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d j hutton

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Anyone know about Servers?
Having had a couple of computer issues recently (both pc an mac) Shocked I thought an office server might be a good idea, anyone have any suggestions for supplier and spec?

I have three workstations (2x Pc 1 x iMac - plus a couple of odd laptops/ipads and with a max of 4 users.)

I understand the data can be raid mirrored on two or more hard drives on a server and all pc's macs utilise it. We have multi user accounts/website/payroll packages so it sort of makes sense to replace the peer to peer network with something more stable.

Also I have been told that I can run some of my main programs on the server as well (not ideal I guess) but that means that critical programs/settings can be mirrored as well which will mean a bit of stability in case of a hard drive failure and save reinstalling software if a drive fails. Now we all have to submit stuff to HMRC online its handy to have that setup and reliable.

I have been in touch with Dell who supplied my workstations back in 2005 (they are still going strong amazingly ) they have suggested a 2 x 1TB drive tower server with Windows 2012 essentials server software, hardware raid card, dvdrw, intel xeon, 8gb ram, with 24/7 3 year on site - all for £890 plus vat . That sounded like a reasonable starter system with future upgrade potential?

Any views would be useful (not too in depth though as I'm new to it)

I'm not really into making my own or cobbling together a selection of bits so bear that in mind .


DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
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Post #255370 1st Aug 2013 5:23pm
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Re: Anyone know about Servers?
[quote="d j hutton"
I'm not really into making my own or cobbling together a selection of bits so bear that in mind .

My honest opinion:

The hardware is just the beginning. A readily-built server isn't just plug-and-go out of the box. Be prepared to either invest a lot of your time learning about Networking, security, admin rights, active directory, logons scripts and so on, or pay a professional to do it a fraction of the time. You're in business to make money, not to be a networking expert.

Your business has crossed the rubicon from a couple of users to multi-user; therefore you need a long-trousered IT system (indeed HMRC almost demand it).

That's not to say you can't do it yourself, but for most people a quick fag-packet cost/benefit calculation will show that it's not worth the hassle. With a proper server setup and decent IT outfit running it for you, they should be able to fix most problems remotely.

Matt Real trucks don't have spark plugs
Post #255383 1st Aug 2013 5:58pm
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If you want a hobby, do it yourself, but if you want to run a business and not lose important information or cock up invoicing/payroll/sales then ask a local IT company to run it for you....or these days they can provide IT as a service and you don't even need to have the hardware on site.


Post #255430 1st Aug 2013 8:05pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2013
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I'd agree with the other posts, but also point out that the Dell warranty will cover the hardware only... If the fix involves replacing hard disks, then they'll happily leave you with empty drives without your data on them...
Post #255439 1st Aug 2013 8:19pm
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2011
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Just another thought, you seem to have a variety of client devices, PCs, Macs, iPad(?) etc. This makes the IT more complicated. The way to reduce cost is to standardise, so again worth getting an IT firm in to assess your needs and specify a simple, efficient, scalable system or service that will support and grow with your business.


Post #255445 1st Aug 2013 8:32pm
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When we deploy servers in work (All HP hardware) we normally spec a server as follows

C: OS - Split over two drives say 2 x 72 or 2 x 146gb
D: Data
E: Apps
D: and E either over 2 discs per drive letter or 2 discs split up for D and E

Dual PSU along with a suitable UPS

Along with the server, we also deploy backup software installed locally with a tape drive matched the max size of the server (where applicable) or backups are done to a remote device such as NAS / SAN
Regular backups taken (and taken off site and not left on top of the server), AV updates scans setup for out of hours and scheduled reboots again out of hours.
Windows updates are performed but not as soon as the patches are out just in case, sometimes a week later.
If lots of patches are needed, then we do them in chunks.

As udderlyoffroad suggested there are things like logon scripts, data areas secured using suitable permissions and whole other host of stuff to be considered such as what data would the server hold, what would happen if the server got nicked etc. 1999 Defender TD5 110

John M0VAZ
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Post #255481 1st Aug 2013 9:56pm
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hi DJ

you should have mentioned it last night... we could have discussed options, I'll give you a call later.
Post #255525 2nd Aug 2013 6:15am
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Nick-St wrote:
I'd agree with the other posts, but also point out that the Dell warranty will cover the hardware only... If the fix involves replacing hard disks, then they'll happily leave you with empty drives without your data on them...

Same with everyone so you will need to back up your data and re mount to the replacement drives.
Personally i would go to Rackspace, go daddy, or fast host and get it provided for you.
They will support all the hardware and manage your applications should you so wish......and ive sold Rackspace over 10,000 servers in the last 5 years, all Dell Thumbs Up You cannot teach stupid people to do clever things
Post #256370 5th Aug 2013 11:42am
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discocuzzy wrote:
Nick-St wrote:
I'd agree with the other posts, but also point out that the Dell warranty will cover the hardware only... If the fix involves replacing hard disks, then they'll happily leave you with empty drives without your data on them...

Same with everyone so you will need to back up your data and re mount to the replacement drives.
Personally i would go to Rackspace, go daddy, or fast host and get it provided for you.
They will support all the hardware and manage your applications should you so wish......and ive sold Rackspace over 10,000 servers in the last 5 years, all Dell Thumbs Up

Do you work for Dell?
Post #258639 14th Aug 2013 2:49pm
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I would (assuming you want a business issue solved, and don't want to be a hobbyist) find a good local reseller, someone who will supply the kit, and also install it, set it up, and hold your hand a bit as well. They'll be able to supply any packages you need (accounting for instance) as well. Maybe you'll also need a bit of cabling, a hub, etc.

You may pay 10-20% more that way, but you'll get a safe pair of hands to help when the sh*t hits the fan.

I do work for a computer company (a rather large one, better than Dell Wink ), and I agree with the points above by excossack, couplands & Nick.

There are some really good resellers out there (I used to work for a family-run one called Dacoll http://www.dacoll.com/ - not a recommendation, just an example...) who will really help you out, be grateful for the business, and try & develop a long-term relationship with you...

Dell's in a bit of flux at the moment, (watch the news), you may be better with Mac, or as mentioned above by excossack, HP... Defender "Puma" 2.4 110 County Utility (possibly the last of the 2.4's)
Post #258647 14th Aug 2013 3:22pm
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Don't know anything about them but have one which is 18month old now redundent sitting at home. I used if for accounts and web information as I run a small web based company. It has now been superseded but still sitting there.
Post #258655 14th Aug 2013 4:04pm
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
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England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
Thanks for the replies guys.

I want to just use the kit not mess with it so a local setup merchant is probably the best way to go I think.

Dell managed to talk themselves out of an order as one guy (server expert overseas apparently) specced me up with something which on closer inspection had a software element missing (the ability to run a virtual machine built in) and another sales guy (in Ireland by the sound of it, explained why the original spec wouldn't do what I wanted with out going up to nearly 3k Shocked ) and suggested that a really decent workstation with a raid setup (and backup raid) would do everything I wanted for around 1k. So they had a bit of a fall out by all accounts and I was left none the wiser !

So I'm planning to engage someone local and pay the extra. I don't care what name is on the box as long as its warranted and works. It doesn't sound like I actually need a server really, just a better machine with a more reliable backup (and backup of the backup) and I can continue to use my peer to peer network which I know works well and everyones understands it and the programmes that we run.

One thing I have discovered is that Iomega are a bunch of duffers nowadays, my raid backup had a hiccup and something was wrong with one of the drives, their support guys said via online support chat that the drive was faulty and they would replace it.
This eventually turned into we won't help you now unless you pay us 40euros plus vat to tell you anything else (even what drive to buy and where from !) Turns out the warranty ran out during our week long conversation back and forth.

Even more annoying is the fact that after checking my backup (of the backup) was secure I remounted (think thats the term) the drives and everything is hunky dory now! so a whole waste of time.

So all good fun.

DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

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Post #258656 14th Aug 2013 4:25pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2008
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hi Dave

you have a pm Thumbs Up
Post #258664 14th Aug 2013 4:55pm
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