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Member Since: 01 Jun 2010
Location: Worcester
Posts: 1343

Tuesday Funny
We all know how our American cousins like to rub it that they kicked our ass and dumped our tea in the harbour etc, copy below (from a Canadian friend) of a little bit of history you won't hear them banging on about!!

(A) in 1776 it took the US colonies, French, Spanish, Dutch and lots of native Americans to defeat the British. Indeed it was the French General Rochambeau and his specialist French siege troops who gave you your victory at Yorktown that finally settled matters.

(B) In 1812 when the US invaded Canada, captured and burnt the then capital York, which slightly upset the Brits and Canadians, In return we drove the US forces out of Canada, Blockaded the US, completely defeated the Contintental army of the US in just over one hour at Bladensburg, Captured Washington DC, had breakfast in the Whitehouse, burnt the naval yards and Library of Congress. All with little over 4000 troops. Meanwhile the defeated US army fled into Virginia with your President Madison having to chase after them on horseback to try and catch up with his routed army. Only the First Lady Dolly Madison had the bals to stand and fight. You saw over 30 American cities captured by the Brits and Canuks before we returned UNOPPOSED to Canada.

The Germans are indeed very smart people, thats why they originally offered to team up with Britain to conquer the world and share it out between us.

You attack the French yet it was the French in the main who assured your fledging nations independence, huge numbers of French troops fought with your young army, the French Navy fought long and hard against the Royal Navy on your behalf. Even right up to gulf war 1 the French troops were first across the start line into Kuwait.

Oh yes dont forget the Torch landing in Algeria and Morroco and how French troops forced one of the American landing forces to surrender to them.
The french are good brave soldiers, they conquered much of Europe, Not good enough to beat the Brits, but sadly no nation alone has beaten the Brits for hundreds of years. The French bailed you out long before you helped in a minor way to bail them out.

As for the Aussies, Kiwis and Canucks you can only ever hope of aspiring to be half as good as those great folks, Their nations are greatly respected in the world, there people are generally far more loved and respected than us Brits or you American folks. They can travel abroad without having to put Canadian passport covers over their own passports.

As for America and Germany together, two losers dont make one winner I'm afraid, Neither of those nations has ever won a major war on its own, never will either.
As for Vietnam Iran, Somalia etc you lost simple as that you were defeated, whilst you fought and lost in Vietnam the Brits won in Burma, Yemen, Aden, Malaya, Kenya,Falklands etc etc again simple facts. We lost in Ulster cos our politicians betrayed us, but we still lost, we just accept it as a fact.
Post #105167 6th Dec 2011 9:17pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
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Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #105178 6th Dec 2011 9:33pm
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