Member Since: 22 May 2010
Location: Guildford
Posts: 2658
Agree with JST
Having spent a number of years setting out and marshalling primarily the RTV section it was good to experience the whole event - at least now i know why we would see so few squaddies at some of the checkpoints
I picked up my navigator, Simon, at 6am and got to the camp at 6.50 to sign in, get the vehicle checked and sort out breakfast and coffee. We were car 2.
18 comptitors in total including Neil W from LRO in the mags 90.
The first stage started at 9am and we were handed an aerial photogragh with a route drawned on it and 30 mins to complete it (or should i say you had to be at your next start point in 30 mins).
It would be fair to say that we royally cocked this up from the start and amassed so many penalties in this section by getting lost that that we managed to hold onto last place for the rest of the day, no doubt others tried but i was not letting anyone take this position from us
Second stage was a scatter and we were late (see above). We could have saved time by signing in and heading straight to section 3 but were determined to give it a bash (i paid the entrance fee and was going to get my monies worth!). We had 40 mins to used an aerial map of a sandpit to look for a number of letter boards. We gave ourselves 30mins to get as many as we could before heading to the next section.
Third stage was orienteering. The map given was vague with numbers on it that had to be followed in sequence and the letters found noted - imagine trying to navigate around an advent calendar and this will give you some idea.
One 90 went nose down into a ditch - as this was a competition no one helped!
Fourth stage, we were given a black and white map with numbers showing where the letter boards would be as well as arrows showing the route to travel, again 30mins to get to the next stage. We cut and run after the 10th marker (total - eighteen) to get to the lunch stop - penalties for lateness was harsher than missing markers.
After lunch we headed off to the start of the RTV. This involved driving 5 sections of 10 gates. We passed this without issue though a friend of mine in the number three car hit a tree stump on a sharp decent and bent his winch bumper and inside wolf wheel rim. Fortunatly he had inner tubes so was able to complete the stage before swapping to the spare.
For the final stage we were told that the route to follow would be made up of first verbal instructions, followed by an aerial map with dots to follow (again noting the letter boards), then following a sketch map (white piece of paper with a line drawn on it) then finally a photocopy of a map with the route to the finish location. Oddly we did quite well here - nothing to do with driving around this area on the first stage under the guise of being completely lost
Prizes were given out to the top three finishers.
No damage done to the car apart from a new selection of go faster stripes down the sides , my navigator and I are still on speaking terms and will be entering for the January event.
It was good to get back to an offroad competion where almost everyone drove in and then home
in the same vehicle. As JST said it was more about brain power and time management skills and it certainly made a great event.
Sorry no pictures as just never had the time - wait for LRO
20th Dec 2011 3:24pm
Member Since: 14 Jan 2008
Location: Taunton
Posts: 8186
markb110 wrote:
Agree with JST
One 90 went nose down into a ditch - as this was a competition no one helped!
errrrrr.. that would be use then!
to be fair my codriver enjoyed getting out to resolve the issue, we have decided nav and driving dont mix for him!Cheers
Member Since: 22 May 2010
Location: Guildford
Posts: 2658
You should have seen us when we were lost - found some very interesting tracks (made i assume by goats) and one long decent that was as wide as the track on the 90 with a two foot deep gully running down the left side with the back end trying to slide into it as the sandy soil was giving way on the way down.
We will have to say hello properly next time so that i can wave when i am left in the ditch next time round
Have a great Xmas James
20th Dec 2011 4:22pm
Member Since: 14 Jan 2008
Location: Taunton
Posts: 8186
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