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Member Since: 02 Mar 2021
Location: Cumbria
Posts: 10

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
My 'new' Defender 90
Hi all,

New to the group and already finding the advice and info on here invaluable! Picked up my Puma 2.2 (Dec 2011) Defender 90 XS a few weeks back now and thoroughly enjoying it. It's my everyday car so a few upgrades already completed and a few more planned.

Here's some 'dealer' pics from before I picked it up:

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

The first upgrade was adding raised seat rails (I'm 6ft3). I've driven Landies without these and struggled in the past. I'd describe it as manageable but not comfortable for more than 30 min. These are simply superb and I now fit with (relative) ease. I actually had them added before I collected the car. The second was a plain rear wheel cover as I like the uncluttered look.

Next on the list was the steering wheel. The car came with the original tiller and I don't understand why a designer would specify such a large diameter wheel for such a cramped cockpit! Sorted that with a nice 14" Moto Lita. With the window up I can now turn right as well as left!

Click image to enlarge

The car was a fairly standard spec when it arrived, but was fitted with a nice set of Wipac LED lights and some budget LED headlights. Underneath is pretty clean, with Dinitrol on the main chassis. I plan to have a full treatment later in the summer, but will need to save up to have it done properly!

Everything on the car works, although I may buy some better headlights in the future as the beam pattern is a bit pants. Other than that it has a fabulous service history and only a little over 32k miles. I've therefore been upgrading the security with the usual aftermarket bits and pieces. For obvious reasons I won't elaborate here, but with a few final bits arriving this week I reckon I'll have covered all of the weak spots. One item I will mention is the bonnet hinges. I decided to go for the Optimill ones. Not cheap but really well thought out and go well with the other black bits on the car.

Click image to enlarge

I also sorted the front door hinges with the extra plates:

Click image to enlarge

There is then the most important upgrade of all, the engine! After reading a load of reviews and advice on here I decided on Alive Tuning in Louth and a Stage 1 remap. A lovely hour and a half cross country drive to get there and a far more entertaining drive back. The car is simply transformed. Certainly no sports car, but being able to accelerate up hill in 6th and actually overtake things is fabulous.

Finally, a little Dum Dum in the corners of the front windows to keep out the rain and an imminent stereo upgrade are on the cards. Just putting in a decent single DIN head unit and adding a subwoofer. Until I get round to fitting full soundproofing I see little point in doing much more than that. I'm also working on sorting the towbar. In addition to towing a trailer I also want to attached an old Thule bike rack. I never even thought about that being a problem until I tried to fit it and realised the spare wheel is in the way. Again, some excellent threads on here with some excellent suggestions. I've picked up an old Disco 2 towbar off eBay and, together with a spacer reckon I may have solved the problem. Not had chance to try it yet, but that may be a job for this evening. It will be a bit of a pain swapping between the two tow balls but I don't fancy towing a heavy trailer with a 1" spacer and extended Disco arrangement. I'll let you know how I get on...

Anyway, here it is as of this morning:

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Cheers for now,

Post #889801 8th Mar 2021 10:47am
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Member Since: 12 Jan 2015
Location: North Kent
Posts: 551

United Kingdom 2009 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Very nice! Cheers Don.
Post #889805 8th Mar 2021 11:06am
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Member Since: 02 Mar 2021
Location: Cumbria
Posts: 10

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Orkney Grey
Cheers Don.

Forgot to mention tyres and air con. The tyres have plenty of life left in them but are clearly the original set so coming up to 10 years old (there's a date code on the sidewall). I reckon it's probably best I replace them later in the year. They don't seem to show any obvious degradation or cracking, but I'd feel better with a new set of boots.

The air con works well but the condenser radiator thingy immediately behind the grill is simply a mess. Lots of the zig-zag metalwork between the horizontal pipework is missing or hanging out. Doesn't stop it from working, but clearly not the most efficient radiator in the world. It's on the list...
Post #889817 8th Mar 2021 11:30am
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2015
Location: Devon
Posts: 10896

Welcome and a nice 90 you got there and it's good your enjoying it as your daily Thumbs Up Clayton.

1996 Golf Blue 300Tdi 110 Pick up.
Post #890031 8th Mar 2021 9:54pm
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