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Member Since: 26 May 2011
Location: Midlands
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Wales 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
SWR reading
This is a strange one, I've been having problems getting a good SWR reading from my CB antenna, turned out to be a dodgy co-ax.

So I made a new cable up and rigged it all up temporary using a roof rack mount with a temporary earth strap to the chassis and did an SWR check.

It was just below 3 which I'm not concerned about as it was temporary setup using a 10m cable of which some of it was running across the drive.

However, the strange this was, if I disconnected the earth cable, the SWR dropped to below 2.5??? That doesn't make sense to me?

I'm sure it'll all be fine once I've cabled it all up right, but can't understand that removing the groundplane completely (the roof rack is powercoated and not earthed) the SWR improved? Craig Rogers

2007 Puma 110 XS
2011 Evoque Coupe Dynamic Lux
Post #269659 26th Sep 2013 8:32pm
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Member Since: 17 Dec 2012
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2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Not quite a reply but I look after the VHF radios in 3 mountain rescue Landrovers and have spent a lot of time trying to get good VSWR readings from roof rack mounted antennas. The best I can get is about 2.1 and to do this we mounted the antenna on a small ally plate fixed to the front of the rack to form a ground plane. Must admit I have never checked the earth continuity between the rack and the body of the vehicle but the outer sheath of the co-ax will earth this anyway. Next time I am at the base I will check the reading. VSWR of 3 sounds a bit high to me, I would be trying to improve this for the VHF kit we use (around 160MHz).
Post #270255 29th Sep 2013 7:56pm
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Member Since: 16 Mar 2013
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
First of all how have you connected the negative of the CB, if you have a good strong ground connection on the antenna you will need a good connection on the CB as well. If if it goes straight to the battery that's considered best so also check the earth strap on the battery.

Remember also that the negative should be fused as well as the positive, as connecting to the battery and then providing your antenna with a good earth can if the battery earth is not good provide a return path for all of your other electrics.

Tony 2008 Defender 110 XS CSW
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Post #270319 30th Sep 2013 5:28am
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Member Since: 26 May 2011
Location: Midlands
Posts: 1327

Wales 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
The unit was back to the battery and the groundplane was back to the chassis.

I'm not really that concerned as it was all just temporary, it just didn't make sense that removing the groundplane gave a better SWR. Even if it was a bad earth, I'd expect the SWR to remain high, but to actually go up when connecting the groundplane just seemed odd. Craig Rogers

2007 Puma 110 XS
2011 Evoque Coupe Dynamic Lux
Post #270320 30th Sep 2013 5:32am
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Member Since: 29 Nov 2011
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2005 Defender 90 Td5 CSW Belize Green
richardg wrote:
Not quite a reply but I look after the VHF radios in 3 mountain rescue Landrovers and have spent a lot of time trying to get good VSWR readings from roof rack mounted antennas. The best I can get is about 2.1 and to do this we mounted the antenna on a small ally plate fixed to the front of the rack to form a ground plane. Must admit I have never checked the earth continuity between the rack and the body of the vehicle but the outer sheath of the co-ax will earth this anyway. Next time I am at the base I will check the reading. VSWR of 3 sounds a bit high to me, I would be trying to improve this for the VHF kit we use (around 160MHz).

This is your problem, alluminium doesn't make a good ground plane, and for an effective ground plane you need the sheet to be at least 30-35cm square. I used to mount my aerials on my defender bonnets for this reason and could get ~1.5 readings ok with adjusted aerial lengths. Another alternative is to buy a ground plane kit.


Post #270360 30th Sep 2013 9:30am
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Member Since: 26 May 2011
Location: Midlands
Posts: 1327

Wales 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Well I've now put a PSM-1 mount on the back and also ran a thick ground cable down to the crossmember and I now get around 1.5 on the meter, so pretty happy with that.

However, that is with my full length springer. If I put my mini springer on there the meter is up at around 10 and I can't tune it. I think it might be to do with the fact that the mini's coil doesn't clear the roof rack which is causing the issue.

Thanks to Jim (4x4cb) for a quick service on the bits I've ordered from him, I've also emailed to see if one of the "Rubber Duck" aerials might work better than the Mini Springer as I'd like the option of a long and short aerial for the overgrown trips. Craig Rogers

2007 Puma 110 XS
2011 Evoque Coupe Dynamic Lux
Post #270494 30th Sep 2013 7:04pm
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