the trip meter and once you get use to the range you can sensibly drive.

If you want to go the whole hog you can get about 350 litres of fuel in tanks, but you would need extra pumps, switch over valves and a range of at least 1400 miles! Apart from the weight problem as you would be about 350kg+ extra in fuel and tanks! which means you are more likely to bog down it will hit the wallet hard. I have only once come across a 110 with such a range.

Post #292746 23rd Dec 2013 4:25pm
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