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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Glynparry25 wrote:
22900013A wrote:
Their pay is probably so low they can't afford to buy a new car anyway, so they buy a cheap car which will be foreign. Many people have no choice but to buy what they can afford, and for many, thats not a lot.

I have to question this one as UK is going in the same way as many other 3rd world countries... All these people who drive 'cheaper' cars becaue they can't afford anything else also own:

50" Flatscreen TV in the living room, 22" TV in the dinning area, and a 28" TV in the bedroom.
Iphone 4... but only because it was free.... oh, wait a minute, the contract is 24 months at £50!!
Playstation, Xbox 360 and a Wii.
Sky tv (top package).
DVD, Bu-ray player with surround sound.
Smoke 20 cigretes a day.
£1000 laptop with a broadband internet connection.

Apparently standard of living is the the UK is at an all time low, and people can'tafford heating and food What a load of BCensored. I was going down the route of materialistic goods- like having a new phone every 6-12 months, big tv etc. But after having 6 months of no TV, no mobile phone etc,I suddenly realised that all those things just drain money. I no longer own a TV, DVD, games console etc. My mobile phone is 3 years old on Pay as you go. All I have is a laptop and a Ipod. When we get bored we go somewhere, do something- Heck, I could have a pint every night of the week for a couple of years for the same price as most people pay for their TV!!!

I also think it is a wise move by Land Rover- if anything the vehicle will be made in India, shipped to Solihull and then some overpaid Brummie will say " Adjustall those pannels, they line up and there are no huge gaps!!". I can't remember who said to me many years ago (when I was a boy). Land Rover are designed and developed to be the best vehicle in the world........ then they made the mistake of getting a lazy bunch of underachivers to put it together, lol.

Glyn Dog Sheep

I don't have any of those things - our TV was a freebie, so was our dvd player. No fancy mobile, basic landline package and internet. No luxury goods. I'm debating selling the Defender as we don't need it anymore since I wound my business up, so if that goes there will be no luxury spending left at all. I think you'll find a lot of "common people" get stuff cheap second hand or even free, freecycle can turn up some really nice stuff. As there are no jobs out there now its only going to get worse. I wonder how high the suicide rate will get? 2011 110 USW
1973 Series III 1-Ton
1972 Series III 1-Ton Cherrypicker
1969 IIA 1-Ton
1966 IIA 88"
Post #120108 31st Jan 2012 4:35pm
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Member Since: 21 Feb 2011
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England 2002 Defender 90 Td5 XS CSW Bonatti Grey
Really sorry to hear about the business Dan. Sad
Post #120121 31st Jan 2012 5:22pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
22900013A wrote:
I wonder how high the suicide rate will get?

Bloody Hell. This thread is getting a bit dark Shocked
I wonder if LR realise what they've started... Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #120122 31st Jan 2012 5:22pm
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Airlocker wrote:
Really sorry to hear about the business Dan. Sad

Just one of many, the number of closed down shops and business parks I see is terrifying. 2011 110 USW
1973 Series III 1-Ton
1972 Series III 1-Ton Cherrypicker
1969 IIA 1-Ton
1966 IIA 88"
Post #120126 31st Jan 2012 5:34pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
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Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Sorry too - missed the point a bit (as usual) Rolling Eyes
If I may ask, how "south" are you? Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #120129 31st Jan 2012 5:41pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
Location: Billingshurst West Sussex
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United Kingdom 
What more can anyone expect when our industry is sold off Confused

Our guide on the factory tour still brought up bad memories of when the last closure happened and the amount of people it affected, the whole community closed down Rolling Eyes

I am with the above boys, we bought our first flat screen 6 months ago, our first DVD was given to us a year ago, no fancy phones, gadgets or packages, our only monthly outgoings are £15 a month for the computer Wink It's not what you earn it's how you spend it Wink I look at families with say 80K + incomes that live in very modest houses, because they waste it all all on the latest gadgets, media packages, fast food, eating out where they are ripping you off by 4/5ths, buying lunch instead of not bothering to knock up a sandwich in the morning, ridiculously expensive holidays, loads of unnecessary clothes that never get worn, and new cars that they just accept as a kind of mortgage payment just to keep up with the Joneses. You don't need to spend more than 5K for a decent reliable car. They spend that in interest and depreciation every 2-3 years and get another Rolling Eyes

Again...It's not what you earn, it's how you spend it Wink
Post #120130 31st Jan 2012 5:44pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Embarassed I probably earn "too much" for what I do (I was just lucky) but I had to come to Germany to do it and most of what I earned in the last 10 years has gone on education for 4 kids. Defender is the first new "car" we've had (A2 was a crash-project) Just hope the kids are worth it...

My relatives are all in Colchester and Ipswich and they are all having a really tough time. My wife's sister is working as a teacher's assistant just to pay all the bills and keep her husband's small business from folding (loss every year for at least 4 years). At the other end of the spectrum, my sister's husband is a business journalist (very good one) and they are in the same position Shocked

It's just insane Sad

I have nightmares I'll wake up one day and find myself in the middle of it... Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #120139 31st Jan 2012 5:58pm
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
Location: Oxfordshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
ZeDefender wrote:

I have nightmares I'll wake up one day and find myself in the middle of it...

Now you know what my days are like!

Two things that wind me up - 1) folks blaming the ordinary people for having some luxuries - why shouldn't they have *something*?
Two - the idea that working class british people are lazy and feckless.
Absolute hogwash - the simple fact is there are fewer and fewer jobs out there with each passing day, small businesses folding, massive unemployment. I can't get lorry driving work because there is a glut of unemployed drivers with loads of experience, they get the work, and so do "European" drivers who will work for peanuts.
The other good one is people living beyond their means when they are unemployed. Well the mortgages etc were all bought when they were working! Whats the next step, workhouses? If I could get out of this country I would go tomorrow... 2011 110 USW
1973 Series III 1-Ton
1972 Series III 1-Ton Cherrypicker
1969 IIA 1-Ton
1966 IIA 88"
Post #120147 31st Jan 2012 6:12pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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Nothing to be Embarassed about ZeDefender Thumbs Up It's just people that complain about not having money that can't be bothered to get a job they can do or over spend on unnecessary things Rolling Eyes A high materialistic life style seems to be a prerequisite to live these days Rolling Eyes

My brother in law was earning over a million a year as a barrister after his 3rd year in work, he hasn't been embarrassed about his income, in fact he really enjoys it Rolling with laughter After 15 years of working he now owns 2 house worth 4-5 million is nearly completing putting his 4 kids through private ed (used to cost nearly 200K per year Shocked ) BUT he has always driven around in old bangers, doesn't spend a fortune on holidays etc etc. He has just treated himself and my sister to 2 new BMW's, probably as the mortgages are reaching an end if not now payed off! But are they happy..they still work 14 hour days, my sister is also a barrister but not on anything like her husband! They will just never stop, it's just the way they are and that's how it got them there in the first place. Me..I would retire tomorrow Laughing but then we live off under 35K per year Laughing Eh who's larfin Shocked That's what happens when you work in education and youth work!
Post #120151 31st Jan 2012 6:15pm
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Member Since: 07 Mar 2008
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Australia 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
I'm sorry but why would Tata spend a fortune buying LR in the first place only to destroy it's reputation? It doesn't make any business sense. Plenty of European/global brands have manufacturing centres in other countries (i.e. South Africa, Turkey, Brazil etc) and it doesn't seem to stop people buying their cars. The future is here and I say embrace it. India is a country on the move with a lean, mean and generally motivated workforce, and I wouldn't be surprised if they show the Brits and other Europeans a thing or two over the next decade. At least give it a chance.
Rick. 1998 RR HSE
2007 RRS TDV6
2008 Defender 110
2015 Discovery Sport
Post #120301 1st Feb 2012 11:31am
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2009
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South Africa 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 SW Alpine White
Let's face it, the build quality of LR cannot possibly get any worse Thumbs Up --
2010 Defender Puma 90 + BAS remap + Alive IC + Slickshift + Ashcroft ATB rear
2015 Range Rover Sport V8 Supercharged

Defender Puma Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zZ1en9
Discovery 4 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zXrtKO
Range Rover/Sport L320/L322/L494 Workshop Manual: https://bit.ly/2zc58JQ
Post #120309 1st Feb 2012 12:22pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
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Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Naks wrote:
Let's face it, the build quality of LR cannot possibly get any worse Thumbs Up

I've heard that said of many things...and guess what? Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #120311 1st Feb 2012 12:32pm
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Member Since: 29 Mar 2010
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England 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 SW Alpine White

More news from a reliable source.
I'm looking forward to seeing the reworked face. Paul

Pondering a New 90 Commercial
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* 2014 110 SW JE Stage 2.
*2010 110 Utility. JE Stage 2.
*2007 110 SW
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If its not leaking it ain't full.
Post #123907 14th Feb 2012 5:38pm
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Member Since: 04 Feb 2010
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Portugal 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Keswick Green
"...however, expect significant changes to the front-end appearance and cab interior... "

that's better news... not good, just better... Regards

'10 Land Rover Defender 110 CC
'08 BMW F800GS
'64 SIIA Forward Control
'69 SIIA 109 ZA CKD
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Post #124125 15th Feb 2012 2:15pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom 
Changing the front is the least of it's worries, they need to take the whole thing back to the drawing board Rolling Eyes It's all out of proportion, somebody is just copying bits from other cars...it seems to be a big Mini Confused just looks ridiculous. Go back and do it properly Tata Mad and don't degrade the Defender name by calling it one Confused

At least they are accepting they have made a mistake Wink

Take a good look at this girls and now get your pencils out Very Happy

Out of prortion Mini Cooper anyone Rolling Eyes

Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Mr. Green
Post #124131 15th Feb 2012 2:49pm
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