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Member Since: 12 Dec 2015
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 512

United Kingdom 1989 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Arles Blue
Petrol-Compatible Fuel Gauge Sender
My 90 has now eaten two fuel gauge senders since converting from the diesel Tdi to a petrol RV8. The original lasted about 5k miles and the replacement (a cheapo eBay one) lasted about 2k and now the potentiometer contacts are very intermittent leading to an erratic gauge reading and the whole thing is making a squeaking sound as the float arm moves (it never felt very good quality when it was new tbh).

I have a 1989 90 with the fuel tank under the driver's seat, completely standard setup from the diesel just with the hole for the fuel return blanked off. Can anyone recommend a fuel gauge sender that'll survive being sat in petrol? What sender was used in factory V8s of the time (part number would be v helpful if anyone knows Very Happy )? I run E10 most of the time (I know.. Embarassed)

The second issue I believe is gauge related as it's done it ever since I've owned the car and the issue continued with the new sender - below about 1/3rd of a tank the gauge instantly reads 0. You can find the exact breakpoint on the sender where it trips and if you just move it ever so slightly either side of that mark, the gauge will jump back and forth from 1/3 to 0. I can only assume there's a dead spot in the gauge's magnets/coils? Has anyone experienced this before?

Any help appreciated as always Thumbs Up Matt.

'89 90 CSW with a 3.5 V8 conversion (WIP) - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic46809.html
Post #1042615 12th Aug 2024 8:43pm
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Member Since: 04 Feb 2010
Location: Lambourn
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United Kingdom 1988 Defender 90 V8 Petrol ST Shire Blue
I converted to petrol from diesel 5 years ago on my 1988 Ninety.

Despite cleaning the tank out I got gumming and particle debris in the tank which blocked the gauze filter on the pump.

The original sender had no issues, and didn't react to the fuel change, but to eradicate any legacy issues I replaced the tank and all other parts, including the fuel lines to the engine with E10 compatible hose.

I fitted a OEM sender from Britcar STC1139G, cost £50. (I changed the pump and sender unit on my factory 1989 V8 Ninety 20 years ago and ended up doing the job twice because I fitted cheapo parts - an issue that's probably 10 times worse these days. Hence I always try to buy once / buy well, fit once / move on and enjoy!)

It's the same part for diesel and petrol so you won't be having issues because of the fuel type.

As I recall it did need to be fitted with the float facing towards the back of the tank, if it faces forward it fouls the pump. Be sure to adjust the float so it just/nearly touches the bottom of the empty tank by bending the float arm.

Also there are some other tank senders that will fit, but are too short and don't have the required sweep, so the arm either reads empty with 3rd of a tank or full with 2/3rds.

Not sure about the gauge, not been down that alley personally! JB

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Post #1042638 13th Aug 2024 8:14am
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Member Since: 12 Dec 2015
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 512

United Kingdom 1989 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Arles Blue
Thanks that's really useful info. Sounds like I just need to reach a bit deeper in the pockets and spend the extra for a genuine sender unit.

Think I'll probably end up buying a new gauge too as the dead spot is annoying, especially being at the end of the tank where you're most interested in an accurate fuel reading! Matt.

'89 90 CSW with a 3.5 V8 conversion (WIP) - http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic46809.html
Post #1042661 13th Aug 2024 1:18pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2016
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You buy cheap, you will pay twice buddy, It was the same with me with my VVC conversion, it eat coolant sensors like hell, Bought a genuine one from Rimmer and all was ok. Defender TD5 90 ---/--- Peugeot 306 HDI hatch back

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Post #1042876 16th Aug 2024 12:00am
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