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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
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Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Reviving this old thread as have seen some renewed recent discussions about coolant fluid.
Land Rover maintenance schedule reads that the coolant fluid in a Puma needs to be changed after 200.000km or 125.000miles. In my case that will probably be well after the SVX will turn 15 years old.
That prescribed interval still seems pretty long to me, and I have read elsewhere some comments that the coolant fluid with is additives, etc. does age, and that its anti-corrosion effects will disappear, etc.

So what to think? Leave the original coolant fluid in as per the book, or does it make sense now that the truck has 5 years/65k km to change it?

And if it is better to change it, would this be a big job for a main dealer, or is it a matter of flushing the system and replace with new, eventually make sure that there are no air pockets, etc? Or is it a cumbersome job for them?

Interested to hear opinions.

Tks, Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #288086 6th Dec 2013 5:24am
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Member Since: 01 Oct 2010
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Wales 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Average milage / year is normally take at about 12,000 miles. As the handbook gives a milage rather than a time interval for changing the coolant then I interpret that as meaning that high temperature i.e.: > 80c causes the coolant to lose some of its properties over time so time spent >80c/milage is more important than age of coolant per se.
Mind, you are being very optimistic that in 15 years you are not going to have to drain out the coolant for some reason! Don't forget, it is a Land Rover. Rolling with laughter Whistle LANDYWATCH

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Post #288092 6th Dec 2013 7:24am
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
Posts: 5816

Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Don't seem to be able to get much of a clear answer to the original question.
Can we wait until the Puma has 200.000km or 125.000miles on the clock, irrespective of its age, before replacing the engine coolant fluid? Which is as per Land Rover maintenance schedule.
Or is the Land Rover maintenance schedule a bit optimistic about this, and would it be better to replace it earlier so that the effect of all additives (anti corrosion, etc.) remains in good working order? Especially for trucks which do only 10.000km or less per annum, meaning coolant fluid would be changed only after 20 years or longer.
Any educated tech advise? Thumbs Up
And secondary, is it a big and timetaking job for a main dealer to do this?
Tks, Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #290075 13th Dec 2013 11:38am
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Member Since: 30 Jul 2013
Location: Milton Keynes
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United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Maybe a good question is "what are the signs that coolant needs to be replaced?" 2009 110 XS Station Wagon
Post #290097 13th Dec 2013 1:21pm
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2012
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Scotland 1998 Defender 90 300 Tdi ST Nato Green
The pinkyorange coloured anti freeze in current Landrovers is known as extended life antifreeze and similar antifreeze is also found in most modern cars whatever the manufacturer. It has been around for years now and I believe the TD5 was the first Landrover engine to use it. It is generally excepted in the motortrade that it is good for 5 years or around 200/250, thousand Kms. However I have known cars that are still running the original coolant at well over 10years with no adverse effects. The actual condition of the coolant would be my pointer to whether it is changed or not. If it has gone cloudy/rusty then its overdue for change regardless of age/mileage. Neutral
Post #290105 13th Dec 2013 2:33pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
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Different brands of coolant have different life expectancies. Some brands will say change with the onset of the second winter while others give longer. As far as I know the stuff used in the Puma is recommended for a change at 200,000 kms or 7 years. Manufacturers will also have a built in safety margin for the performance of the fliud, in this case coolant. What you need to be careful of is topping up. If you top up your long life brand with a brand with a much shorter change interval you could dilute the strength of the origional fluid. This would only occur if you had to top it up continuously over it's operating live.
Anytime I'd a coolant change on the tdi it was just a matter of loosening the bottom hose and letting it run out then refixing the hose. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
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Post #290182 13th Dec 2013 8:24pm
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