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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
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United Kingdom 
A speaker the size of a dustbin Rolling with laughter You mean a Sub / Subwoofer and it's 8" so a bloomin small dustbin unless your a hobbit / dwarf Thumbs Up

Stupid things I've done with mine (90 that is) ummmm, drive into a field that was plainly too wet lost traction and got stuck in the mud. Had revovery ropes / straps but no tow. No winch or waffle boards either so had to make do with small tree branches. After about an hour it was back to freedom and never went back there again. Embarassed
Fail to prepare and you pay the price for it so lesson learnt. Even if I would have had a winch there was only one tree and that was a distance away. But a waffle would have done the trick. TheThunder Rolls🇬🇧🇺🇸
Post #170740 25th Sep 2012 12:33pm
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Member Since: 13 Nov 2011
Location: Kent
Posts: 625

United Kingdom 2012 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
I was at a T-junction, waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out, momentarily distracted by waving at a Defender coming the other way and accidentally engaged reverse instead of first.

Defender driver laughed like a drain as I ploughed backwards, driver in fiesta in the queue behind my, not so amused. Thankfully, I stopped before I hit them.
Post #170747 25th Sep 2012 12:46pm
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 3555

United Kingdom 1997 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Stornoway Grey
Inigo wrote:
I was at a T-junction, waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out, momentarily distracted by waving at a Defender coming the other way and accidentally engaged reverse instead of first.

Defender driver laughed like a drain as I ploughed backwards, driver in fiesta in the queue behind my, not so amused. Thankfully, I stopped before I hit them.

Oh Dear! Rolling with laughter
Wonder what would have been worse if you had hit him: The damage to his car or the damage to his trousers ! Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Laughing An engine to TDi for!
"Land Rover- Proudly turning drivers into mechanics since 1948"
Post #170751 25th Sep 2012 12:54pm
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willy eckerslike

Member Since: 15 Jun 2009
Location: North yorks
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Keswick Green
Heading back home from the pub Xmas eve in 3ft of snow down the back lanes, thoughtfully pulled over into a side road to let a tractor past coming the other way. Stuck and slid sideways further down the bank. Decided to winch out before it got any worse, put the wife behind the wheel while connected up to a handy telegraph post. Started winching and the wife started waving frantically "just steer thats all you need to do" I shouts. Then it dawned on me the winch was going round but the 90 wasn't moving Censored , 45 degree telegraph pole. Found a suitable tree and made a quick get away. Original Member Pie n Pea Club.
110 HCPU Tipper
Post #170759 25th Sep 2012 1:25pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17646

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
Inigo wrote:
I was at a T-junction, waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out, momentarily distracted by waving at a Defender coming the other way and accidentally engaged reverse instead of first.

Defender driver laughed like a drain as I ploughed backwards, driver in fiesta in the queue behind my, not so amused. Thankfully, I stopped before I hit them.

That's why I like to have reverse lights on a separate switch, not on the gearbox. That way you can flick them on as the lights change and watch the bloke behind panic as you drive off!
Post #170780 25th Sep 2012 2:39pm
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17646

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
When I was at school I once watched one of the teachers (who wasn't particularly well-liked) load a long scaffold board into the back of one of the school's Land-Rovers, an ex-military Series 2 109" soft top. Since the plank was longer than the loadspace and resting on the passenger seat backrest, the front end was close to the windscreen and the back end stuck about 3 feet out at the rear. He then proceeded to do a 3-point turn and whilst doing so reversed up against a wall, pushing the plank straight out through the windscreen. I nearly wet myself laughing!
Post #170781 25th Sep 2012 2:45pm
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d j hutton

Member Since: 30 Jul 2009
Location: Dorset
Posts: 1044

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Orkney Grey
Rolling with laughter

That reminds me of a nice chap I did some work for a few years ago, My price to cut his 20 ft high hedge was a little too much for him, so he bought a nice heavy wooden step ladder from a car boot sale, loaded into his van, emergency stop - through windscreen Thumbs Up

Not deterred by that, whilst having a new one fitted, he set up step ladder, climbed up, one of the treads collapsed and fell, breaking leg.

So I was called in to cut the hedge while he was in plaster, and to dispose of the step ladder.

So Cost
broken leg

rather outweighed the small cost to have the hedge done to start with Mr. Green

DJ 1989 200tdi 90 csw
2011 110 usw Orkney grey

Buy British 🇬🇧

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Post #170785 25th Sep 2012 3:19pm
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Member Since: 07 Jan 2012
Location: Hertfordshire
Posts: 358

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Zambezi Silver
Years ago in I took my S11 to the jet wash after a day in Tong, gave it a good wash, including opening the spare wheel carrier to do the rear door ..... yes as I drove of there was a snatching feeling and I had the whole lance and hose still connected to the Landy Very Happy

An even earlier situation was when I first bought the S11 and it snowed, so I went down the video store to return a video (remember them), well as we all know 109 safaris steam up every window in the cold so you cannot see out, as I was reversing I felt the rear snag on what I thought was the kerb in the snow, so bottom box a few revs and I straigtened up no problem. when I pulled forword it felt like I had just caught somthing, on closer investigation I had damaged the rear corner capping, pulling about 2 inches off, then I saw the Montego estate Embarassed I had taken then entire side out of a brand new Montego Countryman estate Whistle I went into the shop and asked if anyone owned a Montego, but noone responded so I legged it. In the extraordinary event to this day 20 years later I see a green Montego estate I still feel guilty Confused
Post #170927 26th Sep 2012 8:09am
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