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Member Since: 13 Nov 2013
Location: London
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Canada 1998 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Chawton White
Newbie needs assistance with Landy 110 300 TDI

Since I'm not mechanically inclined, I thought this place may be a good place to ask a few questions. I love my Landy and the intent is to bring it back to Canada with me. So here goes�

1. When driving the vehicle, I notice that when coming to a stop and clutching in, there's a distinct shudder. Not sure if I can describe it any better than that. Just a couple of jolts/shudders and then it stops. Is there something sinister going on here?

2. I also note that no matter how "soft" I may be on the clutch, there's always a bit of a clunk when changing gears - perhaps something to do with the U joints?

3. Steering seems to be a bit mushy. IE: I don't think I'd want to suddenly swerve for fear of losing control of the vehicle. Perhaps time to look at the bushings???

Perhaps these are just quirks associated with a Landy but any thoughts would be certainly appreciated.



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Post #281993 13th Nov 2013 9:30pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2012
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 1991 Defender 110 200 Tdi USW Arles Blue
Hi Dude!

Firstly welcome to the forum!

My answers are:

1. Do the shudders feel like they�re coming from the driveline or engine? Or is it breaks?

2. Most likely its backlash in the driveline. Basically the propshafts, halfshafts and gearbox shafts are rocking between the engine power and the wheel speed - this causes wear so try and avoid it by keeping the power consistent and smooth. To check this I would park on level ground and chock the wheels. Take handbrake off. Pop off the rubber dust covers on the end of the axles and get a friend to rotate the propshaft back and forth gently. This will probebly recreate the "clack" noise you get. Looking at the wheel with the centre dust cover off you will see a splined shaft. This is your half shaft. When your friend rotates the propshaft it will move, a small movement(slight twitch) is acceptable as the splines take up slack. If the rotation is more than a twitch you should look at replacing you�re driving flanges. Put the hand brake back on and raise one wheel up clear of the ground and support the axle on an axle stand (not the jack). Rotate the wheel and note the amount of movement between wheel movement and propshaft movement, less is better. If it is alot it might be worth looking at new propshafts. This will help it but not cure it, all Land Rovers of this age have wear in the drive system it cannot be avoided- best to do is to try and keep on top of it by driving smoothly and greasing all props and drive flanges regularly. However before you commit to buying new, I'd recommend getting someone who knows what they�re looking at to have a look at it to confirm this.

3. I would first check the steering drop arm pin, mine was a bit vague and by changing the pin it made a hell of a difference- much more confident in cornering.

Hope my ramblings make sense and this helps!

Post #282030 13th Nov 2013 10:25pm
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Lou Sparts

Member Since: 15 Apr 2012
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2005 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
1.Probably binding transmission brake (hand brake)

2.As per shaggy dog.

3.Check all track rod ends,bushes,dampers for wear.Panhard rod bushes are a good place to start.

4.Welcome to the Forum and hope this is of some help. 2005 Td5 90 XS

Post #282035 13th Nov 2013 10:35pm
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2013
Location: London
Posts: 2

Canada 1998 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Chawton White

Many thanks for the comments. I'll have a look at some of the bits this weekend. Unfortunately, living in the heart of London kind of prevents me from having a really good look but I will do what I can.
Post #282287 14th Nov 2013 9:38pm
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