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Member Since: 25 Aug 2018
Location: Copenhagen
Posts: 519

Defenders of St Kilda and the Outer Hebrides
Whilst on holiday the other week I was incredibly lucky to bag a trip to St Kilda - double UNESCO world heritage site and booked out for 3 years depending where you depart - on a beautiful day none the less! Shocked For those that don't know, St Kilda is 64 km away from the nearest land. So imagine my shock when Defenders start appearing every which way. I clocked at least 3 of them whilst wondering about the place. Of course in my infinite stupidity I only took photos once I was back on the boat leaving...

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(arse end of a wolf 110 there too)

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(serviced/from the Lixtoll garage that is the sole reason for my Defender addiction - used to pass it as a kid on the way to friends in Oban and it was always my highlight, they had a tracked 110 parked on rocks!!)

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(there's a Defender in there somewhere, I swear)

There was also a dark coloured 110 Double Cab (TD5 by the sounds of climbing the mega steep road), also with a SD roll cage. The tailgate was so incredibly rusty you didn't need the binoculars to see... there was also a Ranger but who gives a toss about them. The MOD are currently building a small base of sorts hence the vehicles.

I'd of taken more Landy photos but all I have is pics of mad rock stacks and geological layering if anyone is interested in that, plus I was hardly sober the entire week. Not an alcoholic, just a recent Uni grad deprived of pubs, clubs, and friends the last year. We also had champagne on the island and shots etc on the boat back with the captains permission. Little was left in the cooler once back Razz

Anyway, back on topic...

There was a steady stream of Defenders coming and going from the camp sites neighbouring our self catering house (although I still camped outside Rolling Eyes). Not sure if any of these are 'ours', if so apologies for my singing on the beach that Tuesday night.

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(the Isle of Barra Beach Hotel's 110. Was conscious of taking the pic with them sitting inside until my friend "stepped in" to use her as an excuse Snigger )

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(ferry terminal at Uig whilst on my way back to the highlands. Has split windows by looks.)

There was heaps more running around the island, just never occured to me to take pics for the forum Embarassed

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As you can see the Isle of Barra is a horrible place and I certainly do not recommend it (don't need another Skye situation)!

Bonus Spot: Clocked this whilst driving to the harbour for our other boat trip to Mingulay to see puffins and other mad rock formations. Knew what it was as soon as we came round the corner - Thunder Child II. Been following its creation for some time.

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She's pretty speedy and casually tanned it past us once out the harbour:

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Some videos of it doing its thang:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc74CsDX5cc Stuart

Cummins 130 Build Thread

58 130 Double Cab HCPU - Cairns Blue
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Post #913160 19th Jul 2021 11:19pm
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 23 May 2007
Location: The Land that time forgot
Posts: 3753

St Kilda is well worth the trip out there if you get the opportunity. There used to be a pub on the army base that welcomed visitors too - The Puff Inn…………. I sailed out there from the Sound of Harris most summers as part of our 3 week summer holiday sailing around the Hebrides. First time I went out there we thought we had really achieved something getting there on a 28ft sailboat but as we anchored in Village Bay we noticed 2 Wayfarer open cockpit dinghies hauled up on the grass with tents rigged beside them………. It turned out that they had sailed out a few days earlier. On one visit we were taken by Land Rover up to the radar dome as they had a supply flight coming out to do a parachute drop of urgent stores from the mainland out with the monthly visit of the landing craft that sailed out from the Clyde. Pangea Green D250 90 HSE with Air Suspension, Off-road Pack, Towing Pack, Black Contrast roof , rear recovery eyes, Front bash plate, Classic flaps all round, extended wheel arch kit and a few bits from PowerfulUK Expel Clear Gloss PPF to come
2020 D240 1st Edition in Pangea Green with Acorn interior. Now gone - old faithful, no mechanical issues whatsoever ever but the leaks and rattles all over the place won’t be missed!
Post #913190 20th Jul 2021 8:46am
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