Member Since: 01 Dec 2021
Location: South West
Posts: 31
2.2 VCV Replacement - Tricky Job!
I have been getting very Smokey (pale) start ups with big clouds of smoke that clear after a few seconds, getting progressively worse over recent months. I’d read it may be the VCV valve at fault. I under stand they are common faults on the 2.4 but not so much on the 2.2. While it may be a relatively simple fix on the 2.4, it’s really fiddly as the manifold is right in the way.
I bought a genuine ford replacement and on the third attempt managed to get the old one out and the new one in!
One of the hardest bits is removing the two electrical connectors as the is very little space to get your fingers in behind to unclip. I used a selection of Allen keys (4mm), some long hex bits and a 1/4” ratchet spanner to get the two bolts undone.
The old valve was pretty crusty, hopefully this is the culprit! Getting the new one fitted is just as fiddly!
Once everything was back together I took her for a test drive, apart from being a bit ?chattery to start with (is this part of the auto relearn procedure) that soon went away and there is much much less smoke on start up with only the tiniest puff and seems a bit more responsive too. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
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Click image to enlarge2013 Baltic Blue 110 Utility Station Wagon XS 2.2
2000 Beige Discovery 2 Td5 GS (Long gone)
1994 Red (various) 90 300tdi CSW (Long gone)
24th Sep 2024 1:03pm
Member Since: 17 Sep 2018
Location: Essex
Posts: 2161
Thanks for posting this topic Ambo_Chris.
If the problem has been cured ( although you still seem to be having the same issue, albeit to a much lesser extent) then it will be the first instance on the forum where the 2.2 VCV was at fault.
Another helpful topic on changing the 2.2 VCV was created by “Timcat” , noting when he changed the vcv it did not cure his issue, which he later diagnosed as a crack in the inlet manifold..
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