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Member Since: 04 Mar 2012
Location: Zambia
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United Kingdom 1996 Defender 110 300 Tdi CSW Alpine White
2009 Puma Experience

I am looking to purchase a 2009 Defender Puma 2.4 Station wagon. It has 46000 km on the clock which I thought was quite good for the year. I know there were initial teething problems when the Puma first came out. I am hoping that by 2009 these had been dealt with? Is there anyone out there with a 2009 Defender that is still going strong and who havent had to deal with clutch or electronic issues etc

If there are -it would be good to get a sense of what I can expect.

Cheers 1996 Station wagon 300tdi
2000 110 Pick up 300 tdi
Post #251676 16th Jul 2013 11:34am
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
Location: Stafford
Posts: 1591

United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
I had a clutch issue with mine.

Look for the following symptoms

A rattle when you let the clutch out when not in gear. If you depress the clutch the noise goes away.

Difficult to change gear.

This is what mine did. The clutch was dealer replaced at 24000 miles. I did a further trouble free 24000 before I sold it.
Post #251682 16th Jul 2013 11:48am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
Location: Bournemouth
Posts: 9610

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey


One of the best quotes in my view...... Thumbs Up

johnnyturbo2002 wrote:
Hmm. What do I love?
I love the way that I want to drive it all over the place, but I find myself not because I don't want the miles to rack up on it...
I love the way that I am always looking for somewhere else to drive it off road, even if it means a curb.
I love that my wife and kids always want to be in it, and when we have to take the other one, my kids just look at me as if I have said no to getting a dog.
I love the fact that at least here, in my neck of the woods, I have a different vehicle, not one that every one and their mother in law has.
I love the fact that if need be, I can leave the freeway at a pretty good clip, climb a mountain, go over railroad tracks and about anything that I can think of just to get away from international spies or mercenaries....(jason bourne and james bond wish they had one. ) Razz
I love the fact that I don't wonder if while on a trip, this road being the one less traveled if for a good reason or not, just hit it.
I love the leather heated seats, the driving position,the power windows, the heat, the cold, the endless space for the cubby, that cute little clock in the middle, the fact that my kids asked for the air to be turned down while traveling through the Balkans in 45 plus weather, putting the heat on mid range becasue it was just too damned hot inside traveling in the alps in minus 10 weather.
I am 5'6", 200 lbs, but I feel like a tall man... Laughing amazingly enough, I am very comfortable in the cockpit!
the list could go on and on, but I think I am going for a drive... Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #251683 16th Jul 2013 11:51am
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2010
Location: South West
Posts: 559

France 2009 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alaska White
I have a 90 MY2009.

Got the rear diff replaced under warranty very early (symptoms started before the car even did 7000 km).

Since then, all good, nothing replaced, 50k now, still on original clutch, EGR, vacuum pump, etc. No problem so far.
Post #251744 16th Jul 2013 7:07pm
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Member Since: 29 Apr 2013
Location: Colchester
Posts: 19

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Epsom Green
I have had a few defenders in the past and have had problems with them but loved them all the same.
I had an 18 month break with a Porsche cayenne turbo fantastic car but fantastic running costs and no character.
So I took the plunge and bought a low mileage puma.
I have had my 110 xs csw 2009 for about 3 months now Very Happy when I purchased her she had 18k on the clock and now has 21k
It's like meeting an old friend again you live with the down sides the moving over to the passenger side to close the door, the hand brake lever sitting on your left leg, turning circle of an oil tanker, putting your arm out of the window to make it more comfortable , these have not changed for donkeys years,
Like an old friend you put up and learn to accept these fade away with the pleasure it gives,
You can go anywhere and I mean anywhere and not just off road
You will be accepted at the dump or a royal garden party.
Then there is the smiles per mile you will get and in my opinion this cannot be matched by any car,
The 2009 puma has great heated seats windscreen air con leather ect, it has been reliable and not missed a beat,
But it's not perfect which add to the fun ie the heater intake vents where water gets in which means you can buy bits and more bit and some more you don't really need. Whistle
And it holds its value better than any car I know of and still is desirable when new versions come out unlike other cars.
If you buy a 2009 puma you will not be disappointed and at the end of the day if you don't want it there are hundreds who do so it becomes a very sort after vehicle. Thumbs Up

Good luck
Post #251752 16th Jul 2013 7:41pm
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Member Since: 03 Jun 2013
Location: Stowmarket
Posts: 862

All cars have faults and I noticed that defenders having random faults and normaly once cured that's that. Being such a small market the faults seem exsassabated
Post #251758 16th Jul 2013 8:07pm
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Member Since: 03 Apr 2013
Location: Motherwell
Posts: 259

Scotland 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
I have an 08 Puma.

I have found that you go through a period of a few months where stuff breaks and you have to service mot and pay the tax and more stuff breaks.

But then for a long while its fine and you decide to spend your money on small mods then bigger mods and then you return to that few months where things fail all at once.

But to be honest, i love some time in the garage. And the self satisfaction of fixing your own car isn't one you get much these days with all the electrics and hard to get parts. William
Post #251812 17th Jul 2013 8:00am
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