Member Since: 14 Feb 2012
Location: Veghel
Posts: 236
DPF - RED warning light issues - update 13-08-2024
Updated 13-08-2024
"permanent" errors indicate te part is end of life. This cannot be soved with a simple OBD reader to reset fault codes.
I had my DPF refurbished. the error staid as the permanent error was written in the ECU and could not be solved with the simple OBD tool. Engine staid in limp mode.
I have bought a more profesional OBD tool with the posibility to reset the DPF in the ECU.
Problem solved within 30 seconds!
Updated 22-7-2024:
Still not on Holyday – thing I have to switch to a smaller Mercedes I am able to borrow ☹
I bought a new OBD reader with regenerate option for Land Rover.
When de DPF light is red - regeneration is not possible anymore!
I took out the DPF this morning, and it was opened and burned clean.
But it back this afternoon and assumed everything would be okay.
It is unfortunately not! But now I ruled out the DPF.
When I remove the messages, after a couple of seconds the MIL light turns orange again and the RED DPF warn light stays red!
Message (From FoultMate – but OBDII reader the same):
I went to my local (official) JLR garage and they did the same with a handtool. Same problem.
They have no time the coming month to fix the problem. They suggest to look at the sensors.
When I look at my OBDII reader it says diesel filter 164% full!
I think this withholds the car to go on..
Is there a way to hard reset the ECU?
The car battery went flat for a long time as did the alarm (now no sound anymore).
I put in a new battery and the imobilizer key fob is working.
Could this be the problem?
Click image to enlarge
The only positive thing was I had a good time with my youngest daughter.. but that changed when we cam back home wid the said news..
Previous question:
Fixed most issues before we can go on holiday... (already 2 days later than planned)
Besides gearbox/transfer box and clutchplate, the bearing of the front diff was broken.. All fixed last week - started to late...
Now due to only start the car past year in my garage and only driving a couple of miles in a year time, my DPF warning light went red and the amber engine light went on and am in Limp mode. So i cannot go on vacation yet.
Diesel in my tank was 1/2 full and a year old too.
I cannot find my OBD2 reader and ordered a new one with DPF reset/regeneration.
But I have questions on forehand. I see on the Land Rover website, when the DPF light is red, the filter is full and you have to go to a dealer.
I see in the OBD documentation when the DPF output reads above 60 grams the filter has to be exchanged.
Anyone faced te same problems? What was your solution?
Last edited by TopQ1967 on 13th Aug 2024 7:15am. Edited 2 times in total
20th Jul 2024 6:43pm
Member Since: 07 Oct 2017
Location: Nantes
Posts: 558
I am not 100% sure but imho the Nanocom can start the controlled regeneration process - if not any JLR reseller can do it (with the Land Rover software).
A few years ago, I had this issue once due to a pressure sensore that came loose. The red light appeared, the sensor was tightend, the controlled regeneration process was started (with Land Rover software) and no issue ever since ...
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