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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
Location: Surrey
Posts: 11324

United Kingdom 
Does any of that have any real impact though, beyond what we experience in the UK? That's rhetorical of course - I'm not expecting you to know one way or the other. It is generally accepted though that the UK has some of the safest roads in Europe, so it can't be that bad.

Glynparry25 wrote:
Also remember- having no points/ fines doesn't mean you don't speed....... just means you have never been caught.

Given that very few people never speed, getting caught or not is largely a matter of statistics (que a slew of folks telling us how righteous they are Laughing ). Your record is probably no better or worse than lots of people - it was just that your comment about not speeding immediately after detailing all of the money you'd handed over for speeding fines was funny Laughing Darren


"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
Post #253475 24th Jul 2013 2:08pm
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2011
Location: Peak District & Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2001 Defender 90 Td5 HT Oslo Blue
I believe the speed limit in the UK is 30 MPH whenever there are street lights unless signed otherwise. As Pam said, best to assume 30 is the limit unless signed.



EDIT: Just did a bit of lazy (Wikipedia..!) research... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Built-up_area_(Highway_Code)

Last edited by couplands on 24th Jul 2013 3:47pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #253476 24th Jul 2013 2:18pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
Location: Miserable Midlands
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
LandRoverAnorak wrote:
Does any of that have any real impact though, beyond what we experience in the UK? That's rhetorical of course - I'm not expecting you to know one way or the other. It is generally accepted though that the UK has some of the safest roads in Europe, so it can't be that bad.

Well, in Germany they stick to the speed limits like their life depend on it- quite simply if you speed in a town/ school zone, you are massively out of pocket- which is what always deters people- it works there. I know the majority of people speed in the UK- last time I was back I was doing 65-70 on the M4 and people were flying by- does it bother me that much- no, because it is on the motorway at night and if they have an accident it will more than likely be just them.... where in a town you add pedestrians and other peoples property.

I have just covered approx 6,000 this last month and a bit through Cyprus, Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine and am now in Poland (looking forward to Slovakia). Speeding has NOTHING to do with road safety in the majority of these countries. In fact most of the cars they have (other than Poland and Ukraine) can't even break the speed limit!!! The danger is the fact that they have a compulsive habit to overtake on blind bends, and crests of hills Rolling Eyes (story coming soon in another thread if/ when my pictures upload). Then there are road conditions- in Ukraine the road leading to Poland had ruts in it that an off-road site would be proud of, in Georgia there were potholes so big you have to drive in, and then out the other end..... not to mention some roads can only be driven in 4x4s. In Cyprus, they have lower speed limits, and the majority of accidents I saw were in towns and well under 30mph.

The UK road network is in AWESOME condition (I thought it was quite bad until I started to travel) and drivers have better teachings in the beginning (Cyprus bike test consists of a 2 minute ride around the block!!!). The roads are overcrowded and there are some idiots, but speeding happens every minute of every day by the majority of UK motorists- this can't be denied- just only a small minority get caught. I don't speed, because every time I have been over the limit (normally by accident) I have been caught Sad If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have luck at all!!

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #253478 24th Jul 2013 2:39pm
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Pam W

Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1169

England 1998 Defender 90 Td5 SW Auto Oslo Blue
Glynparry25 wrote:

In the UK, you get the same for doing 80mph in the middle of the night where there is no-one else around as you would get for doing 40mph past a school whilst the kids are leaving. Doesn't make sense!

Not actually quite right that. There IS actually a scale of severity of offence employed - using Fixed penalty or court summons, depending on what the excess speed was.

If you speed within the given thresholds for the specific speed limit you can expect 3 points on a Fixed penalty notice
If you speed outside the given thresholds for the specific speed limit you will receive a summons to go to court and there the decision taken may be between 3 and 6 points.

So in the case of speeding by a school - usually 20mph these days - if you did 40 you would get a summons (threshold is 35), in a 60 limit doing 80 you will ALSO get a summons - both cases up to 6 points.
However, if you were doing 80 on a motorway or dual carriageway you'd get a fixed penalty of 3 points.


Of course, in addition you may also get a separate fixed penalty or summons for the WAY you were driving - say driving without due care, dangerous driving etc, which may be at the discretion of the police. Our blog - http://landytravels.com/

Yorkshire Off Road Club - http://www.yorkshireoffroadclub.net

Last edited by Pam W on 24th Jul 2013 3:49pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #253489 24th Jul 2013 3:41pm
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Pam W

Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 1169

England 1998 Defender 90 Td5 SW Auto Oslo Blue
I am lucky enough to live in a county with proper road policing - ie. NO fixed speeding cameras.

We have mobile camera vans which circulate on the roads which have specific safety issues. You can find out which group of roads they may be on on specific weeks, but not by the precise day or time. So they may be anywhere, anytime.

We also still have target specific traffic police speed traps and driving standard checks, and targeted driver/motorcycle rider education roadshows in the worst accident areas.

These 2 methods, I believe, are far better at encouraging and achieving a better level of safer driving than any number of fixed cameras could ever do! Our blog - http://landytravels.com/

Yorkshire Off Road Club - http://www.yorkshireoffroadclub.net
Post #253490 24th Jul 2013 3:48pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
My only comment is that the speed limits seem sensible here and depend on location and road conditions. The emphasis is massively on safety (God forbid you speed near a school or hospital) and we are taught that even driving at 30 km/h in a 30 km/h limit may be an offence if the conditions don't permit (e.g. obstructions/children playing nearby/snow/street lights broken etc.). This requires constant judgement, for instance there are special speed limits for wet roads (very good idea) and speed cameras that operate when it's raining. Most speed cameras are temporary and the radio stations tell you where drivers have spotted them (often been caught out) - this may seem strange (illegal in the UK?) but it makes sure people check their speed regularly as the radio is also a constant reminder. The police don't mind as the cameras are there to slow you down before an accident, not just "catch you" after one. The fines for "accidental" speeding are high enough to hurt but not silly and only the real offenders get points or have to be "educated" Whistle

My "group education evening" was actually fun and the police cracked a lot of jokes whilst showing us the errors of our ways Thumbs Up Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #253493 24th Jul 2013 4:03pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Glynparry25 wrote:
I think the UK system is terrible,

I currently have had 3 speeding convictions (all in different countries).

Germany: 82Km/h in a 70 Km/h zone. It was roadworks on the autobahn at night. Fine: 60 Euros (no points). If I was doing 82 in a 70 during the day past a school, I would have been looking to lose my licence.

Australia: 78Km/h in a 70Km/h zone...... again road works. Fine: 150 AUD (£100).... No points.

Ukraine: Don't know, but apparently I was going 'too fast' and wanted to write me up.... 500rph (£40ish)..... This was a simple bribe and nothing else was said..... otherwise I would have had to spend the night in the local town and pay the police station 500rph when they opened the next day.

In the UK, you get the same for doing 80mph in the middle of the night where there is no-one else around as you would get for doing 40mph past a school whilst the kids are leaving. Doesn't make sense!

Just my 2p worth (I have never been caught speeding in the UK)..... but then again I don't really speed.

Glyn Dog Sheep

Mate, 78 in a 70 zone Australia...."No Points"?....That is not correct....you would collect ONE point.
Also, in Australia, if you "break traction"...(spin the wheels)...your car can be IMPOUNDED...for having "improper control" of your vehicle! For anything over 35ks over the limit impound of vehicle can happen too.
Cheers, Pickles.
Post #253566 24th Jul 2013 10:06pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
Location: Miserable Midlands
Posts: 3015

Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
Pickles wrote:

Mate, 78 in a 70 zone Australia...."No Points"?....That is not correct....you would collect ONE point.
Also, in Australia, if you "break traction"...(spin the wheels)...your car can be IMPOUNDED...for having "improper control" of your vehicle! For anything over 35ks over the limit impound of vehicle can happen too.
Cheers, Pickles.

I guess I was lucky to be on UK driving licence (which they can't endorse points on). How many points are you allowed, how long do they last and what effect do they have on insurance etc?

I think 3 years counting and on your licence for 5 in the UK is a bit extreme (yes you can pay more and take the day course to avoid the points)- especially as in the case of the OP.... many years of no convictions and a genuine mistake caught him out. Where people with the right SAT-NAV systems speed everywhere but know where to slow down (and therefore get away with it 99% of the time).

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #253600 25th Jul 2013 7:40am
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3790

Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Glynparry25 wrote:
Pickles wrote:

Mate, 78 in a 70 zone Australia...."No Points"?....That is not correct....you would collect ONE point.
Also, in Australia, if you "break traction"...(spin the wheels)...your car can be IMPOUNDED...for having "improper control" of your vehicle! For anything over 35ks over the limit impound of vehicle can happen too.
Cheers, Pickles.

I guess I was lucky to be on UK driving licence (which they can't endorse points on). How many points are you allowed, how long do they last and what effect do they have on insurance etc?

I think 3 years counting and on your licence for 5 in the UK is a bit extreme (yes you can pay more and take the day course to avoid the points)- especially as in the case of the OP.... many years of no convictions and a genuine mistake caught him out. Where people with the right SAT-NAV systems speed everywhere but know where to slow down (and therefore get away with it 99% of the time).

Glyn Dog Sheep

Aaahh Right.....I have a friend over here at the moment...He's from the U.K......he has an "International" License...he's been booked via the cameras a couple of times, and yes he's had to cop the fines, but they can't put points on his license.
Over here, in Victoria anyway, if you accrue 12 points within 3 years, you lose your license....but hey, it doesn't matter how long...I mean if ya lost 12 points in 12 months....you would lose your license. The points keep accruing for 3 years, and when the point becomes 3 yrs old, it disappears.
As far as I'm aware, points do not affect insurance in Aus.....I mean, just about everyone cops 'em, 'cause the cameras are everywhere, but if you accrued 12 & your license was suspended, your insurer would need to know.
likewise, if you are arrested/convicted in Court of a traffic offense, your insurer would need to know.
Cheers, Pickles.
Post #253613 25th Jul 2013 8:54am
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