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Member Since: 16 Aug 2011
Location: Dolany
Posts: 436

Slovakia 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Bonatti Grey
Land Rover Road Show Brno CZ 21.04.2012
Land Rover Road show Brno 21.04.2012

We went to this event with low expectations, as normally this type of days are pure commercial and not much fun if you’re familiar with the brand. How wrong we were in this case.

The areal is split in different locations, shuttle bus drives you around. (ford transit Rolling Eyes )

First the technical systems, ramp, parking assist, hitching a trailer with air suspension etc Driving done by instructors except for the park assist. Some nice vehicles on display.

Did the park assist with the 3 door evoque and we were surprised how much place there was in the back. Me with 1.86m and a friend of similar length taking front and back seat was absolutely comfortable. Even more legroom in the back than I have in my C class MB.

Then went to the offroad course. The instructors were very capable and knowledgeable, both to experienced drivers as total novices. Greatest attraction for freelander and discovery while the defender was kind of left alone. (which gave us the opportunity to drive it) Funny that the oldest and best instructor was dedicated to the defender and he went way further on the small technical parcours in letting us drive.

The 2.2 doesn’t differ all that much on terrain with the 2.4. Of course a brand new defender is more tight and clean, no rattles and clonks in the driveline etc. But as he admitted also, give it 15 000km and it should be similar.

Disco and RR Sport well impressive on road tires etc but I miss the contact with the terrain. It is isolated driving up there in the nice interior.

The handling course was fun and clearly showed how good all these electronic systems are. We were very surprised and happy with the approach of LR here. Just choose a vehicle and drive to the first corner at about 50km/h and go from there.

We could play and do what we wanted to see what the systems do. No limitations, no slow down or hand-holding pampering. (they send home a group of young guys earlier that day which simply trashed the cars over the cones, while doing a sort of own race. Stupidity is universal.)

The least expectations we had for the track part of the day. Groups of 5 cars of each model make a lap of the GP track with a pace car driven by an instructor.
The surprise being that these instructors really let the ponies run. With the RRSport which we drove first I could not keep up with the instructor driving a D4. This was confirmed afterwards.


RRSport: worst drive, least control and acceleration not all that spectacular. The electronic systems have to kick in way too early and too long to be keep the vehicle on the track. Very disappointed.
FFRR: Faster, better handling and the sound of the V8 absolutely non expected. Soo much better than the RR Sport.

D4: Quiet, smooth but not lazy (feeling 20% better than the D3). Handling lighter than the RR so again a bit faster.

Evoque: Surprise of the day. For this track absolutely the best. Faster than any other. Less intrusion of the electronics so better, quicker and a thrill to drive. Reminded me of trackday I once did when the new mini was out. Comparable, really. And not to forget the sound it makes. Fell in love for a moment

There was also a Defender parked in the paddock. While we were on the offroad session we saw it driving as pace car for the D4’s. (drifting even)
So we asked if that one was available for a track test?
Well, ehm,.. do you have experience with a defender? You know, no ESP this one you can crash. …. Oh you have a 110, so please go ahaid, just go as last one of the group.
Guess we made a first, Puma 110 2.2 Brno track video here:

Click image to enlarge

The defender was only 1 minute slower and driven with care. This makes me wonder how much slower it really would be if all the others also did not have electronic aids.
With the RRsport and FFRR 50% of the track the aids are slowing you down, well… keeping you on the road. You can really drive the whole track with the accelerator floored and just steer as a madman, you’ll be slower but you wont crash. I wonder how many would be able to keep them on the road without the aids.

Great day out and a big Thumbs Up to Land Rover on how they organized this.


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Post #141065 23rd Apr 2012 10:54am
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Great write up Thumbs Up Good fun Very Happy
Post #141068 23rd Apr 2012 11:20am
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Member Since: 16 Aug 2011
Location: Dolany
Posts: 436

Slovakia 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Bonatti Grey
Thanks Zagato.

Forgot to mention that the 2.2 clearly holds revs up longer than the 2.4. Very noticeable on the track and a bit annoying if you're used to the 2.4.

And for those understanding german, I liked the labels on the Red Cross 110. And for a moment really liked the LR slogan they put there:

but then realized it is supposed to go with


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Post #141081 23rd Apr 2012 11:41am
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Peter Td4

Member Since: 23 Oct 2010
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 228

Belgium 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HCPU Santorini Black
Thumbs Up for posting this report.
Must have been a great day out Wink Peter,

Defender 110 StaWa - Td5
Defender 110 HCPU - Puma
Defender 90 Soft Top - Td5
Post #141228 23rd Apr 2012 7:25pm
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