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Member Since: 24 Nov 2022
Location: Paris
Posts: 1204

France 2002 Defender 110 Td5 DCPU Chawton White
Re: Emissions Failure MOT
Chicken Drumstick wrote:
vipergreen wrote:

Tester believes it’s due to the remap as under full throttle it’s gives a heavy Black puff possibly indicating over fuelling.

I would take it elsewhere. The smoke test should not involve full throttle!!!!

For clarity the interweb states:


How to test:

Make sure the engine checks are satisfactory.

Make sure the engine temperature is above 80 degrees centigrade or at its normal operating temperature whichever is lower.

Make sure you’ve removed any oil temperature probes.

Increase the engine speed to around 2,500rpm or half the maximum engine speed - use whichever speed is lower.

Keep the engine at this speed for 30 seconds - this should fully purge the inlet and exhaust system.

Increase the engine speed slowly to maximum engine revolutions (revs) to check that the governor is working properly

Once the engine speed has stabilized or it becomes clear that the governor is not working, release the pedal and allow the engine to return to idle.

Stop the engine and prompt the meter to do a zero check.

Insert the meter fully and securely in line with the gas flow.

Restart the engine.

Following the meter prompts, press down the accelerator pedal quickly and continuously so that the engine reaches full fuel position in less than one second.

Hold the engine at full fuel position until a release prompt is given and immediately release the accelerator pedal.

Allow the engine and any turbochargers to return to idle.

After the first acceleration read the smoke level displayed on the meter.

If the smoke level is above the limit for the vehicle, carry out 2 further accelerations.

If the mean smoke level is still above the limit for the vehicle, carry out further accelerations up to a maximum of 6 in total and read the smoke level display on the meter after each acceleration.

The vehicle has passed the opacity test if any of the following happens:

the first acceleration showed that the smoke level was at 60% or less than the limit for the vehicle
the mean smoke level from the first 3 readings was at or less than the limit for the vehicle
the mean smoke level from any consecutive 3 readings was at or less than the limit for the vehicle

If the smoke levels from the first acceleration were significantly higher than the limit, you can choose to not complete the test.

On vehicles fitted with a diesel particulate filter, also check that no visible smoke is emitted from the exhaust during the metered check.

If the vehicle passes the test, the VTS must keep a readily retrievable record for 3 months. The customer must be provided with a printout of the result if one is requested.

If the vehicle fails the emissions test, a copy of the result print out must be given to the customer. The VTS must keep a readily retrievable record of the result for 3 months.
Retesting a vehicle that failed for smoke emissions

If you retest a vehicle that failed for smoke emissions exceeding the manufacturer’s specified limit using the vehicle plate value, you must retest the vehicle to the same plate value.
Post #999318 9th Jul 2023 12:42pm
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