Member Since: 30 May 2020
Location: Manchester
Posts: 629

Wiper/radio flicker before total power loss - whatsapp vids? | |
Hi everyone.
Just had some work done on my 2010 90 - the steelwork it went in for (galvanising the factory chassis) has been done very well indeed as has all the general LR mechanical assembly. Unfortunately there seems to be an electrical fault which I suspect comes from a missed or loose connection on one of the electrical plugs during reassembly. Its too late to call the garage, so I'll speak to them tomorrow, but in the meantime I'd feel far more confident if I had a good idea of what might have been missed before they come and pick it up.
Here's how it played out:
1) when driving it home, I noticed the radio display flicked on and off quite a few times and (though I can't be certain that I wasn't imagining it) I think the wipers hesitated at the same moment. It was as if the power to both had been interrupted. This issue stopped within a couple of minutes so I proceeded home.
[for info, I was driving with the headlights on, the heater on and the wipers on intermittent. Shortly afterward I pulled in for petrol and it restarted no problem.]
2) when I got home, I turned off the engine... and that was that, it was electrically dead: no dash lights, no interior lights or exterior lights, no alarm and it obviously wouldn't start or turn over. Its as if the battery just wasn't connected. Its too dark to test tonight but I'll check the battery tomorrow - I can't imagine its flat as the headlamps were still on right up until I turned off the engine.
3) this is a minor niggle, but I've noticed that the routing of some of the factory wiring (over/under other pieces of equipment in the engine bay, around the wing-edges) is definitely not the same as it was before it was dismantled. If I was to take some short videos of the wires/cables showing how they're currently routed, is there anyone with a similar aged, factory-standard 2.4 Defender who would be willing to do a matching video on their own car to exchange on Whatsapp so that I can put mine back to how it should be? (obviously will share numbers by PM).
thank you.
25th Oct 2021 6:21pm |
Member Since: 30 May 2020
Location: Manchester
Posts: 629

Sometimes its the simplest things... like the negative battery lead being disconnected. Thought I'd get out the multimeter to make sure the battery wasn't flat, opened the cubby and there is the negative lead sitting loose, but touching the battery post through the tension in the cable.
So it was making just enough of a connection to run it no problem until it got home and was parked on a slope where the cable's just pulled away from the post. I guess that's why the radio and wiper were flinching, I was driving over some rough tarmac at the time.
Sorry about that folks, but thank god its nothing major. In fairness to the garage, I've always had an issue with the terminal posts being fractionally too slim for the clamps - I think it was LRA or Blackwolf who came up with the fix of a slither of copper shim. I guess one has popped off on the drive home.
I'd still like to be able to exchange a couple of whatsapp videos of the engine bay if possible so that I can move the wiring back into the correct position and identify a couple of broken clips.
25th Oct 2021 7:21pm |