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Member Since: 24 Jan 2010
Location: South Lanarkshire Scotland
Posts: 221

Scotland 2006 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
New Defender advice
Im looking at buying a defender 90 SW. Im currently unsure whether to go for the new Puma engine model or look for a good low milage 2006 TD5.
Ive read all the posts re the Puma and for this reason I would have to push the boat out and get one fairly new with at least 2 yr warranty left.........they aint cheap though!

What should I be looking out for in the TD5 model? How easy are they to maintain? Are there any major issues with the engine/gearbox etc (as with Puma)

What sort of mpg could I expect from a tank, mainly driving good A rds and Motorway with a mileage of around 600milesper month. No towing or heavy loads.

Post #23000 27th Jan 2010 1:44pm
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willy eckerslike

Member Since: 15 Jun 2009
Location: North yorks
Posts: 1789

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Keswick Green
Not all Pumas have problems, lots of people have had no issues at all, the TD5 is a good engine and seems to last well, try them both would be one way of deciding, If you do motorway miles then the six speed box of the Puma is a boon and makes the vehicle quieter. Remember the 90 has quite a choppy ride you might want to consider a 110. Having said that I regularly travel to Aberdeen in my Puma 90 Original Member Pie n Pea Club.
110 HCPU Tipper
Post #23019 27th Jan 2010 5:18pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
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United Kingdom 2003 Defender 90 Td5 HT Epsom Green
They both have there pro's and cons.

The TD5 is more proven than the puma but is not without its faults. It more basic inside but get a county or XS and there by no means a bad place to be. I also feel that the TD5 is much better for playing about with but that will come with the puma in time.

The puma is less reliable than the TD5 at the moment but as already said its a much nicer place to be when travelling long distances. It seems to be you have a good one or a bad one though and i wouldnt want one with less a years warranty left on it personally.

As for off road use i really dont think there is any difference in them at all.
Post #23096 28th Jan 2010 7:25pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 1513

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
I've had both. The Td5 comes with a particularly romantic sense of agricultural history. Very long throw gearstick (I never actually worked out whether it was connected to the gearbox but it used to somehow know to change gear as I stirred the bucket of bolts around) and those air-vents at the front. A fairly bomb-proof engine in my opinion.

The TDCi drives a lot better (you can easily drive the length of the country in it - something I wouldn't have undertaken with my family in the Td5) and is a much nicer place to be. The heating and cooling really work. However, I suspect that in 20 years when we look back, we will point to the 300 TDi and the Td5 as the real superstar engines of the Defender period. I suspect the Puma will go into the same category as the TD - a nice stop gap but ultimately not strong enough.

That might not be fair - I hope I'm wrong. The Td5 had plenty of issues when it first came out and everybody wrote it off too.

I was thinking about this the other night: if I was doing it again, would I buy another 2.4 or go back to the Td5. I think it depends what you want to do with it. If you want to overland for the next 20 years in the same vehicle, get the Td5. If you want to drive it and enjoy it for the next 5 or so years and then see, get the TDCi. One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #23114 28th Jan 2010 9:12pm
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willy eckerslike

Member Since: 15 Jun 2009
Location: North yorks
Posts: 1789

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Keswick Green
The tansit van uses the same engine, surely some of them must be around the 100k mark by now, I think it's still too early to say. When the 300tdi came out all the people with 200tdi's slated it as even though it was basically the same engine, the the TD5 came out to howls of derision, The biggest problem was the insane lack of go off the mark which frightened many people pullling out of junctions. This wasn't too much of a problem in the defender, Just about all TD5's have had the wiring loom to the ecu changed due to oil ingress. Ford have been making diesels an awful lot longer than Land Rover, the TDCI engine in the Mondeo has done impressively well, though I don't know how much it is related to the engine in the Puma, So while I agree the TD5 is a really good engine and tunes really well I would keep me powder dry about the Puma engine just yet. Original Member Pie n Pea Club.
110 HCPU Tipper

Last edited by willy eckerslike on 28th Jan 2010 9:33pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #23118 28th Jan 2010 9:32pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 1513

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Also: if you're thinking of overlanding in it then get a 110. In fact if you're going to keep it and your needs might change then a 110 might do you better anyway (in this PC world, I'm not allowed to ask potentially ageist questions like "do you have kids already"). One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #23119 28th Jan 2010 9:33pm
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Member Since: 14 Jan 2008
Location: Taunton
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 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Stornoway Grey
alantd wrote:
I've had both. The Td5 comes with a particularly romantic sense of agricultural history. Very long throw gearstick (I never actually worked out whether it was connected to the gearbox but it used to somehow know to change gear as I stirred the bucket of bolts around) and those air-vents at the front. A fairly bomb-proof engine in my opinion.

The TDCi drives a lot better (you can easily drive the length of the country in it - something I wouldn't have undertaken with my family in the Td5) and is a much nicer place to be. The heating and cooling really work. However, I suspect that in 20 years when we look back, we will point to the 300 TDi and the Td5 as the real superstar engines of the Defender period. I suspect the Puma will go into the same category as the TD - a nice stop gap but ultimately not strong enough.

That might not be fair - I hope I'm wrong. The Td5 had plenty of issues when it first came out and everybody wrote it off too.

I was thinking about this the other night: if I was doing it again, would I buy another 2.4 or go back to the Td5. I think it depends what you want to do with it. If you want to overland for the next 20 years in the same vehicle, get the Td5. If you want to drive it and enjoy it for the next 5 or so years and then see, get the TDCi.

this pretty much sums it up (bar the 200tdi was the engine to have not the 300!)

i did 105k in my 90 td5 and loved it, only done 10k in the tdci and - i love it - or more specifially love the inside/comfort/heater etc compared to the old one.

Puma everything but with a td5 engine would do me. a chipped td5 goes better than a chipped puma too. Cheers

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Post #23135 28th Jan 2010 10:22pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 1513

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
jst wrote:

this pretty much sums it up (bar the 200tdi was the engine to have not the 300!)...

Now we've started something Wink

On reflection, I'm probably being harsh on the TDCi. I've not had any issues with mine. For what I use it for (a lot of road, quite a bit of family transport, some offroad and some intended trips abroad to explore parts of Europe and North Africa) the Puma is probably better.

I'm not going to drive it down the west coast of Africa solo or across the centre of Australia and the trips on the main roads to get to the interesting stuff is much more bearable. One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #23142 28th Jan 2010 11:17pm
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Member Since: 17 Mar 2009
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 159

Hi alan. I love my tdci for its long legged 6th gear and the heating and cooling, and general comfort. However i prefered my td5 enging and gearbox as I somehow had a lot more faith in its lifespan, and its been around for a good while now and I think all the early problems will have been sorted. As you say Alan, if you go for Puma, then get as new as you can afford, which sholud mean that some of the early problem parts should {might} have already been changed. Good luck Thumbs Up

Richard 1963 Series 2A truck cab
2008 110 SW
Post #23149 29th Jan 2010 6:32am
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Member Since: 24 Jan 2010
Location: South Lanarkshire Scotland
Posts: 221

Scotland 2006 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Thanks for your input, finding it useful. Probably going for a 59 plate TDCi 90 SW

cheers guys
Post #23183 29th Jan 2010 10:38am
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Member Since: 24 Jan 2010
Location: South Lanarkshire Scotland
Posts: 221

Scotland 2006 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Well folks, after months of searching and researching I have just bought myself........................

Defender 90td5 CSW XS in Botanni Grey, 2006, under 20000 miles, waxoyled, roof rack and some other extras including a Landrover extended warranty until 2011.

Pick it up at the end of the week and if someone can give me an idiots guide on how to post pictures I will happily post pictures ...........................chuffed to bits!
Post #35614 5th Jul 2010 9:18am
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Member Since: 08 Aug 2009
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Netherlands 2003 Defender 90 Td5 PU Caledonian Blue
Congratulations, you wiil be happy.

Off-course we like to see pictures.
To put pictures here you go to Gallery that's on top off the page next to the defender2. It sounds obvious but it took me a few weeks to find it too.
There you have My gallery and Upload pictures
You upload them first and if they are uploaded you can copy the link that is below the picture into the post.

Good luck. Can't be difficult as I can do it too. Roel

1984 90 2.5 na Diesel - RR V8 (1994-2001)
1997 Camel Trophy Discovery 300TDI (2001-2009)
2005 G4 Discovery III 4.4 V8 (2008-2018) It's gone but it still hurts.
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Post #35617 5th Jul 2010 9:40am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
Location: Bournemouth
Posts: 9610

United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
Good on ya! Looking forward to the pictures, sounds like a decent low mileage example. Usually it's a matter of 'being in the right place at the right time' to snap up such a vehicle. Enjoy!!!!!

Thumbs Up If you go through life with your head in the sand....all people will see is an ar5e!!

Treat every day as if it is your last....one day you will be right!!
Post #35618 5th Jul 2010 9:41am
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The Boy

Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: East Northants
Posts: 1459

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Rimini Red
I was thinking about this the other night: if I was doing it again, would I buy another 2.4 or go back to the Td5. I think it depends what you want to do with it. If you want to overland for the next 20 years in the same vehicle, get the Td5. If you want to drive it and enjoy it for the next 5 or so years and then see, get the TDCi.

My hope is we are wrong and the puma will turn out a long lived reliable engine with upgrades and will be still be going strong in the vehicles after 20 yrs (like my old 200tdi).

Am I hoping for too much? Let’s hope not!

Puma everything but with a td5 engine would do me

That really appeals to me too but it isn’t going to happen, sadly. I also think the td5 sounds better.

Post #35622 5th Jul 2010 10:59am
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2008
Location: Essex
Posts: 2962

United Kingdom 
Defender TD5 with puma interior i would buy one tomorrow Wink Wink
Post #35632 5th Jul 2010 12:37pm
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