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Member Since: 30 May 2020
Location: Manchester
Posts: 629

Wheel stud survey - ideal length for HD rims?
Hi everyone.

I have a set of 5 genuine tubeless wolf rims in the garage earmarked for my Puma 90 (currently fitted with Boost alloys.

I am very aware that LR fitted these to the standard wheel studs and simply increased the required torque, that they are perfectly safe and don't need to be lengthened.

That being said, all the hubs are coming off mine soon so I'm planning to fit some extended studs while I'm at it - mainly, I'm ashamed to say for aesthetics. Its unnecessary, but I'm going to do it anyway.

So, as I understand it, there are five different part numbers for wheel studs, but only two sizes:

Part Number Thread x Pitch x Length Model and Chassis Numbers

FRC7577 M16 x 1.5mm x 54mm Defender XD (Wolf), Armoured & Heavy Duty 110/130

FRC6137 M16 x 1.5mm x 39mm Defender to (V) KA930455 (Disc/Drum)

FRC5926 M16 x 1.5mm x 39mm Defender from (V) LA930456 to (V) 2A631135 (Disc/Disc)
(superseded by RUF000020)
Discovery from (V) FA393361 to (V) WA799999

Range Rover Classic from (V) CA to (V) HA610293

Range Rover Classic from (V) JA610294

RUF000020 M16 x 1.5mm x 39mm Defender from (V) 2A631136 (Disc/Disc)

RUF500010 M16 x 1.5mm x 39mm Defender from (V) 7A000001 (Disc/Disc)

We know that the 39mm studs leave a bit of the nut overhanging the studs when fitted with HD rims. And we know that the 54mm FRC7577 studs leave loads of thread exposed (ben hur gets mentioned a lot - was looking at one the other day).

So, I'll either be buying a set of FRC7577s and shortening them a little on the lathe or I'll buy a set from one of the firms that make them (Zeus etc) at exactly the right length.

But what is the right length?

Ideally, I'd be looking for a couple of measurements:

1) if anyone has a standard 90 on standard steel wheels (and also has a pair of verniers), then it would be great to know how much thread is left exposed when the standard nuts are done up tight.

2) then either: a) if anyone has the extended studs and could tell me how much thread is exposed when torqued up or b) if anyone has HD rims fitted to standard studs and could tell me how much of the nut is exposed

... then with the two measurements we can gauge the ideal length of wheel stud to enable wolf rims to fit with a std looking nut/thread so I can either make or buy them.

Appreciate any help on this one. The ideal situation is for me to be able to fit the wolfs, but also to have the ability to revert back to alloys if the mood ever strikes - I suspect that the recess in the alloy wheel nuts would clear the longer studs but won't know until I try.

So, in other words: a universal length wheel stud that will fit standard steels, heavy duty steels (while 'looking' correct) as well as alloys. Looking at the price on the zeus website at £79+vat a set for their custom made mega long 56mm studs, even ordered at a custom length, they might come in at a reasonable price compared to FRC7577s. Once we have the measurements, I'm happy to speak with them about a group buy if anyone else is interested?
Post #907915 15th Jun 2021 10:44am
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Member Since: 30 May 2020
Location: Manchester
Posts: 629

After some advice from another forum, I think I've managed to find a solution to this myself with a cheap off the shelf stud if anyone is interested:

This is what I think to be correct:

Virtually all Defender wheel studs are 39mm long (end to end) - which are the ones that end a couple of mm short when fitting Wolf wheels. The 56mm studs solve the steel wheel issue but are very long - too long to go back to alloy wheels due to the different wheelnut design.

But there is a 45mm stud, which should be perfect - allowing Wolf wheels to fit with a flush nut/stud and still being short enough to allow me to revert back to alloys if the mood strikes.

The part number is FRC6137 - watch this as some people have reported receiving them at 39mm and 45mm - think it depends on the manufacturer. I've just ordered a set of genuine studs and I called and had the distributor measure them at 45mm. I haven't yet measured those on my 2010 90, but I'm assuming that they are 39mm (I'll have egg on my face if they're already 45mm)

Fingers crossed this works when they're fitted!

Here's some photos, the lengths on the ruler aren't massively clear due to the angle but had these lengths verified by the parts suppliers. Both the 45mm and 39mm have the same number of threads, but the distance from the inside of the flange to the start of the first thread seems to be a good 3-4mm longer on FRC6137 (marked the gap on a piece of paper and compared it with the scale on the rule)

FRC6137 45mm studs:

Standard defender 39mm studs:

Extra long 56mm studs
Post #908811 21st Jun 2021 5:36pm
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Post #908815 21st Jun 2021 6:05pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2019
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Malta 2012 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Santorini Black
The length of FRC6137 really is a mystery.
Seen places advertised at 45mm and others at 39/40mm.

I test fitted my wolf style rims on my rear axle (drum brakes) and counted 7 turns until the nut gets tight. That means I have about 10.5mm of nut connection. which is a bit too little for my comfort. My studs are 39mm.

Thoughts of what I could do? 1988 90 Hard Top, 19J Diesel Turbo, Shire Blue - Restoration ongoing
2012 90 CSW, 2.2TDCI, Santorini Black
Post #970136 6th Nov 2022 2:50pm
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