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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Montalcino Red
Event/Group Buy Sign Up System
Here are the instructions and information about how to use the sign up system, which is currently enabled for the Events and Group Buys forums Smile

Signing up for Events/Group Buys

When you visit the topic for an event or group buy with a sign up form, you will see something like this at the top of the page:

Click image to enlarge

To register, do the following:

  1. Click the button corresponding to the option that you'd like to sign up for

  2. Click the 'here' link to return to the topic or wait a few seconds to be taken there automatically

  3. Your selected option will then show up in the registration list...

  4. ... and as a colour-coded blob and number in the topic summary information in the forum list

  5. To change your sign up option/category, simply click a different button and repeat steps 1 to 3.

  6. To remove yourself from the sign up list completely, click the 'Cancel My Registration' button..

    (new image required)

  7. ... and then the 'here' link or wait a few seconds to return to the topic

Creating a registration form

Create a new topic in the Events or Group Buy forum as normal and then follow these steps to add a sign up form to your topic:

  1. Fill in the subject with the event/group buy name, date etc:

  2. Enter full event/group buy information into the message body, including location, dates, prices etc etc etc Smile

  3. At the bottom of the form is the 'Add a Sign Up' form:

    Click image to enlarge

  4. Tick the 'Activate' option:

  5. Enter the title of the first option in the first text box:

  6. Enter the number of spaces/items available for this option in the box under the Green 'Spaces' title:

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for other options if required:

  8. If you want the registration to close after a certain period of time, enter the number of days, otherwise leave set to 0 or blank:

  9. Finally, click Submit to enter your complete event/group buy into the database Cool

  10. Your registration will then appear in the forum with a summary of the number of signups for each option:

Confirming/deconfirmation a registration

Confirmation is done by the registration creator, not the members signed up.

  1. The registration creator will see a tick box next to each registered member. Click in the tick box to confirm the registration (e.g. when the member has paid and/or sent any required information). A pop-up tip appears so you can check you have the correct member:

  2. Click the link to return to the topic or wait a few seconds:

  3. To remove/cancel a confirmation, click the tick box next to the user (a pop-up tip appears so you can check you have the correct member):

  4. Click the link to return to the topic or wait a few seconds:

  1988 90 Td5 NAS soft top
2015 D90 XS SW
Post #114255 11th Jan 2012 11:35am
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Site Admin

Member Since: 02 Apr 2007
Location: Hook Norton
Posts: 6643

United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Montalcino Red
Hi all, just adding this information as it complements the new Group Buy forum and quite a few of you didn't know it existed!

Martin  1988 90 Td5 NAS soft top
2015 D90 XS SW
Post #114257 11th Jan 2012 11:35am
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